Oct 14th-20th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: after several weeks of on & off again rain
it has stopped at least for the time being and we have had several days of
sunshine. We had frost on Monday evening. I understand farmers are busy making
up for lost time in the fields.
St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: St John’s fall festival is
today (Saturday) from 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the church, food, BBQs,
scalloped potatoes, chicken dumpling soup and pie) white elephant, bake, card
sale etc.
Services are being broadcast on the radio on October 15th
at 11 a.m. in memory of Stan Koehntop
Third graders will receive their bibles during services at Kongsvinger
on October. 15th
There will be Affirmation of faith statements by the
Confirmands on October 25th at 7 p.m. at Kongsvinger. Confirmation
services will be held during joint services on October 29th at 10 a.m. at
Gslc news: Fall VBS is on Wednesday afternoons from 3:45-5 p.m.
(except on the 18th) though November 1st
A 3 part adult Ed on Martian Luther continues through October
after coffee fellowship
A celebration of 500th anniversary of the
reformation will be held on November 1st at 7 p.m. at the church
Other church news: Glacial Ridge Women of the ELCA Fall
Gathering at Faith Lutheran Church, Morris Tuesday, October 24th, Registration
begins at 4:30p.m.
Registration fee is $8.00 Light supper at 5:00 p.m.;
followed by the meeting—in the Fellowship Hall Program in the Sanctuary at 7:00p.m.
The program is Martin Luther as portrayed by Rev. Larry Strenge. This is the
500th Anniversary of the Reformation, Ephesians 2:8 “For it is by God’s grace
that you have been saved through Faith.”
In-kind offering gifts go to the Stevens County Food Shelf (canned
food goods, toiletry items and cash donations)
Also today (Saturday) Our Savior's Lutheran church, Chokio,
fall bake sale, silent auction, and raffle will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Coffee and goodies served all morning. A soup and sandwich lunch will be served
and at Zion Lutheran church, Morris, a fall bazaar will be held from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. Coffee and homemade baked goods in the morning; Soup and BBQs at noon.
Bake sale, produce, plants, crafts, white elephants, and silent auction items.
Reformation Celebration
on October 29th at 2:00pm at first-Morris Come and celebration the 500th
anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation with songs and readings that will
illuminated and celebrate this historical event in our Lutheran heritage.
Herman UMC Ham Dinner is October 15th from 11am – 1pm.;
Adults $10.00 and Children 5-10 $5.00. Full Ham Dinner with Homemade Pies! Also, there will be a theme basket Silent
~Missionary Mozart Adevu to Speak at Federated Church
October 22nd at 7pm. Mozart is returning
to tell us about his position as the Africa regional coordinator for the
Sustainable Agriculture and Development Program for UMCOR, and what has
happened in the past 2 years since his last visit! A Small Reception to follow, a freewill
offering will be taken to support his ministry.
The Youth group will be hosting a breakfast to benefit the
hurricane victims on October 15th, after the 9 am mass at assumption-Morris
Community news: On October 23rd the bookmobile
will be in town on Main St. from 3:30-3:45 p.m.
The firemen will meet on October 16th at 7 pm at
the fire hall
Alexandra's miracle mission’s 2nd annual 5/2 K
run/walk today (Saturday) starting at 8 a.m. at Pomme de Park’s main shelter
near Morris
Donnelly youth club will meet on October. 18th at
4 p.m. at St. John’s
Death notices: Mary and Harvey Flaten of Hancock passed away
on September. 14th and October 6th survivors include their nephew
Walt (Kathi) biesterfeld and family of Donnelly
Chad Hildebrand of Herman passed away on Oct. 9th survivors
include his cousin Dave Hildebrand of Herman formerly of donnelly
Donnelly community club had our final meeting of the year on
October 9th as we discussed the past year and looked ahead to next year
it was announced that the community Halloween party will be held on October. 28th
starting at 1 p.m., time and date for Santa days will be announced later
Rockin c ranch rural Donnelly will have pumpkin days on
October 21st and 22nd from noon to 5 pm both days tickets
available at the gate
Tiger cc Benson meet boys 4th girls 3rd Isabel
Fymboh 27th Micah aanenurd 32nd
Former Donnelly resident Dani Lesmeister received two awards
at the leading age annual meeting in Brainerd recently for her work with St.
Francis Health services of Morris: one of the 50 for the next 50 and was also given
the 2017 spirit of advocacy award
Islande Speer is a member of the Tiger VB team that finished
3rd in the mn showcase tournament in Burnsville recently and 2nd
in the Alex tourney on Saturday.
Past wk. st co gen soc. mtg at the museum, visit to my aunt pearl,
tiger homecoming parade and game, dean Olson visitation and funeral at gslc (w/Eystad’s);
Steve Larson double darts tournament at place to be in Donnelly, helped
celebrate Jim Eystad’s birthday during coffee fellowship at gslc, someplace
pancake breakfast at Old#1 Southside, respect life banquet at Morris e free church.
Donnelly community club mtg at community hall-Donnelly, BBB met lounge Morris