Wednesday, June 12, 2013

gs summer newsletter

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
PO Box 671 Morris, MN 56267
Pastor Michael Hanson
June, July, August 2013 Newsletter
“We are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14
God’s Word declares this wonderful news that we were created and made by Him. God takes joy in creating and giv
ing life. It’s his specialty, and what he loves todo best. And yet, as we look around the world andwithin ourselves----
we see a world that disregards the good works of His hands. This is so shockingly evident in the practice of abortion.
As Christians we cannot remain silent concerning the evil of abortion. Christ has commanded us to love our neighbor
as ourselves, and that includes our neighbor in thewomb. We cannot remain silent as so many little ones are being
executed in the womb. Abortion is murder, make no mistake about it, and since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 there have been
more than some 50 million abortions in our country alone.
50 million homicides! That’s horrendous! It’s the mark of an old and broken world---a world under the bondage of
the sin, death, and the devil. As Christians let’srenounce this way of death and speak out against abortion, urging
those who have bought the lie of the pro-choice movement to change their minds and repent.
Abortion is incompatible with God’s holy word. And this is true not only because it is against God’sholy law, but
also because abortion is an attack on the ministry of the gospel itself. Jesus has commanded us to “make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:19).
The little ones are not to be killed, they are madeto be born and to be among those found in the nations to be saved;
born to be sought out and made disciples by the second birth through baptism into his promise and name. Jesus loves
the little children!  “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for such is the kingdom of God.
(Matthew 19:14).
So as Christians we are bound to speak out against abortion. And we are called to speak out and support life. We are
called to uphold mothers and fathers, encouraging them as parents in a world that does not cherish theprecious call
ings of parenthood. We are called to care for the family, and especially mothers to be. And we alsomust be ready to
comfort the millions of hurting women and men who have consented to abortion—who bear the hurts and sins of abor
tion in their hearts and consciences even now. We have good news to tell, just as we do for any sinner, and that is the
word of the forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name.
We do lament and grieve over those who have been aborted, and those who will be. We lament neighbors that we will
never meet, people that we will never have the opportunity to know and to cherish, to love and to serve. And yet, as
we grieve we do not grieve as those who have no hope. We look to Jesus Christ and hear the word of his gospel---
hearing the news that Jesus was born, he was crucified, and on the third day raised. And in rising, now he promises us
his new kingdom---the resurrection and the life of the world to come; a new world where there will be no more tears,
sins, devil, and no more death, and that also means--- no more abortion. Abortion will be forever overturned in the
kingdom of God. God will abort abortion. It will have no place in His future. He’s making all things new! We ea
gerly await that kingdom of life and we boldly pray, let thy kingdom come. “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” Amen.
In Christ,
Pastor Michael Hanson

To the choir for
The past year.
See you all in
From the Financial Secretary
Regular offering for May $116,950.00
Coffee    228.00
Sunday School   37.64
Building    105.00
 Youth   7.00
Youth Breakfast  631.76
The offering at the Memorial Service in
remembrance of those affected by abor
tion was $400. $200. was sent to the
Morris Life Pregnancy Center and
$200 was sent to Lutherans for Life.
The May Food Shelf collection was a
total of 60 pounds! Thanks to all who
donated. Remember June 2nd is Food
Shelf Sunday at Good Shepherd.
The Evangelism committee wants to give a big
“THANK YOU” to all who have volunteered to
provide treats after services. This always enhances our very enjoyable fellowship time and it
is appreciated. For those who wish to volunteer,
the available Sundays are listed on a signup
sheet on the back table in the hallway.
We received a thank you
from the Courage Cottage
for our coffee monthly donation
This newsletter will cover the
months of June, July and August. You will receive an
email regarding ushering,
greeting, reading, acolyte and
communion servers for July
and August. Thank you to all
who help.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans,
Good Shepherd
Will donate up to $75. each for our youth for summer
A transfer of $1,210. has been made to the building
A Communion Chalice was purchased for $490.
Please advise Joan Bruer, Don Kill or Clarice Dieter of
any needs.
Our June coffee money will go to the Relay for Life for
Cancer research.
The June Mission of the Month is the New Hope India Mission, a ministry of KK Alavi. We at Good Shepherd were
blessed to have Pastor Alavi visit us in April and hear his testimony. Please pray for this important ministry which is bring
ing the message of the love of Christ to Muslims in India.
The Evangelism is still collecting your Christian
literature for the Intl Christian Literature Association. Please give any new or slightly used Christian reading materials to Virene during the month
of June. These materials will eventually be sent
internationally to those in need.
The Morris Life Care Pregnancy Center Baby
Bottle Fundraiser will end on June 23. You
may bring the bottles back and there will be a
box in Pastor's office in which to place them.
Thank you and God Bless!!
End of year Sunday School Potluck picnic at the Park
Sunday, June 2 at Green River Park in Morris.
Potluck lunch at the shelter at 11:00 with games and activities to follow. Bring baseball bats, gloves, balls or any thing that would be a fun outdoor activity.
Everyone is welcome!!
Monday June 10th 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Explorer Vacation Bible School at Lutheran Island
Bible camp. This is for ages 5-12. The students will
enjoy lots of activities, Bible lesson time, a picnic lunch,
swimming, singing, canteen & more. We will meet &
carpool from the church that morning.
Cost is $15. Sign up on the Bulletin Board.
On Friday June 14th a trip is planned to Valley Fair.
We need at least 15 people to get the special price of
$25.50 per person. We are hoping that there are enough
people willing to drive there as well. Parking is $12.00
per vehicle. We are planning on meeting at the front
gate at 10 am. Food is very expensive in the park,so
people may want to bring their own lunch & eat in the
picnic area.
Grades 7-12 are encouraged to sign up for
Reverse Thinking, August 16-18 (a weekend for youth at Lutheran Island Bible
“The world promotes reverse thinking, encouraging us to do the things we shouldn’t
while telling us that the things we should be
doing are wrong.”
Join other youth in this special end of the
year event. Guest speakers will include internationally known speaker Pam Stenzel,
Creationist Brian Young and others.
Cost is $70. Sign up on the Bulletin Board.
Summer activities for our youth.
You may sign up for all these activities on our bulletin board in church.
A few students are already signed up to go
to Lutheran Island Bible camp for
“classic camp” for the week of July 21-26.
This is for ages 8-10. Check to see if there
is still time for others to sign up.
Vacation Bible School at Good Shepherd
is planned for every Wednesday in August (7, 14, 21, & 28), 6-8 p.m. A light
supper will be served each night. Our
theme is “Tell it on the Mountain”.
The 28th we will be participating in Feed
My Starving Children by helping to fill
meal packages. Watch for more information.

June 2
Ushers: Jack Fuchs, Gordon Hovendick, Orville Koosman, Bob Libbon
Greeters: Ken & Diane Lesmeister
Reader: Irene Hovendick
Acolyte: Courtney Johnson
June 9
Ushers: Les Cin, Warren Schoenherr, Dale Hagusteun, Jerry Bahr
Greeters: Caleb & Wendy Luthi
Reader: Reed Peterson
Acolyte: Nicholas Boots
Communion Servers: Peggy Christianson, Deb Koehntop, Bob Libbon,
June 16
Ushers: Jon Ahrndt, Dennis Solvie, Ken Lesmeister,Kevin Braaten
Greeters: Ken & Ardyce Johnson
Reader: Dale Hagusteun
Acolyte: Jake Anderson
June 23
Ushers: Don Kill, Dean Olson, Gordon Hovendick, Howard Jaeck
Greeters: Kevin & Leila Braaten
Reader: JoAnn Olson
Acolyte: Jacob Grunklee
Communion: JoAnn Olson, Irene Hovendick, Connie Solvie,
  Setup JoAnn Olson
June 30
Ushers: Allen Anderson, Dick Hufford, Jerry Bahr, Jon Ahrndt
Greeters: Tim & Deb Root
Reader: Deb Koehntop
Acolyte: Morgan Ruona
Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat
9am worship
10 am coffee/fellowship
11am Sunday School picnic
3  4  5
9 am Women's
Bible Study
6  7  8
9 am Worship
Holy Communion
10 am Coffee fellowship
10 Explorer
Vacation Bible
Lutheran Island
Bible Camp
11  12
9 am Women's
Bible Study
13  14
Valley Fair
9 am Worship
10 am coffee fellowship
10:30 Adult Bible Study
17  18  19
9 am Women's
Bible Study
20  21  22
Jeff Pahl &
Heidi Anderson
9 am Worship
Holy Communion
10 am Coffee fellowship
24  25  26
9 am Women's
Bible Study
27  28  29
9 am Worship
10 am Coffee fellowship
10:30 Adult Bible Study
June 2013

1  2  3 9 am Women’s
Bible Study
4  5  6
7  9 am Worship
10 am fellowship
10:30 Adult Bible Study
8  9  10
9 am Women’s
Bible Study
11  12  13
14  9 am Worship
Holy Communion
10 am fellowship
15  16  17
9 am Women’s
Bible Study
18  19  20
219 am Worship
10am fellowship
10:30 Adult Bible Study
Pastor gone- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
28 9 am Worship
Holy Communion
10 am fellowship
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
July 2013
1- - - - - - - -  2- - - - - - - -  3- - - - - - - - -
4  9 am Worship
10am fellowship
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pastor returns
7 9am Women’s
Bible Study
Vacation Bible school
6-8 pm
8  9  10
11  9 am Worship
Holy Communion
10 am fellowship
12  13  149am Women’s
Bible Study
Vacation Bible school
15  16
189 am Worship
10am fellowship
10:30 Adult Bible Study
Reverse Thinking ——
19 20 219am Women’s
Bible Study
Vacation Bible school
6-8 pm
22 23  24
25 9 am Worship
Holy Communion
10 am fellowship
26  27  28 9am Women’s
Bible Study
Vacation Bible school
Feed My Starving
Children 6-8
August 2013

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