Thursday, May 24, 2018

donnelly news

May 26th-June 1
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. This edition is dedicated to the memory of my aunt (and “mom”) Pearl who passed away on May 27th, 2010
Weather news: temps have been sunny and mild a lot of field work going on, see some crops are up already, and some farmers are winding up field work.
St. John's/ Kongsvinger news the summer schedule starts on May 27th with joint services at Kongsvinger at 9:30 a.m. In June, July, and August there will be joint services at a 9:30 a.m. at Kongsvinger on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday’s St. John’s on the 2 and 4th Sundays.  You can find the schedule in the May newsletter; copies are available in the narthex of both churches or from the parish office
Registration is now open for VBS this summer to be held at Faith-Morris July 30th- Aug 2nd together with Faith, First and Trinity Cyrus, contact the church office for more information 

GSLC NEWS There will be worship services on Wednesday evenings starting in June at 7 p.m.
Dan and Wendy Luthi benefit June 9th 4-7p.m. at Gs he needs another kidney transplant and his daughter in law (Wendy) is donating hers.

Other church news: Father’s Day Picnic and Fundraiser Sunday, June 17th at 11:00 a.m. faith Morris
Father Stan Wieser will celebrate his 50th Anniversary of his ordination on June 24, 2018, in Wheaton; at the Ava Maria Catholic Church . Mass will be at 2 p.m. with a reception to follow. No invitations will be sent all are welcome. Fr. Stan was a priest in Donnelly for a number of years.
The Stevens county genealogical society will meet on May 31 at 1:30 p.m. at the Morris public library note change of date
Herman red hats meet on June 4th at 9 a.m. at A J’ S in Herman. Bring favorite dairy recipe.
Congratulations to former Donnelly area resident Virginia Long who celebrated her 95th birthday on May 23rd.
Tiger track true team state meet boys 3rd: discus Brady Cardwell 15th, 100 m dash 23rd

Past week:  visits to my aunt Pearl in her room at the courage cottage, Ellard Larson memorial service Peace –Barrett, visit to Iver Aal in the Barret care center, Baccalaureate Sunday at ST. John’s Donnelly Dick Goldenstein committal service at Vinger, visit to Sam Johrdhiem in his home, play legally blond at Morris high school, funeral service for Vivian Johnson in Wendell, Agralite annual mtg in Benson, bible study at Gs with Eystad’s F.I.R.I.ST. Supper at the legion, bbb at the met lounge
I am planning on having my annual graduation issue next week please let me know if you have an h.s. and/or higher Ed grad

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