Thursday, September 29, 2016

donnelly news

October 1-7th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news

Weather news: shortened days and cooler nights are a vivid reminder that fall is here.  Bean harvest is in full swing have not seen any corn picked yet

St. John’s Kongsvinger news: The regular schedule with services at 8:30 a.m. (St. John’s); 11 a.m. (Kongsvinger) joint Sunday school at Kongsvinger at 9:45 a.m. and coffee fellowship at St. John’s following services will continue until further notice

ST. JOHN’S FALL FEST will be held on Saturday, October 15; from 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Workday is Friday, October 14, beginning at 9:00 a.m. There will be lunch served, along with a raffle (featuring a homemade denim quilt and other items), a bake sale, crafts, white elephant, and greeting cards. Everyone is welcome.

St. John’s Kongsvinger youth group meets on October 19th from 4-6 p.m. at ST. John’s

Good Shepherd news:  New member Sunday will be October 30th, if interested in joining the church talk to Pr Mike Hanson

Other church news: tip night at the pizza ranch for Trinity Lutheran-Alberta on October. 3rd from 5-8 p.m. raising money for improvements to the church

These events take place on October 8th: FALL BAZAAR, Zion Lutheran Church, 315 S Columbia Ave, Morris from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Coffee and homemade baked goods at 9 a.m. Soup and BBQ's at noon. There will be a Bake sale, produce, plants, white elephants and miscellaneous. FALL BAKE SALE at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Chokio. Silent auction and raffle from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Coffee and Goodies served all morning. Lunch will be soup and sandwiches.

The Glacial Ridge Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church fall gathering will be held at Trinity-Clinton October 10th beginning with registration at 4:30 p.m. and meal at 5 p.m. program by Louise Fery and Pr. Jennifer Thul.  Tickets available at the door

Fall family dinner at United Methodist-Herman October 16th 11a.m. 1 p.m.

Death notice: Ione Lange of Morris passed away on September 22nd. Survivors include her sons Kedon of Morris and Kermit of Alberta; they are part of our threshing bee “family”

Pauline Hobron of sparks Nevada passed away on September 21 survivors include her nephew Dick (Linda) Wente of Donnelly and niece Diane (Wally) Kill of Morris and their families

Former Donnelly resident Alan Bouressa of Rice MN passed away on September 23rd survivors include his nephew Darin (Amy) Bouressa of Donnelly and other family members in the Donnelly area

RUSC Kinship fall festival is on October 7th at Eastside Park –Morris from 4-6 p.m., they are still looking for groups and/or individuals willing to help out with the event

Options for Women’s annual Italian dinner will be held at the Evangelical Free Church in Morris on October 2nd with dinner and program at 5:30 p.m. ;free will donation

The city council and Rendsville 4-H will meet on October 3rd at 7 p.m. at the community hall and St. John’s in Donnelly.

The Stevens County Genealogical society will meet on October 6th at 1:30p.m.; at the Morris Public Library

On October 10th the bookmobile will be in town on Main St. from 3:45- 4 p.m., and at 7 p.m. the firemen will meet at the fire hall and The Donnelly community club will meet at the community hall, this will probably be our last meeting of the year

October 17th the Morris area school board will meet at 7 p.m. in the Donnelly hall

Pancake breakfast to benefit Someplace Safe on October 2nd from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Old # 1 Southside Morris tickets available at the door

Rockin C horse farm pumpkin days October 15 (10-5) and October. 16th (noon to 5 p.m.) at the ranch 7 miles west of Donnelly on 150th st

Celebrations: Tiger cross country: Little Croix meet; boys (8th) JV Micah Aanerud (59th); girls; JV Savanah Aanerud (first) Auddy Sperr (20th) JH Isabel Fynboh (15th) Milaca Mega meet girls (10th) Savanah Aanerud (45th )JV Auddy Sperr (205th) boys (20th) 10th grade Micah Aanerud (280th )  Kallen Erdahl (352th) Ortonville invite boys and girls( 1s)t Savanah Aanerud (3rd) Auddy Speer (14th) Jv Isabel Fynboh (1st) boys: Micah Aanerud (21st )Kellen Erdahl ( 43rd)

Wyatt Vara was crowned Morris Area H.S. homecoming king on September 26th

Brooke Gillespie was part of the Tiger Volleyball team that took 7th place at the class AA showcase in Burnsville on September 23rd and 24th, her mother Judy is an assistant coach for the team
September 19th Jerry and Joan Kopacek along with Helen Kill were part of the Honor Guard at Osakis that greeted National VFW President Colette Bishop, who was touring MN.

Past week crazy cousins sale, bbb at met co rep. executive cmte mtg at library, Lange visitation at Pedersen funeral home

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