Saturday, August 21, 2010

donnelly news

Next edition Aug 21-27th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: The weather during the past wk. has been almost a repeat of last week very hot and humid with a few showers sprinkled in to freshen things up. Some farmers have been spraying for aphids in the area. Crops continue to look fantastic.
STJ/KONG PARISH NEWS: Communion services will be held on Aug 22nd at both churches. This is a change from what was announced in the summer schedule. The parish will be leading the services under the big top tent at the threshing bee grounds on Aug. 29th. There will be no services at either church.
Pederson funeral home will have a picnic of hope and healing on Aug. 23rd at main shelter at Pomme De Terre park (602 cty hy 10) Morris beginning at 5:30 pm. Please rsvp by calling the funeral home at 589-3220 or e-mail mail@pedersenfn.Com
The threshing bee is Aug 28 and 29th. This week I will highlight some of Sunday’s activities which start out with an open air church service, with music by Tom and Pearl Horning, classic car show and awards, the big parade through town and conclude with the horse and pony pull.
There will be a lot of activities (threshing, shingle mill, gas engines, corn shelling etc.) displays in the schoolhouse and depot and on the grounds and a flea market both days. This year’s feature is Allis Chalmers. For more info call Barry Gades 320-795-237 or e-mail Anyone is welcome to bring a display, demonstrate, play, sing etc.
There will be a work night at the threshing bee grounds on Aug 24th at 6:30 PM to put up fences and get ready for the bee. A 2nd work night will be held on Aug. 31st to take down the fences and put things away. Any help by anybody before during or after the bee is greatly appreciated. Many hands make light work. I can also use help to take the chairs out of the depot on Fri eve and put them back on Sun eve.
There is a web site with more info about the bee on it. This is a independent web site and not affiliated with the Donnelly community club
Mae Anderson of Morris formerly of Donnelly passed away on Aug 13th, her funeral was held on Aug 17th at First Lutheran of Morris
Wayne rohloff of Morris passed away on Aug 16th. Family members that survive him include his wife Ardelle (Anderson) and her family
Lyla Jystad of Rochester passed away on Aug 12th. Her late husband Torgney was the pastor at Kong in the early 60’s
Congratulations to Nicole Gillespie who has been accepted at UMM and will be a member of the cougar VB team.
Congratulations to the Morris Eagle’s amateur bb team that recently won their division of the Land of Duck’s league and the league tournament. Andrew Loher was a member of that team

Joyce Steuck and I were among the many that enjoyed the events and displays at the St co fair over the weekend. Bernice Erdahl and Judy Johnston won grand championships in the homemakers building; Clarence Geise and Michelle Papesh were winners in the open class. The Rendsville 4-h club had the grand champion reporters note and the reserve champion sec book with the Stampede club receiving honorable mention. “Grandpa’s Toyland” had visitors from France and England over the weekend. Individual 4-h results are too numerous to mention so be sure to read the supplement in this paper in the future which will include a list of 4-h results.

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