Thursday, April 13, 2017

donnelly news

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news,
Weather news: other than some light rain sun and cool temperatures on Sunday most of rest of week has been mostly sunny and nice. Saw one farmer in the field on my way to Hoffman last week heard there was some work going on south of Morris on Highway 59
St. John’s Kongsvinger news:  Easter Sunday (April 16th) services at St. John’s at 8:30 a.m.; Kongsvinger at 11 a.m.; no Sunday school
 St. John’s spring fling April 22nd from 10:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the church, the church councils meet on April 19th at 7p.m. at Kongsvinger (note change of date)the  youth club meets on April 19th from 4-6 p.m. at St John’s ;cradle roll sun and adopted grandparent Sunday  is on April 23rd during Sunday school at Kongsvinger
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news: Easter Sunday services at 9 a.m. followed by an Easter brunch
Other church news: Burgers, Blessings and Beverages will return on April 26th at 7 p.m. at the Met
Faith-Morris’s semi-annual rummage sale is on April 19th from 4-7p.m.
Glacial ridge conference of the Women of the ELCA will meet on April 24th at Glenwood Lutheran starting with registration at 4 p.m.
Community events: There will be two Open house bridal showers at the Kongsvinger parish hall. First one is for Jessica Bergstrom (her parents are Becky and the late Charlie; grandmother is Irene Strand) bride to be of Joe Oelke today (Saturday) from 9:30 a.m-11:30 a.m. The second one is for Crystal Henrichs bride to be of Brad Searle on April 29th from 10 a.m.-noon
On April 17th the firemen meet at the fire hall at 7 p.m. The bookmobile is in town on Main Street on April 24th from 3:45 pm- 4pm
Someplace safe’s –Morris benefit race today (Saturday) at Pomme De Park starting with registration at 8 a.m.
Stevens County’s habit for humanity pork chop supper will be held at the Morris legion starting at 4:30 p.m. on April 20th  Free will offering
The annual Mitchell Kleindl Memorial Archery shoot, will be held at Neimackl Park on April 22nd and 23rd starting at 8 am both days. The park is about halfway between Donnelly and Herman
Death notices: Howard Norman of Alex passed away on April 2nd survivors include his wife former Donnelly area resident Joan Kopel of Alex

Islande Speer was part of the Morris Junior Olympic volley ball team that won the championship at SW Minn. State in Marshal.
Girls track: LPV meet :the 4x100 relay,4x200 relay 4x400 relay team all took first, the 4x800 relay team took 2nd,100 m dash Islande Speer 100 M (3rd) ,Savannah Aanerud 400 m (5th ) 800 m (4th )triple jump (5th ); boys Brady cardwell 100 m (12th )200 m (6th) discus (9th) Micah Aanerud 400 m (12th)  the boys and girls both won the Morris met on April 1th I will have individual results next week
Donnelly community club held their monthly mtg on April 10th at the community hall. Discussion was held on future years, features, upcoming events i.e. ice cream social, etc. We are always looking for ides and/or suggestion for the bee and/or other events. A reminder that this year’s bee is Aug. 26th and 27th and the feature is Allis

Past week: st co gen soc. mtg at library, Morris co-op annual mtg hotel 200,metal to money sale Hoffman ,pioneer power tr. show Viking plaza Alex ,dfd fish fry Donnelly , Darrell Gulbrandson visitation Hoffman, pope co expo, Minnewaska h.s ,st co pork producers supper old # 1cina pow-wow, umm Pe center ,confirmation services at Gs, someplace safe Belgian waffle fundraiser, community club mtg Donnelly, evangelism cmte mtg at gslc 

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