Next edition May 2nd-8th
Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news. I want
everyone to know that I did write a column last week but “for various reasons”
it did not get in the paper. It is
however on –line at the papers website, and my blog ,and I have printed a copy
and posted it in the po in Donnelly for you to read & I will also leave one at McCollar
Jewelry for anyone that wants to read it
Weather news: well hopefully the cold weather has left us
for good and we can continue to enjoy the warm sunny weather we have enjoyed
this week. I personally have not seen a lot of field work going on however it
is my understanding there is a lot of it going on.
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:
there will be joint communion services on May 3rd at 11 am at Kongsvinger
If anyone has a graduate in the family this year please let
the parish office know ASAP.
Other church news:
National day of prayer at 7 pm at the Morris evangelical free church on
May 7th
The dates for the desert theater performances of new wine
have been changed to May 27th and June 3rd @ 6pm @1st-Morris
Community news: on May 3rd the city council and rendsville
4-h will meet in a 7 p.m. at city hall and St John's in Donnelly
May 11th the bookmobile will be in town on main st at 3:30
pm the Donnelly community club will meet at the community hall and the firemen
will meet at the fire hall both at 7 pm
May 6th the Stevens county genealogical society will meet at
1:30 pm at the Morris library
Open House Bridal Shower for Sydney Beyer, bride to be of
Mac Kampmeier May 16th 10 am –noon at Morris Sr. center
“Wags, whiskers, and wine” sponsored by Stevens community
humane society today (Sat.) at old # 1 Southside beginning with social hr. at 6
pm tickets available at the door
Death notices Elizabeth "Betty" Pollard of Cyrus
passed away on Apr. 25 survivors include her sister in law former Donnelly area
resident Geesien (Kruize) Kill
Tiger track: at the Hawley meet girls took first and boys
The tiger bb team won their own tournament on April 25th;
team members included Riley Biesterfeld, and Brady Jergenson
The tiger sb team won their tournament last weekend Becca
Holland, Sam Heinrichs, and Brooke Gielispe are members of that team
Bowling league hi-lo champs willies sv team members penny Melberg
Nancy Heinrichs, city league champs Morris seal coat, Ray Kill a member
Morris area community Ed competitive vb champion team
included Jackie Dripps and Mandi Koehentop
4-h knowledge bowl state Jr. White (6th) team members Kamren
Sperr, Justus Moser coach Jon Moser Sr. white (10th) Jonna Moser team member
Lee Johnston coach
The Morris FFA ‘15-‘16 officers are Savannah Aanerud ,reporter,
Becca Holland treasure, Jonna Moser, president; awards: outstanding sophomore and
Jr. were Savannah Aanerud and Jonna
Moser. Jonna was a member of the Ag issues cde team that placed third in the
Austin Robert Johnson was born on April 23 at Stevens
Community Medical Center, Morris to Robert and Ashli Johnson of Morris
Grandparents include, Ray Kramer of Morris,
Great-grandparents are Joyce Kramer from Morris and Maynard Koehntop of Morris
Thank you to the Wayne Grunklee family for furnishing and serving
cake for coffee hr. after services at Good shepherd on April 26th in honor of
my birthday and to Wally McCollar and Mark Koepke for the birthday supper on
April 27th at Detoy’s. It was most memorable birthday I have ever had.
April 25th I traveled to Glenwood where I met Rev A.J.
Kluver from Alex from there we traveled to the LCMC Augustana district convention
at Christ the king church in Hutchinson. Other events during the past week
included the Ruth Benston funeral at 1st-Morris, the Don Poppe & Annete Veum
visitation at the Pederson funeral home, the pioneer tractor show at the Viking
plaza in Alex a visit with Rose Hanson at the Bethany manor in Alex, the Mitch
Kendall archery shoot at Niemackl Lake Park –Herman, burgers, beverages, and
blessing at the diamond supper club-Morris
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