Thursday, February 23, 2017

donnelly news

Feb 25th-Mar 3rd.
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: it was cloudy cool and rainy on Monday but otherwise most of the rest of the week  has been sunny and mild; except for snow piles, most of the snow and ice has melted. It was so nice over the weekend that the UMM Cougars actually play a doubleheader of baseball in the cities, unfortunately as I am writing this snow is in the forecast for later this week.
St. John’s Kongsvinger news:  Lenten services start on March 1st at 7 p.m. at Kongsvinger and continue on March 8th at St John’s, with coffee fellowship afterwards and alternating between churches each week

There are still several dates left to sponsor in 2017 for the KMRS radio broadcast. If you would like to sponsor one of these broadcasts in 2017, please contact the Parish Office at 246-3211 and reserve your date
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news: Lenten services start with Ash Wednesday services on March 1st at 7 p.m. at the church, there will be a fundraising supper (scalloped potatoes and ham) beforehand starting at 5:30 p.m., free will offering for the youth trip this summer
Other church news: a Kingdom ball will be held on  March 4th from 6-8 p.m. sponsored by the Morris Evangelical Free Church at the church call 589 2808 for more info on the event
St Mary’s School –Morris: annual auction and dinner will be held today (Saturday) starting at 4 p.m. at the National Guard Amory in Morris.
The West Central Homes annual meeting is February 26th at the Federated Church Morris at 1 p.m.
There will be a Family movie night at Zion Lutheran-Morris on February 26th at 6:30 p.m. (movie is a “surprise”)

Starting March 1st Burgers, Blessings and Beverages will be on hiatus until after Easter
Community events: the Donnelly city council will meet on March 4th at 4:00 p.m. note new day and time
The Rendsville 4-H will meet on February 6th at 7 p.m. at St John’s Lutheran church -Donnelly
The Donnelly Rod and Gun club is raffling off a fish house; contact any member for a ticket
Draw doubles dart tournament in memory of Steve Larson to benefit American Heart association today (Saturday) at The Place to Be in Donnelly starting at 11 a.m.
The Stevens county genealogical society will not meet in March, first meeting of the year will be in April
There will be a benefit for Freddy Hanson (4 year old son of Pr Mike and Pr Martha Hanson), (grandson of Chuck and Liz Spohr) on March 18th from 4-8 p.m. at Faith Lutheran- Morris. There will be a pulled pork meal (Free will donation). There will also be a kid’s carnival and silent auction. If you would like to help or make a donation you can contact Amy Swanson (287-1867) or sign up at Good Shepherd Lutheran church. He has cancer
Open house for Megan Mecklenburg bride to be of Patrick Uphoff on March 4th 2-4 p.m. at Faith-Morris
Raising Up Stevens County's 2nd annual quarter Kraze will be held at the Old # 1 Southside in Morris March 4th starting at 2 p.m.
Herman Red Hats will meet March 6th at 11 a.m. at the Hunan Spring Restaurant in Fergus Falls
9-F sportsmen club will have their annual meeting on February 27th at 7 p.m. in the back room of the legion at 7:30 p.m., talk to Craig Awsumb at Super Valu for more info.

Death notices:  funeral arrangements for former Donnelly area resident Marlyn Hagen of Calif. are still pending
Richard DeLong of Benson passed away on February 6th survivors include his brother former Donnelly area resident John Delong of Morris
Gary Carlson of Louisville KY passed away on February 19th survivors include his wife former Donnelly area resident Barbara (Stahn)
Steve and Chandra Schmitz along with their daughter Shaelyn, are the proud parents and sister, of twin girls. Layla Kay, and Olivia Helen, where born February 16. Grandparents are Jim and Julie Busse of Appleton; Great grandparents are Della Dunn of Donnelly and the late Verle and Helen Dunn.

Tiger gymnastics sec 8A tigers 6th;  Savannah Aanerud vault  29th with an 8.3 bars  ;22nd with a 7.65;  floor 27th with a 7.95 ;all around  20th with a 30.60
Knight wrestling: Keaton Long was part of the Knights wrestling team that won the section 6A wrestling title and is headed to the state tournament
Perfect attendance awards at Morris Area Elementary School included: Addison Chihak (grade 3) Charli Erdahl (grade 4)
Dona Greiner was recently given an award for outstanding commitment to emergency management by the St. Of Mn. department of public safety division of homeland security and emergency Management
Baily Armstrong was named to the honor roll at west central area H.S.
Past week visit to my aunt Pearl at her apt at the west central homes, Dorothy Johrdheim funeral at st j boys/girls bb doubleheader at MAHS, Burmeister visitation at Pedersen funeral home, bbb at met lounge

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