Friday, May 14, 2010

donnelly news

Next edition May 15th –may 21st

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: We had a nice weekend but much of the last week has been cloudy cool and wet with rain off and on most days. The rain has meant that little planting has been accomplished in the past week.
STJ/KONG PARISH NEWS; Parish bible study “A shepherd looks at the good shepherd and his sheep” by Philip Keller will meet at St J @ 10:30 am and Kong at 7 pm on may 20,27th. Please note this is a change from what was announced in the newsletter.

There will be joint services on May 16th at 11 am at St J. The ss kids will be singing and awards will be given out, teachers and adopted grandparents will be recognized.

May 23rd is baccalaureate sun. Parish grads will be recognized during services and during a brunch at Kong at 9:30 am.

The SW MN WELCA synod convention will be held on June 11 &12th a portion of the offering will be health kits
There is a box at Kong to donate items for it until June 1st. Items wanted include dark colored hand towels and wash clothes bath size bar soap adult size tooth brushes (NO TOTHPASTE) wide size comb metal nail file or nail clipper with file and band aide.

An open house baby shower for Chris and Janelle Smith will be held on Saturday, May 15, 2-4 p.m. at the Donnelly Hall. Chris’s parents are Leon and Marilyn

I was asked to announce that the red hatters are to bring twins memorabilia to their next mtg in June.

Congratulations to the Sax’s café team of bowlers for winning the Hi-Lo league championship at Lakeview lanes. Joan Fults, Carol Kummorow and Denna Heuer are members of that team.

Congratulations to Bennet Smith who was chosen to be the student speaker at the umm commencement ceremonies being held today (Sat) @1:30 pm

Congratulations to MAHS SB team for winning their invitational on May 8th Beth Holland is a member of that team.

The Herman cub scouts recently had their blue gold banquet. Kenton Long and Landon Strand were two of the scouts honored for all the badges they had earned during the last year.

On Apr 17th several st co 4-h teams competed in the state general livestock project bowl in Foley. The Jr. Team coached by Jon Moser finished in 7th place

The sr team coached by Lee Johnston finished in 6th place; Natalie Johnston, Kendra Sperr and Jake Moser are all members of that team.

The sr horse team received 8th place, Cammi Aanerud is a member of that team

Jr. Horse team finished in 11th place, Sydney Sperr, savannah and Rebecca Aanererud are members of that team.

Congratulations to Brooke Gillespie who was 1st place winner in her class of the chokio legion auxiliary poppy poster contest.

Emily Lynn Zaske was born on April 29, 2010 at Stevens Community Medical Center, Morris, to Matthew and Elizabeth Zaske of Donnelly. Grandparents are Bill and Lynette Zaske of Renville and Rick and Deb Lorenz of Bovey. Great grandparents are Wayne and Mildred Zaske of Renville and Lilly Propp of Slayton.

Brooklyn Kaye Koehntop was born on May 11th to Kyle and Mandi Koehntop. Grandparents are Parker and Renee Kloos of Donnelly and Roger and Bonnie Koehntop of Morris; great grandparents are Herb and Carol Kloos of Donnelly

The st co gen soc met at the library on May 6th. The next meeting will be in Sept. I donated a typewriter for use in the gen room. We also recently donated microfilm updates of the Morris, Hancock and Chokio papers. Earlier in the day I took in the open house at Design electronics in Morris. Enroute home I stopped in to visit Denny Anderson at his home in Donnelly. He asked me to say thanks to Rendsville 4-h club for the May basket he received from them.

On May 8 Lois Maked presented a program “using timelines for your gen research at the schs history museum

Citywide garage sales in Donnelly start on May 21st and continue on May 22nd. More info call 246-3262 or 246-6271

Danny Frank spent some time over the weekend visiting his mother Shirley and other family and friends in the area.

The Donnelly Community club had a very lengthy meeting on May 10th at the Donnelly Hall as we continue to make plans for the bee and other events as well as the upkeep and repair of the buildings on the grounds. Due to a conflict the next meeting will be June 7th.

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