Next edition: Oct 31st-Nov 6th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news this edition
is dedicated to the memory of my Dad who passed away 10 years ago today (sat.)
Weather news: we had an all-day rain on Fri otherwise it has
sunny and nice although we have had some cold winds. Corn harvest is rapidly
winding up farmers are doing fall tillage and other things
St John’s/Kongsvinger news: Deaconess Deb’s last Sun. here
will be on Nov.1st, there, will be a potluck farewell dinner for her following
the 11 a.m. services at St. John’s
A letter of acceptance of call has been received from Pastor
Michael F. Nelson by our Congregational Presidents and the Call Committee
chairpersons. Pastor Mike will begin his full-time ministry with St. John’s and
Kongsvinger Parish – sometime after November 15 (conclusion of his current
contract).he comes to the parish from Cokato
On Nov 1st there will be a special meeting at
Kongsvinger following services about 9:30 a.m. to discuss plans for the
Good shepherd news the annual meeting will held on Nov 22nd
following services followed by brunch served by the youth
Other church news: there will be a Scandinavian heritage
(Lutefisk/Meatball) supper at First Lutheran-Morris from 3:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. on
Nov 4th,
There will be a meatball supper at faith –Morris on Nov 11th
with serving starting at 4:30 p.m.
Rev David Christenson is the new pastor at First Lutheran –Morris;
his first Sun will be Nov.1st with a reception between services at about
9:30 a.m. in the basement of the church
Options for women is sponsoring a community baby shower on
Nov 4th from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Morris
There will be a Mission fest at Trinity Lutheran Cyrus on
Nov 15th starting at 9:30 a.m.
Community news: The annual Halloween party at the Donnelly
hall will be held today (Sat.) from 2:30 p.m. -5 p.m. at the community hall
with costume judging starting at 4 p.m.
The Stevens county genealogical society will meet on Nov. 5th
at the Morris library at 1:30 p.m.
The fire dept. will meet on Nov 9th and 16th in Donnelly
at 7 pm at the fire hall, no more community club meetings until next year
Bookmobile in town on main St. on Nov 9th from
3:45-4 p.m. (note new time)
The city council and rendsville 4-h will both meet at 7 p.m.
on Nov 2nd in Donnelly
Death notices: Former Donnelly area resident Paul Nelson of
Alex passed away on Oct 22th; survivors include his nephew Steve (Sue
Erdahl) Nelson of Donnelly
Rosella Weiler of Morris passed away on Oct 24th;
survivors include her son in law former Donnelly area resident Tom (Marcella) Trost
of New Richland WS.
Maynard Thorstad of Hoffman passed away on Oct 23rd,
he was preceded in death by his sister former Donnelly area resident Bernice Boerner
and is survived by her family (Scott, Terry & Tammy)
Celebrations: Lila Karen Goldenstein and Elsa Lynn
Goldenstein were born on Oct 20th to Tony and Lisa Goldenstein of
Stillwater grandfather is former Donnelly area resident Dick Goldenstein
Tiger cross country: west central conference meet (additional
results) JV boys Micah Aanerud 15th Kallen Erdahl 27th
girls JV Auddy Speer 2nd
Msu-Moorhead women’s cross country team finished 6th
in the northern sun intercollegiate conference meet, MaKenzie Smith finished 8th
and was named to the nisc team
As many of you know I cut my foot on a can lid a few weeks
ago thankfully it is slowly healing but I am under dr. orders to stay off it as
much as possible so I have been sitting to home rather than out and about to
various events as I usually am.
Past wk. mission fest at gslc, Altrich funeral, “fall into
health” night and Lloyd theilke visitation