Thursday, June 2, 2016

donnelly news

June 4th- 10th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news some timely rains over the weekend were just what “the Dr. ordered”, so far crops continue to look very good
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:  The summer worship schedule with services at Kongsvinger on Sunday at 9 a.m. and Wednesday at 7p.m. at St. John’s is now in effect. This schedule will continue until further notice
Community VBS will be held on June 13th-17th from 3:30-7:30 p.m. ea. day open to all kids in the community more info call the parish office 246-3211
Kongsvinger Krusaders will be doing the Pizza Ranch Tip Night Fund Raiser on Monday June 13th. We encourage folks to stop by for dinner or take-out (5 P.M. to 8 P.M.) to support the team. A percentage of the evening’s earnings and all tips will go towards our relay for life team

ALL COMMITTEE MEETING NIGHT – is scheduled for June 8, at 8:00 p.m. following mid-week worship services at St. John’s. All Committees should plan to meet that evening. This event will be held in place of the June Council meetings.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news summer book study will start on June 5th the book will be "Where God Meets Man" by Gerhard Forde. The study will be during adult Ed about 10:30 a.m.
VBS will be held in conjunction with Zion Lutheran again this yr. at Zion –Morris on June 20-23rd led by staff from Lutheran Island Bible Camp from 1-4 p.m. ea. Day more info call GS 585-6868 or Zion Lutheran at 589-2744
Other church news: the MN all-state Lutheran choir will be touring the state in June starting with a stop  at Living Word Lutheran Church in Alex on June 18th  @ 7:30 p.m.  United Lutheran on June 19th at 9 a.m.  Trinity Benson  June 21st at 7:30 p.m. full itinerary here

SWMN ELCA Synod in June 10-11th is at Gustavus Adolphus College in St Peter MN, the women’s convention will be held a week later at Vinje Lutheran Willmar
Summer worship schedule at Faith and First-Morris is now in effect until Sept. one service on Sundays at 9 a.m.  VBS at Assumption Morris June 6-10th from 9-11:30 a.m. ea. day call the church for more info 589-3003

Burgers blessings and beverages is moving back to the Met Lounge starting on June 8th
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on June 6th from 3:45-4 p.m.
"Grow Kids and Kinship Garden Gala" sponsored by RUSC Kinship on June 9th at the WCROC 5:30-8:30 p.m. pork chop, dinner-silent auction, kickoff to brick project more info call 585-RUSC (7872)
The city council and Rendsville 4-H will meet on June 6th at 7 p.m. at the Donnelly hall and St. John’s Lutheran church
Donnelly Fire Dept. will meet at 7 p.m. and Community Club will meet about 9 p.m. on June 13th at the fire hall and community hall.
There are no little league games in Donnelly this year, but do know there are horseshoe games, on Tuesday evenings, unsure about lady sb games.

Death Notice Duane Touhey of Herman passed away May 29th; his survivors include his son Bob (Deb) (Banister) Touhey of Chaska. Deb is former Donnelly area resident
Tiger girls  track team placed 2nd in section 6a track meet, Savanah Aanerud finished sixth in the 1600 m run,4 3200 m run was a member of the 4x800 relay team that finished 3rd ,Islande Sperr finished 6th in 100 m run,18th 200m run  was part of the 4x100 relay team that finished 2nd

The boys finished  4th ,200 m Levin Strand (12th )Dalton Lupke( 19th )Levin was a member of the 4x100 m relay team that finished 5th and 4x200 that finished 4th
Timothy Duane Meyer was born on May 19, at Stevens Community Medical Center to Mike and BethAnn Meyer of Cyrus. Grandparents are Duane and Wendy Jergenson from Glenwood and Michael and Nita Meyer from Blaine. Great-grandparents are David and Julette Jergenson from Cyrus formerly of Donnelly
Sympathy to Robert Eystad whose semi-cab burned up in a fire on May 30th at his HQ in Donnelly (old co-op feed store /HQ) thankfully no injuries and the trailer contents were not damaged
Morris Area High Scholarships Courtney Storck 2  Britany Cardwell 8 Becca Holland 7 Brady Jergenson 4 Sarah Jackson 4  Joanna Moser 4,Madison Wevely 3 Lindsey Flogstad 2  Adam Uphoff 1
Other scholarships from people with Donnelly connections are: Kurt Kruize    Jenna Derung,   Thora and William Cooley, Rob Rohloff, Sean Amundson, Andrew Mahoney; Curt Van Horn, Carly Maanum                             

More grads
Sarah Jackson MAHS Darwin Jackson, Kyle and Deb Smith,  Grandparents Cal and Jan Bumgardner
Courtney Stork MAHS Dave and Kay Stork Grandmother Carrie Melchert
Madison Wevely MAHS Mathew and Alisha Gramith Grandparents Ron and Sue Wevley
Past wk. Memorial Day program at Armory, open house for Becca Holland at Old #1 Southside bbb at old #1

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