Friday, October 22, 2010


Next edition Oct 23rd-30th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: the weather has been cooler in the last week than it has been in previous weeks however it was still mostly sunny and dry (we did have a little rain sun eve) enabling area farmers to make good progress on getting their corn picked. When I talked to my neighbors on Sat they said the corn was running about 16-17% so they did not need to do much drying. The co-op manager said that it has been an easy job this year keeping up with the demand for propane. By the time you read this I would suspect most farmers in the area will have most of their corn harvested.
STJ/KONG PARISH NEWS: the parish will have joint services at Kong on Oct 31st at 11 am with the ss kids singing again. It will be followed by a light lunch and afterwards about 12:30 pm Wayne Grunklee of Thrivent will give a presentation about the proposed endowment fund that is being established for both churches. The endowment fund will be discussed and voted on at each congregations annual meeting
Our services will be broadcast on KMRS on Oct 24th at 11 am sponsored by Jim and Lou Eystad in memory of family members
Presentation of faith statements by members of the confirmation class will be held on Nov 3 @ 7pm at St J. confirmation will be held on Nov 7th.

Advance sale tickets for the St J beef supper On Nov 9th are now on sale. To purchase tickets call 246-3436 or the parish office at 246-3211.
No matter what your taste in food is you should be able to find something to your liking at the many churches in the area that are having a meal in the upcoming weeks.
Rev John Smith of Cyrus is leading a tour to the Holly Land in Mar. for info call 795-2543

Anyone interested in signing up for “New Wine” should meet at First Lutheran on Oct 24th at 7 pm.
There are two events today (Sat)

An open house baby shower for Jon and Toni (Kloos) Hughes will be held from 9-11 a.m. at Kongsvinger Parish Hall in Donnelly. Everyone is welcome. They are registered at Target.

An open house and dance for Lloyd and Jan Anderson’s 40th wedding anniversary will be held from 6-10 p.m. at the Eagles Club in Morris.

Due to the closing of sax’s café the red hatters will now meet at “the place to be” in Donnelly on Nov 1st at 1 pm. They will have a pizza party and members are asked to bring a favorite holiday recipe. Everyone is welcome to attend. I do need to clarify that this not a new business but the “liquor store” under new ownership.

Nov 2nd is Election Day most voters in the Donnelly area will vote at the town hall in Donnelly. Check with your local county auditor for your local voting place.

The st co gen soc will meet in Nov 4th in the community room of the library in Morris at 1:30 pm

There will be an open house 80th birthday party for Jerry Schmidt at the legion in Morris from 1-5 pm on Oct 30th. He is Gail Kloos’s father

Mark koepke would like to hear from some of the people in the Donnelly area. You contact him at 6033 statler ave. Orlando, Florida 32809.His telephone is 407--286 3978 his email ad is:

Congratulations to the following who were recently elected county officers of the st co 4-h leaders’ council: Cammi Aanerud (fair board rep) Natalie Johnston (treasurer) Sami Searle (president) and her dad brad as the adult fair board rep. I have posted some of the results from the 4-h awards show on my blog (

Congratulations to Rebekah Aanerud who was recently elected president of the stampede 4-h club.

Congratulation to Sarah Burke (Pat and Carol) and Ashley Dohlen (Gerald and Sharon) who recently graduated from umd medical school

Congratulations to MaKenzie smith on winning all conference honors at the wcc cross country meet on Oct 19th in Monte.

Congratulations to Hannah Larson who was one of the homecoming queen candidates at the H_N School

Sally Anderson of Appleton passed away on Oct 18th a daughter Nora Hanson (Doug Rhoads) of Donnelly is among the family members who survive her.

Steve Fults and I were among those who attended the st co rep party meeting at Detoy’s on Oct 14th and candidates’ forum at the legion afterwards,

On Oct. 15th I visited my aunt Pearl A. Anderson in Donnelly then traveled to Alex to visit with a friend and Jan and Den melchert.

ON Oct. 16th Pearl A. Anderson and i were among the many friends and family members who helped Glen Werk celebrate his 80th birthday party at sax’s cafe. Earlier in the day I stopped in to the wwv café to wish Gene and Katie Lesmeister a happy 70th wedding anniversary and afterwards visited some of the residents there.

Oct 17th Andy Brevig and I attended the prayer chain breakfast at Kong and later the lutefisk supper at Nora Lutheran of rural Keng. Please remember that we have a very active prayer chain in our parish and it is open to anyone who would like to have us pray for them or a family member whether it is for healing, comfort in time of sorrow, thanksgiving for a birth etc. . You do not need to belong to our parish to request prayer. For more info and guidelines on submitting a prayer for the prayer chain or if you would like to join the prayer chain please contact the parish office at 246-3211.

Jen Fults and I were among those who attended the Morris area school board meeting in Donnelly on Oct 18th. Supt Monson announced that there would be an informational meeting regarding the proposed levy on Oct 25th at 7 pm in the concert hall at Maes. Earlier in the day I stopped by the site of the msgslc to see the progress being made out there, they were working on the foundation. Later I visited my cousin Bev Hurlbut at Legacy living in Morris

Jim and Lou Eystad became associate members of the msgslc on Oct 17th. The church continues to meet weekly at 9 am in the cougar room in the prairie inn in Morris with ss following services. Confirmation classes are held ea. Wed aft in the Theater arcade building. They are continuing to raise money to pay for moving the church to Morris, renovating it and adding an edition onto it. For more info call 392-5670.

Jim and Lou Eystad were among those who helped out at the arc bazar on Oct 20th. Later in the aft Mark and Pat Smith and I were among the many who attended the open house retirement party for Dennis Johnson at the wcorc administration building.

Jerry and Joan Kopacek were among the women who accompanied our VFW Auxiliary President Helen Kill to the Fergus Falls Veteran's Home to greet the National VFW Auxiliary President Cortina Barnes as she toured our State.

This is school bus safety week and a time to acknowledge the Donnelly school bus drivers, Shirley kill and Sharon Carlson and the head of the bus service Deanna Recker.

Oct is also fire prevention month so we salute the members of the DFD and rescue squad for their dedication and hard work in protecting our lives and property

Oct is also co-op month and we salute the co-ops serving the Donnelly area: Don Co-op, NHAS; RTA; Fed Tel, and Agralite Electric

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