Next edition: Oct 17th-23rd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: the old adage of if you do not like the
weather in mn just wait and it will change has certainly been true this week as
we went from a high of about 90 on Sunday to windy and cold on Mon to sunny and
nice again on Tue. There are still a few
isolated bean fields out there to be picked and a lot of corn. I have heard
corn yields are really good up to 200+ bu/a.
St John’s/Kongsvinger news: the Confirmands will be giving
their statement of faith presentations on Oct 21st at 7p.m. at Kongsvinger
parish hall followed by a time of sharing and fellowship. Logan Mau and Brady
Cardwell will be confirmed during joint services on Oct. 25th at Kongsvinger at
10:30 a.m.
Deaconess Deb’s last Sun. here will be on Nov.1st there will
be a potluck farewell dinner for her following the 11 a.m. services at St.
Both churches voted to accept the recommendation of the call
committee on Oct 4th more info in a future column
Good shepherd news: a guest from Mission Nicaragua will be
present during Adult Ed on Oct 25th to give a presentation about their mission
Services are also now being broadcast on KKOK 95.7 FM
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Other church news: there will be a Scandinavian heritage
(Lutefisk/Meatball) supper at First Lutheran-Morris from 3:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. on
Nov 4th, a meatball supper at faith –Morris on Nov 11th
The faith “snack shack” is for sale by sealed bids deadline
is Oct 31st contact the church office for more details
Community news: Clearance Giese celebrated his 95th birthday
on Oct 10th. The address is 23115 469th ave. Morris mn 56267 if you wish to
send him a card.
Pumpkin days at the Rockin C Ranch located at 59312 150th
St, Donnelly (Van Horn’s) is today (Saturday) from 10 a.m. -4 p.m. tickets
available at the gate. There will also
be an open house at the Big Red Barn Relics today too located at 54678 130th
St. Donnelly (Erdahl's) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Morris area school board will meet on Oct. 19th at 7
p.m. at the Donnelly Hall
The annual Halloween party at the Donnelly hall will be held
on Oct 31st from 2:30 p.m. -5 p.m. at the community hall
Benefit account has been set up for Brian Koch, of Wheaton
who was seriously injured in an accident in September. Donations to help Brian and wife Jill
(Strand) Koch and family with expenses during his long term recovery can be
sent to Brian Koch Benefit Account c/o Star Bank, PO Box 866 Wheaton MN
56296. Jill is a former Donnelly area
Death notices: Lenore Willert of Alex passed away on Oct
12th survivors include her daughter in law Kris (Sherstad) (Bob) Willert and
their family. The Sherstad’s are former Donnelly area residents
Celebrations: Briella Chantal Backman was born on Sept. 24,
at the Douglas County Hospital in Alexandria to Wade and Fallon Backman of
Morris. Grandparents include Steve and Cathy Backman of Morris.
Great-grandparents include George and Shirley Libbon of Chokio and Elizabeth
Ascheman of Morris.
Graceville rod and gun club awards: class A; cottonwood team
champs don Bahr, Ryan smith, and bud Anderson were members of that team; Ryan
smith was runner up for the league high gun award
Tiger cc Benson/KMS invite girls (2nd) Savannah Aanerud
The Donnelly community club had their last meeting of the
year on Oct.12th as we put the wraps on one of the most successful years we
have had in some time. Our next meeting will be our annual meeting usually in
Mar. We are still looking for past secretary’s books. After the meeting cake
was served in honor of Corrine Kruize’s birthday on Oct. 14th.
October 10 Rendsville 4-H met to weed the rain garden by
Fire Station, they did not have enough members 12 and over to do their portion
of adopt a highway on st HY. 9; they hope to do it in the spring.
My news box at po in Donnelly has disappeared hope to get a
replacement up there soon.
There will be a benefit for Terri Picht (she has MS) at the
C-A school on Oct. 24th from 5-7 p.m. She was one of the home help aides who
took care of my Dad for a number of years.
Past week spring fling at St j-Donnelly and vendor sale at
hall, ham dinner at um-Herman, and bbb at old # 1 Southside
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