Tuesday, November 21, 2017

donnelly news

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. This being thanksgiving week I want to say Manga Takk to all my loyal readers out there
Weather news: temperatures have not been too bad for this time of the year, most farmers are done picking corn and with their fall fieldwork
St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Thank offering service presented by the WELCA women of the parish at both services on November 26th, no s.s. 

Klcw advent brunch on December 3rd following services at Kongsvinger about 9:30 a.m., meet at the parish hall, all men and women are welcome
St John’s WELCA Christmas celebration is on December 5th at 1:30 p.m.
St. John’s and Kongsvinger will be providing Hat and Mitten trees – for Toys for Tots and scarves, hats and mittens, for those in need, during the last week in November and the first two weeks of December. Be watching for more information coming soon.
November is also food shelf month in the parish
ST. John's, is sponsoring a "where's the beef dinner?" raffle. Drawing will be held December 3rd at 10:30 a.m. at St. John's Church
KONGSVINGER POINSETTIA GARDEN - We are changing things up a bit for our Memorial Garden this year. We will have our Garden displayed throughout the Advent season. There is a signup sheet in the narthex for you to order your poinsettia and add your memorial information. The cost will be $12.50 per plant-payable to Kongsvinger KLCW. Deadline to order is Sunday, November 26. You are welcome to take your plant home after the Christmas season.
ST. JOHN’S POINSETTIA GARDEN - We are changing things up a bit for our Memorial Garden this year. We will have our white displayed for the first Sunday of Advent and all of our poinsettias displayed throughout the rest of the Advent season. There is a signup sheet in the narthex for you to order your poinsettia and add your memorial information. The cost will be $12.50 per plant. Deadline to order is Sunday, November 26. You are welcome to take your plant home after the Christmas season.
ADVENT WREATH READERS/LIGHTERS: We are looking for families/couples/individuals from both congregations willing to read a short prayer and light the Advent Wreath one Sunday during Advent. Dates are December 3, 10, 17, and 24. Please contact the Parish Office if you are willing to help us out at 320-246-3211
On November 26th advent decorating will take place at Kongsvinger following services and at St. John’s following services and a potluck dinner afterwards
Alex Winther was baptized on November 19th at Kongsvinger parents are Rayn and Jill
Gslc news: advent services start November 29th at 7 p.m.
Other church news:
Herman red hats Christmas party December 4 at 9 a.m. at AJ'S in Herman
Pedersen funeral home time to remember is on December 3rd at 2 p.m.
On December 2nd the Stevens county historical society annual holiday open house at the museum and the Senior citizen’s annual bazar at the Morris sr. center will be held ,both starting at 9 a.m.
The Stevens county genealogical society will meet at library on December 7th at 1:30 p.m.
Ryan Winther benefit at Herman community center on December 2 4-7 p.m. He has cancer, his wife is Jill (Thompson) her grandparents are Glen and Gertie Werk of Donnelly
Open house baby shower for baby Livengood! December 2nd 9 a.m. -12 p.m. Faith Lutheran Morris Kody and Alisha (Roske) Livengood are the expectant parents. Her parents are Russell Roske of Donnelly and Holly Riley. She is a former Donnelly area resident
Death notice:
Congratulations to former Donnelly resident Danielle Lesmeister, at being named CEO of Prairie
Ridge medical associates in Morris and Elbow Lake
Threshing bee royalty were part of the parade of lights in Morris on November 16th
Past wk. open houses at Rentz agency, Willie’s sv. B inspired dfd bingo, harvest festival at Kongsvinger, annual mtg and bible study at Gs w/Eystads.
Reminder for the latest news, visit my Donnelly news fb page

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