Thursday, October 6, 2016

donnelly news

October 8th-14th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news

Weather news except for a cool, rainy day, on Tuesday, it has been fairly pleasant and mild the past week.  Looks like most farmers have their beans out, some corn harvest has started, little too wet yet to do much yet I guess

St. John’s Kongsvinger news:  installation of Sunday school teachers will take place on October 9th at both services; all teachers and subs should plan to attend

 ST. JOHN’S FALL FEST will be held on Saturday, October 15; from 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

St. John’s Kongsvinger youth group meets on October 19th from 4-6 p.m. at ST. John’s

Good Shepherd news:  New member Sunday will be October 30th, if interested in joining the church talk to Pr Mike Hanson

These events take place on today (Saturday): FALL BAZAAR at Zion Lutheran Church, Morris from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; FALL BAKE SALE at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Chokio, Silent auction and raffle from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Glacial Ridge Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church fall gathering will be held at Trinity-Clinton October 10th beginning with registration at 4:30 p.m. and meal at 5 p.m. Tickets available at the door

Fall family dinner at United Methodist-Herman October 16th 11a.m. 1 p.m.

The movie “WHERE LUTHER WALKED” will be shown on October 30th at 10:40 a.m. at First Lutheran-Morris,

 October 10, 7:00 p.m. at Federated Church, Morris, Musician and singer Tony DeBlois who was born weighing 1#, ¾ oz, is blind, autistic and has Savant Syndrome has been playing piano since the age of 2. His independent attitude is an inspiration to all who meet him. Reception will follow the free concert

Death notice: Vera Kill of Morris passed away on Sept 28th survivors include her son Doug (Peggy Kopel) Peggy is a former Donnelly are resident

Former Donnelly area resident Ken Pedersen of Alex passed away on Sept 30th he and his brother (Merrill) owned and operated the funeral home in Morris for many years

On October 10th the bookmobile will be in town on Main St. from 3:45- 4 p.m., and at 7 p.m. the firemen will meet at the fire hall and The Donnelly community club will meet at the community hall, this will probably be our last meeting of the year

October 17th the Morris area school board will meet at 7 p.m. in the Donnelly hall

Rockin C Horse farm pumpkin days October 15 (10-5) and October. 16th (noon to 5 p.m.) at the ranch 7 miles west of Donnelly on 150th st

There will be an open house 90th birthday party for Opal Harstad at her apartment in the Green river apts. October 9th from 1-3 p.m.

Kirby Sayles and Alissa Melberg are happy to announce their engagement. Alissa is the daughter of Penny Melberg and Keith Wetzel and Jay and Laurie Melberg. Her grandparents are Audrey and Nancy Henrichs from Donnelly

POST NUPTIAL WEDDING SHOWER for Justin and Alina Janachovsky will be held on October 22nd, from 10:00 a.m. until noon at St. John’s Church in Donnelly. Couple is registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Home Depot. Everyone is welcome!

Celebrations: Tiger cross country: Little Croix meet; boys (8th) JV Micah Aanerud (59th); girls; JV Savanah Aanerud (first) Auddy Sperr (20th) JH Isabel Fynboh (15th) Milaca Mega meet girls (10th) Savanah Aanerud (45th )JV Auddy Sperr (205th) boys (20th) 10th grade Micah Aanerud (280th )  Kellen Erdahl (352nd) Ortonville invite boys and girls( 1s)t Savanah Aanerud (3rd) Auddy Speer (14th) Jv Isabel Fynboh (1st) boys: Micah Aanerud (21st )Kellen Erdahl ( 43rd)

Brooke Gillespie was part of the Tiger Volleyball team that took 7th place at the class AA showcase in Burnsville on September 23rd and 24th, her mother Judy is an assistant coach for the team

Congratulations to former Donnelly area resident Dorothy Speer who celebrated her 100th birthday on September 20th she is the third former Donnelly area resident to reach that status this year.

The Threshing Bee royalty were part of the tiger homecoming parade on Sept. 30th

After our a.m. Bible study at Good Shepherd Lutheran church on October 4th we enjoyed cake and coffee to celebrate Jim Eystad’s birthday which was Oct 5th

Past week: tiger homecoming parade and game 4-h awards program someplace safe pancake breakfast, respect for life banquet evangelism cmte mtg at Gs Trinity Lutheran church-Alberta fund raiser at pizza ranch Morris

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