Mar 9th-15th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: The weekend featured cold wind chills and
blowing and drifting snow, supposed to warm up by the time you read this but
also more snow and storms in the forecast for the weekend.
St. John's/ Kongsvinger news: There will be Joint services
at 9:30 a.m. at ST. John’s March 10th and Kongsvinger March 17th followed by
coffee hour and Sunday school
Lenten services will be at 7 P.M. on March 13th at ST.
John’s and March 20th at Kongsvinger followed by lunch. The March newsletter
has a copy of the complete schedule in it copies are available in the narthex
of both churches.
Noah Jay Sayles son of Kirby and Alissa (Melberg) is the
newest member of Kongsvinger; his baptism was on Feb. 23rd
ST. John’s WELCA meets on March 12th at 1:30 p.m. note
change of date
GSLC church Lenten services continue every week at 7 P.M.
until Holy Week.
Bold women’s day at 1st Morris has been re-scheduled to April
14th same time/ place.
St Mary’s school annual dinner auction today (Saturday) at
the National Guard Amory starting with social hour at 4 P.M. contact the school
for tickets
IF: Gathering 2019 today (Saturday) beginning at 8:30 a.m.
at the Morris e Free Church
West central homes annual meeting March 10th at 1 p.m. at
first Morris
BBB will be on hiatus until after Easter
On March 11th The Bookmobile will be in town from 3:45- 4
p.m. on Main Street and at 7 p.m. the firemen will meet at the fire hall. The
community club annual meeting has been ppd.
Rendsville 4-h ski trip/meeting has been rescheduled to
March 17th 1 P.M. note change of time
Donnelly co-op annual meeting March 19th starting with a
noon meal
The annual meeting of New Horizons Ag services (elevator)
will be held on March 14th at 9 A.M. at Wahpeton school of science Wahpeton ND
The annual meetings of Townships are in March 12th check
with your town clerk or county auditor for time and place of the meeting.
Lucille Bruns of Wheaton passed away on February 28th
survivors include her niece Lisa (Mike) Melchert of Herman. Mike is a former
Donnelly area resident
Former Donnelly area resident Agnes Kruize of Morris passed
away on March 4th.
Hallie Louise Grout was born February 11, 2019, at Essentia
Health in Fargo, ND to Courtney and Danny and big brother Finn Grout. Hallie
weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces and was 18 inches long. Grandparents are Chris and
Becky Vogel of Morris, Tom and Diane Grout of Elbow Lake. Great Grandparents
are Shirley O'Keefe, Morris; Marlene Vogel, Morris; Carroll and Katie Mau,
Elbow Lake. Carroll is a former Donnelly area resident
Past wk. legion riders brats and burgers Supper at Morris
legion, Stan Mumm birthday party at sr. center, meatball supper at 1st ktown
glacial ridge assembly st Paul-Lowry, bible study at Gs w/Eystads
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