Thursday, May 7, 2015

donnelly news

Next edition May 2nd-8th

Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news. Happy Mother’s day to all the mothers esp. to those like me who have our mothers in heaven now

Weather news:  sunny warm mild weather during the last week means that most farmers were able to get in the fields and get their crops in. I suspect by the time most of you read this most farmers will be just about done planting for the year. However it is still very dry we have not had a good rain yet this spring

St John’s/Kongsvinger news:  Beginning in June there will be joint worship services at Kong on Sun a.m. and St. John’s Wed. eve. until further notice, the schedule is in the May newsletter available in the back of both churches

If anyone has a graduate in the family this year please let the parish office know ASAP. 
Other church news:  New Wine performances begin this month. The first church performance is on May 17th at Faith Lutheran at 9 a.m. Dessert Theatre Performances will be at First Lutheran on May 27th, and June 3rd, starting at 6:00 p.m. at First Lutheran. The last two church performances before the tour will be on, June 14th, at First Lutheran and June 21st at Trinity Lutheran in Cyrus both at 9 a.m.
Community news: May 11th the bookmobile will be in town on main st at 3:30 p.m., the Donnelly community club will meet at the community hall, and the firemen will meet at the fire hall both at 7 p.m.

A supper and silent auction benefit for Randy Fults - will be held on May 23rd from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. at-faith-Morris. Thrivent Financial will provide supplemental funding. Donations may be made at Dacotah Bank. (Randy is having major heart surgery.) If you would like to volunteer to help or provide food or silent auction items, please contact Karen Uphoff at 320-246-3533. His parents are Virgil and Theresa Fults

Open House Bridal Shower for Sydney Beyer, bride to be of Mac Kampmeier May 16th 10 a.m. –noon at Morris Sr. center

Death notices Marilyn J Kaehler, of Morris passed away on April 30th survivors include her sister Joann (Arven) Graff and brother in law Milfred Kaehler both of the Donnelly area and their families. Her funeral is today (Saturday) at the funeral home in Morris

Sylvia Schmidt of Morris passed away on May 7th survivors include her daughter Gail (Paul) Kloos and family of the Donnelly area. As of this writing funeral arrangements are pending.

Tiger track: Benson girls 1st, boys 3rd; Islande Sperr, Becca Holland and Savannah Aanerud finished in the top 4 in the events they competed in either individually or as a member of a relay team at Benson, Sisseton and Hawley, and true team section, on the boys side Dalton Lupke and Levin Strand finished in the top 10 in the events they competed in either individually or as members or a relay team at all 4 meets. The tiger girls also won the section 5 true team championship on May 5th at UMM, the boys finished 5th.

Maria Cin and Jeffrey McSorley Jr. are engaged to married, her parents are Jerry and Wanda Cin of Morris a bridal shower for them will be held May 16 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Morris. 
Kashton Lee Hormann was born on April 28 to Devin and Chelsea Hormann of Starbuck.  Grandparents include Dean and Leila Hormann of Starbuck.  Great grandparents include John DeLong of Morris.

At the West central area h.s. wrestling banquet Keaton Long was recognized for having the most escapes during the year

MAES math masters placed 12th at the woodland elem. school in Alex, Jackson Loge a member of that team

The following were members of groups that received superior and/or excellent awards at the solo and ensemble concert held at MAHS recently  Becca Holland, Lindsay Flogstad, John Huebner, Mason Dunn, Adam Uphoff ,Brittany Cardwell ,Lee Eystad, Amber Uphoff, Shannon Kill

The 2015 RTA directory is now out extra copies available at HD & co in Donnelly.

Andrea Bobrick has been hired as the new director of the rusk kinship in Morris

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