Thursday, March 14, 2019

donnelly news

Mar 16th-22nd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: if you do not like the weather in mn, wait, and it will change, Sat aft/eve brought about 10” of snow to Morris forcing most churches services and other events in the area to be canceled/ ppd on Sunday, by Tuesday temperatures got up to about 40 doing a lot of melting, it has been raining most of Wed. which is forecast to turn to snow as I am writing this wed eve.
St. John's/ Kongsvinger news: There will be Joint services at 9:30 a.m. at Kongsvinger March 17th and St John’s March 24th followed by coffee hour and Sunday school
Lenten services will be at 7 P.M. on March 20th at Kongsvinger and Mar 27th at ST.  John’s followed by lunch. The March newsletter has a copy of the complete schedule in it copies are available in the narthex of both churches.
Birthday brunch bash celebrating your birthday on Sunday, March 31, 2019, at the Kongsvinger parish hall - potluck brunch following worship services
GSLC church Lenten services continue every week at 7 P.M. until Holy Week.
March 17th Steven and Jen Freund (missionaries from Peru) will be speaking at the church
March 31st Seth Kincade speaks on Inspiration Point Bible Camp
Bold women’s day at 1st Morris has been re-scheduled to April 14th same time/ place.
IF: Gathering 2019 at the Morris E Free Church has been rescheduled for a later date
March 17th    there will be a ST. PATRICK'S BRUNCH, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus St. Edward's Council #1527, will be held from 10:30 to 1 p.m. at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Free-will offering will benefit the Helping Hands Ministry.
West central homes annual meeting has been rescheduled for March 24th at 1 p.m. at first Morris
BBB will be on hiatus until after Easter
On March 25th The Bookmobile will be in town from 3:45- 4 p.m. on Main Street.
March 18th at 7 p.m. the firemen will meet at the fire hall.
Rendsville 4-h ski trip/meeting has been rescheduled to March 17th 1 P.M. note change of time
Donnelly co-op annual meeting March 19th starting with a noon meal
Donnelly community club annual meeting has been rescheduled for April 8th at 7 p.m. at the community hall
Donnelly youth club will meet on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m.
Beatrice Fermoyle of Morris passed away on March 10th survivors include her daughter former Donnelly area resident Kris (Phil) Kloos of Hoffman and their family
Grace Steuck of Chokio passed away on March 12th; survivors include her niece Diane (Glen) Amundson of Donnelly
Past week: Aggie Kruize funeral at Kong; Sean Cady visitation at Assumption, bible study and Lenten services at Gs and birthday party for Yvonne Krupke at the common cup (w/ Eystads)

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