Thursday, May 28, 2015

donnelly news

Next edition May 30th _June 5th

Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news:  most of last week was sunny and mild, however it turned cool and rainy on Sun and Mon, some sunny warm weather this week should help dry things out. Most of the crops are up and looking good so far

St John’s/Kongsvinger news: starting on May 31st and continuing every Sun. through the month of June (except for the 14th) there will be joint services at Kongsvinger at 9 a.m. and starting on June 3rd there will be joint services at 7 p.m. at St John’s

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held on June 15, 16, 17th from 5:00 until 7:30 p.m. each day. Open to four year olds through completing fourth grade. Grandchildren are welcome! Be watching for more information in the June Newsletter. You may pre-register by calling the Parish office at 246-3211.

Copies of the summer worship schedule are posted on the doors of both churches

Good shepherd news: Martin Olaf Hanson  was born on May 27th at SCMC to Pr Mike and Pr Martha Hanson; grandparents are Chuck and Liz Spohr of Morris; Tyrone and Shirley Hanson of Hoffman

Vbs will be held on June 15-18th, from 1-4 p.m. at good shepherd, Held in cooperation with Zion –Morris and led by staff from Lutheran Island Bible camp. To register or for more info call Zion Lutheran 589-2744

Other church news:  New Wine performances begin this month. Dessert Theatre Performances will be at First Lutheran on June 3rd, at 6:00 p.m. The last two church performances before the tour will be on, June 14th, at First Lutheran and June 21st at Trinity Lutheran in Cyrus both at 9 a.m. homecoming concert is July 1st at first-Morris at 7 p.m.

There will be a farewell coffee hour for interim pastor Don Berheim on May 31st following services at about 10 a.m. at first Lutheran-Morris. Graduating seniors will also be recognized

There will be no Burgers, beverages and blessings on June 3rd it will resume June 10th at 7 the basement of the Old # 1.

Community news Stevens’ county genealogical society will meet on June 4th at 1:30 p.m. at the Morris library

City council and rendsville 4-h will meet on June 1st at 7 p.m. at city hall and St. John’s.

Death notice: former Donnelly resident Ken Cline of Fergus Falls passed away on May 23rd, services are private (no visitation) with burial at Frog Lake cemetery near Alberta

On June 8th the bookmobile will be on Main Street at 3:30 p.m.., at 7 p.m. the community club and the fireman will meet at the community and fire hall.

There will be an open house bridal shower for Emma Strachan, bride-to-be of Tom Kloos (son of Phil and Kris Kloos)  on  June 6th, , starting at 10:30 a.m. at the Kongsvinger Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome!

Agralite electric annual meeting June 1st at 7 p.m. at the Benson sr. high school, Benson

Celebrations: Tiger track: the girls won the sub section meet at Benson with Islande Sperr and Savannah Aanerud finishing in the top 3 in the events they were part of and are moving on to the section tournament in several of those events., The boys finished 2nd, Levin Strand, John Huebner, Bo Gullickson and Dalton Lupke finished in the top 15 of the events they participated in.

Catlin Krenz of Bismarck ND and Craig Nelson of grand forks N.D., announce their engagement. Her parents are Mark and Terry (Boener) Krenz; grandparents are the late Bob and Bernice Boerner of the Herman/Donnelly area

Gabi Nienhaus received the feed the children award from the Hancock H.S., she also received 3 scholarships. The Sgt. Kurt Kruize scholarship was awarded to Leah Street

Brooke Gillespie recently received a music, speech, and service award at C-A h.s. 

 I will be doing my annual grad recognition hopefully next week if you have any higher Ed let me know or of any open houses.

Lois Johnson called me to say something had been stolen from her husband (Ken’s) grave recently and she asked that it be returned ASAP no questions asked

Past wk. block party planning meeting at St John’s birthday party for Helen Peterson at buddies’ Hancock, Herman –Norcross h.s graduation, and reception for Brad Dahlen at Legion, memorial services at the armory and memorial dedication and burgers, beverages and blessing at old #1

After spending some time putting decoration on graves of family and friends on May 23rd I stopped at the Barrett Care center to visit Iver Aal.

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