Thursday, August 13, 2020

donnelly news


August 18th-25th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Before you make plans to attend any meetings or scheduled events in the Donnelly area, please check with somebody to make sure they are still going to hold it.  

Weather News some rain showers have helped freshen things up.

ST. John' s/Kongsvinger news: tentative schedule subject to change: on August 23rd drive-in service at St John's and service of the word on August 30th at Kongsvinger All services are at 9:30 A.M., for a drive-in services tune into 98.5 on your car radio.

A complete schedule for the rest of the summer is in the August newsletter. No other activities will take place in either church until further notice.

Rev. Rochelle Anderson of Morris will be providing pastoral care until further notice, if you need care, contact the parish office or one of the church presidents. You can also watch our "virtue" services on Facebook and YouTube.

The parish office is closed due to the COVID 19 outbreak, call 246-3211, or e-mail ( or send mail (box 97) when assistance is needed.

ST. John's is looking to borrow a trail camera after somebody ran a thousand gallons of water through their meter.  If you have one, please contact the parish office.

St. John's is having a quilt and more raffle drawing. On September 27th, the Drawing will take place following services. You can purchase tickets from any WELCA member.

Other Church news, Faith-Morris now has outdoor worship Sun at 9 A.M. first-Morris is at 9:30 A.M.

The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church schedule for the rest of Aug. & Sept. is TBA.

Please check with your local church for what their plans are. A reminder that you will find virtual services, devotions, etc. on fb, YouTube, local access channels, church websites and the radio for many area churches

The Rendsville 4-h club is looking for volunteers to weed/maintain/water the rain garden in Donnelly by the fire hall as they are unable to do it themselves due to COVID 19. Thanks to the members, advisors, and parents for all the hard work they have put into making Donnelly look beautiful this year

canceled The 2020 papa's angels fundraiser is plans are to return in Sept. of 2021. The Stevens county genocidal society will not meet again until next yr.

Funeral services for Loiann Frank will be held on Aug.29th at 11 A.M. at shalom Lutheran church, Alex mn. She passed away in Jan of '20.

Gene Kummrow, of Raymond mn formerly of Morris, passed away on March 14th, survivors include his son Keven (Sherrie Fults) and their family. She is a former Donnelly area resident. He was a long time member of the threshing Bee family; His funeral will be on September 12th at 11 A.M. at Zion Morris.

Congrats to former Donnelly area resident Eddie Dummer on receiving outstanding master Gardner award in Alex

No threshing bee this year


Past wk. flekkefest activities elbow Lake, fireman's corn feed Chokio. Ll game wells drive-in services, bible study, and Wed evening services at Gs


Helm’s fabric in Morris going out of business and will be closing their doors for good  by the end of






























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