Thursday, August 3, 2017

donnelly news

Aug 5th-11th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: It sounds like a broken record but it is still very hot and dry around here, in spite of it, the crops I have seen continue to look good, however as I am writing this Wednesday eve we are getting a light rain
St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: The summer schedule will continue until early September, Sunday services are at 10 A.M.; Wednesday evening services are at 7 P.M. August 6th at St. John’s August 9th and 13th at Kongsvinger The remaining summer schedule is found in the July newsletter copies are available at both churches or from the parish office
Other church news: Grief Share will begin Monday, August 14 and will meet every Monday at Morris Evangelical Free Church form 4-6 p.m. for a total of 14 weeks.  For more info, contact Neil Leroux at 589-1788 or the MEFC church office at 589-2808.
Trinity Alberta sweet corn feed on August 6th 7-9 p.m. at the new church
All are invited to come and sing in a Summer Community Choir! There will be three rehearsals on three Sunday evenings in August. Rehearsals will be at 7:00 p.m. at Assumption Church on: Sunday, August 13, Sunday, August 20 and Sunday, August 27. The choir will then present a concert open to the public on Monday, August 28 at 7:00 p.m. at Assumption Church
Dave and Michelle Viljoen will be with us at Hosanna Worship Center. August 5-7. Saturday 6p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. and 6p.m. Monday men's lunch at noon at Hosanna.
Death notice Allen Olson of Donnelly passed away on July 27th.  Local Survivors include his wife Joyce of Donnelly
. Community news: on August 14th .the bookmobile will be in town on Main St. from 3:30-3:45 p.m., the firemen will meet at the fire hall and the community club will meet at community hall both at 7 p.m.
On August 5th the city council will meet at 4 p.m. in the council chambers in the Donnelly hall
On August 7th the Rendsville 4-H meets at St. John’s at 7 p.m.

.Herman red hats will be meeting, Monday August.7th at 11 a.m. at the Furious Farmers Restaurant in Elbow Lake

Threshing Bee news: The posters are here; you can pick one up at McCollar Jewelry or it can be seen on the website (events tab- scroll to the bottom). They will be put up in the area in the upcoming weeks. The buttons are also here, and can be purchased at most Donnelly business or the Dakotah banks in Chokio and Morris  The toy tractors for the raffle can been seen at the Donnelly co-op .For more information you can visit the website:  and/or the new Facebook page. We are looking for somebody to take over the white elephant sale and the kiddie parade, if not they will not be held this year. The theme this year is “Yippee it’s time for the bee”. The bee is August. 26 and 27th the feature is all things made by Allis Chalmers. Next year’s tri-feature is all things made by Cockshutt, Moline and Oliver. Work schedules will be mailed out in early August. If you are not a on a committee but would like to help let me or one of the officers know. Reminder any help before, during, or after the bee is welcome.  Anyone who wishes to bring items for display, play, sing, do some demonstrations etc. is welcome to do so
Activities begin on Friday evening this year with a community supper starting a 5 p.m. with tractor and kids games to follow, with lots of activities going on all weekend
The Threshing Bee royalty were part of the Watterma parade and queen coronation on July 30th in Glenwood The 2017-2018 royalty candidates will be introduced on August 7th at 7:30 p.m. at the hall. More info call Sandy Dunn at 246-3492
Congratulations to Algene Larson winner Of the Stevens County pay it forward award
Daniel Bailey Kloos won several grand championship 4-H awards at the Herman fair recently
The Morris 13U baseball team took second place at the MSF 2A state tournament in Marshall over the weekend. Rob Jergenson is one the coaches
The Morris 10U baseball team took third place in the 10U 2A state tournament over the weekend in Rosemount. Team members include Drew Huebner, Jonah Huebner, and Justin Geise: Brian Geise is the coach
Craig Swanson (Amy Huebner) is the new Sevens. Co. Assessor
Past week, visit to my aunt Pearl in her apt in Morris, VFW auxiliary cancer luncheon at old #1 Southside hort night at WCROC, Irondale band show at Big Cat stadium, Rose City threshing show, Watterma activities in Glenwood, Allen Olson visitation at funeral home and funeral at Bethel Lutheran _Herman, block party at St. John’s Donnelly, NAPS at Morris SR. center and services at Gs w/Eystads

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