Thursday, September 22, 2016

donnelly news

September 24th-30th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: I was out of town most of last week so I do not really know much about the weather around here, in Albany they had some heavy rains on Thursday and Friday, bean harvest is full force in the area
St. John’s Kongsvinger news: The regular schedule starts on September 25th with services at 8:30 a.m. (St. John’s); 11 a.m. (Kongsvinger) and joint Sunday school at Kongsvinger at 9:45 a.m. coffee fellowship at St. John’s following services
 On September 25th please bring fresh garden produce or non-perishable food items for the food shelf as part of MN food share’s “Pack the Pews” Sunday

Good Shepherd news:  New member Sunday will be October 30th, if interested in joining the church talk to Pr Mike Hanson
Other church news: none
Death notice: Lori Boehmlehner of Wheaton passed away on September 6th survivors include her uncle and aunt, Ed and Lou Kopel and their family and many other cousins in the Donnelly area
Janice Kroc of Barrett passed away on September.15th survivors include her daughter Angie (Merlyn) Schwartz of Donnelly,
RUSC Kinship fall festival is on October 7th at Eastside Park –Morris from 4-6 p.m., they are still looking for groups and/or individuals willing to help out with the event
Options for Women’s annual Italian dinner will be held at the Evangelical Free Church in Morris on October 2nd with dinner and program at 5:30 p.m. ;free will donation
The city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet on October 3rd at 7 p.m. at the community hall and St. John’s in Donnelly.
The Stevens county Genealogical society will meet on October 6th at 1:30p.m. at the Morris public library
Pancake breakfast to benefit Someplace Safe on October 2nd from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Old # 1 Southside Morris tickets available at the door
Celebrations: Sue Nelson of Donnelly (Pr. Mike’s Nelson wife) is the new music teacher in Hancock
Desmond Scott Burrow was born on September 19, at Stevens Community Medical Center in Morris to James and Jenalenae Burrow of Morris. Grandparents are Scott and Beth Heinrich from Morris and Daniel and Jean Burrow of Rochester, Minnesota. Great-grandmother is Lillian Heinrich from Morris.
Savanah Aanerud recently participated in the state 4-h horse show in the cities. She placed in the top 5 in all the classes she participated in down there; she also won purple for her home environment exhibit at the fair itself
Jonna Moser had the grand champion 4-h Limousin Heifer at the MN state fair  Justus Moser had the Reserve Champion Market Beef Showperson Intermediate Division
The threshing bee royalty were part of the Applefest parade in Appleton on September 18th
 A good crowd was on hand at Kongsvinger on September. 18th for the 140th anniversary celebration of Kongsvinger; my confirmation pastor; Rev Jim Hecker was among those that attended the event. In conjunction with the event, coffee mugs, cookbooks, Kongsvinger Quartet CD’s and history books were for sale. If you missed the event but would like to purchase any of these items call the parish office at 246-3211
Past week Big Iron Farm show West Fargo ND; Stearns county pioneer show Albany; Inga Mae Urke birthday party in starbuck; sons of Norway organ concert at first Lutheran –Morris, BBB at met lounge

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