Friday, October 14, 2016

donnelly news

October 15th-21st
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Correction there will be no school board meeting in Donnelly at least for this school year

Weather news cooler days and nights are a reminder that is fall.  Most farmers in the area are done with beans some corn has been picked but think it needs to dry out more before too much more can be done
St. John’s Kongsvinger news: ST. JOHN’S fall fest will be held today Saturday; from 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Our services will be broadcast on the radio on October`6th at 11 a.m. in memory of Bruce Erdahl by Sue Erdahl Nelson and family

Good Shepherd news:  New member Sunday will be October 30th, if interested in joining the church talk to Pr Mike Hanson
“A man called Luther” will be a five part Adult Ed course starting on October 30th

Fall family dinner at United Methodist-Herman October 16th 11a.m. 1 p.m.
The movie “Where Luther Walked” will be shown on October 30th at 10:40 a.m. at First Lutheran-Morris,
Rev Fran Hill will be installed as the new pastor at St John’s –Starbuck on October 16th starting with services at 10:45 a.m. followed by a potluck dinner
Trick or trunk will be held at federated church Morris on October. 31st from 5-7 p.m.
Death notice: Margret Hoffard of Wahpeton, ND passed away on Sept 29th; survivors include her son Cliff (Betty) Johnson of Donnelly
On October 24th the bookmobile will be in town on Main St. from 3:45- 4 p.m.,
Donnelly area youth group will meet on October 19th at St. John’s –Donnelly; it will be a Halloween party

Rockin C horse farm pumpkin days October 15 (10-5) and October 16th (noon to 5 p.m.) at the farm 7 miles west of Donnelly. Last event of the year
Post nuptial wedding shower for Justin and Alina (Lena) Janachovsky will be held on October 22nd, from 10:00 a.m. until noon at St. John’s Church in Donnelly. Couple is registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Home Depot. Everyone is welcome!  His parents are Mark and Karen Janachovsky grandfather is Milfred Kaehler
There will be an open house baby shower for Jessica (Nohl) and Taylor Witt at the Morris Evangelical Free church on October. 22nd from 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. her parents are Tracy (Loge) and Ray Nohl
On October 17th at 7 p.m.; the Donnelly community club (rescheduled from October. 10th) and the firemen will meet at the community hall and fire hall

Celebrations: In the past several weeks the tiger cc has competed in the Little Crow, Milca mega meet, Ortonville ;Sauck Center  and Benson invitational with both the girls and boys finishing in the top 10 in all of them ;Savanah and Micah Aanerud, Auddy Speer, Kalen Erdahl: Isabel Fynboh are Donnelly area members of those teams. See my blog ( for individual results

Brooke Gillespie was part of the Tiger Volleyball team that took 7th place at the class AA showcase in Burnsville on September 23rd and 24th, her mother Judy is an assistant coach for the team .They also won the Sauk Rapids tournament last weekend
The eight grade volleyball team won its own invite recently; Castalia kill and Courtney Lehman were members of that team
Fire prevention poster winners: St. Mary’s 4th-5th Drew Huebner 3rd K-1st gr. Britany Woodke 3rd gr.
Wilkin –Stevens County 4-h judging team competed in the MN. State 4-h hose judging competition they place 9th as a team and will represent the state at the Arabian national youth judging completion in Tulsa Ok.; in October  Savanah Aanerud was a member of that team she finished 14th in oral reasons; 30th overall
The threshing bee royalty were part of the tiger homecoming parade on Sept. 30th
After our a.m. Bible study at Good Shepherd Lutheran church on October 4th we enjoyed cake and coffee to celebrate Jim Eystad’s birthday which was October 5th
Just a reminder that on occasion when my column does not get in the paper you can read it here

It has been a while since I have shared my contact info ph. 585-6435 288-8692 snail mail 11 e 9th st Morris mn 56267 I am also on fb

Past week: ken Pedersen visitation and funeral Zion Lutheran fall fest, opal harstad b party, Hesse visitation, visit to my aunt Perl A Anderson in her apt., mccl fall tour in Benson

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