Thursday, May 4, 2017

donnelly news

May 6th-12th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news,

Weather news: Although we have had a few nice days in the past week, it has mainly been cold & wet with some rain and even snow on Monday a.m. It sounds like a broken record but I still have yet to see any evidence of widespread field work anywhere I have traveled
St. John’s Kongsvinger news: Baccalaureate Sunday is May 21st anyone in the parish who has a graduate this year please let the parish office ASAP so they can be recognized then
The S.S. kids will be singing during services at ST. John’s at 8:30 a.m., Sunday School will be held at 9:45 a.m. at ST. John’s note change of location

GSLC News: There will be a vote on May 7th to add a steeple to the church, Weekly bible study has resumed every Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the church. The church is looking for part-time secretary contact the church at 585-6868 for more information
Other church news:  Southwest MN Women of the ELCA will meet today (Saturday) at Gloria Die Lutheran church Redwood Falls starting with registration at 8 a.m.

Community news: The Rockin C ranch of rural Donnelly will open up again on May 7th and be open every Sunday through October. Special promotion on May 14, all mothers get in free

On May 8th the Bookmobile will be in Donnelly on Main St from 3:45-4 p.m., the community club will meet at the community hall and the firemen will meet at the fire hall at 7 P.M.
The city council will meet today (Saturday) at 4 p.m. at city hall-Donnelly
Wags whiskers and wine sponsored by the Stevens County Humane society today (Saturday) at Old #1 Southside starting with social hour at 6 p.m.
Death notices: Betty Elkhart of Calif. Passed away on May 1, 2017, survivors include her brother Jim (Lou) Eystad of Donnelly
Donnelly area resident Steve Fults died on May 3rd, his funeral is Mon a.m. at Assumption Morris
Congratulations to Andy Brevig on receiving a lifetime achievement award from the 7th district Republican Party for his outstanding work as a member of the Stevens County Republican Party.
Savannah Aanerud First place in Discussion meet in Extemporaneous speaking at the State FFA Convention

Zachary Dennis Kieffer was born on April 24, 2017 at Stevens Community Medical Center in Morris to Beth and Josh Kieffer of Morris.  Zachary weighed 6 pounds 9.2 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. Grandparents are Dennis Kieffer and Bev Clausen-Kieffer from Alexandria and Jeff and Cindy Gulbrandson from Hoffman.  Great-grandparents are Gerry Pashen of Morris, Jim and Pat Lachowitzer of Battle Lake, and Arlene Gulbrandson of Herman/Donnelly area
Tiger trapshooting: reserve week: Brady Cardwell led the boy’s side with 48 targets He also led after week 1, scoring a 44 total
April. 28th I met Pr Aj Kluver from Lwlc-Alex in Glenwood; from there we traveled to Christ the King Lutheran church in Hutchinson for the Augustana District (LCMC) convention. We stayed overnight and attended the “Destination Reformation” event at ST. John’s Lutheran church in Howard Lake. (Rev Angel Scott our former intern pastor at Good shepherd is youth director there) we returned home late Saturday eve.
On April 30th I visited with two former Donnelly area residents Ruth Stand and Marge Sherstad in Alexandria
When I was at the convention in Hutchinson I visited a little with Rev. Paulus Pilgrim, his grandfather Rev Gustav Pilgrim was pastor at St. J Donnelly and other churches in the area for 40 years.
Past wk. visit to my aunt Pearl Anderson in her apt. birthday supper with friends at detoy’s, musings & music of Martian Lutheran at LWLC-ALEX visit with Rosie Hanson in her apt. in Alex, bible study at Gs w/Eystads, visit to Sam J at his house in Donnelly, helped with naps ,Vikings tailgate party at Big Cat, BBB at Met lounge

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