Thursday, September 11, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition Sept. 13th-19th

Welcome another edition of the Donnelly news;
Weather news: weather has been sunny and nice with some cool mornings, crops continue to look good, most grain fields have been harvested and some corn is being cut for silage.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: the regular schedule with services at St. John’s at 8:30 a.m. ss at 9:45 and services at 11 a.m. both at Kongsvinger resumes on Sept 14th
 The parish newsletter is now out extra copies are available in the narthex of both churches.
Good Shepherd news:  On Sept 14th the regular schedule resumes with services at 9 a.m. followed by coffee fellowship and ss at 10:30 a.m.   Adult Ed is on the first and third Sundays during Sunday school time.
Open house at the new apostolic church north in Morris by Jerry’s u-save Sept 14th starting with worship at 12:15 followed by tours of the new building and lunch
Greif share program at the Morris E Free Church every Mon. eve @ 7 pm contact the church for more info

St Mary’s school centennial celebration is Sept 19 and 20th, Assumption Church’s September fest is Sept 21st beginning with a mass at 10 a.m. continuing with a dinner and other activities though out the aft. Contact the church for more info about either event

The school board will be meeting in Donnelly in Oct instead of Sept as originally announced.
MN DNR will have a meeting in Donnelly Oct 2nd.
Niemackl Lake Park Day will be held September 14th out at the Park There will be a Free Will Offering Meal of BBQ’s, Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Chips, Cookies and Beverage. Serving will begin at 10:30 a.m. In case of bad weather park day will be held at the 4-H building at the Grant County Fairground. The park is about halfway between Donnelly and Herman
Donnelly rod and gun club turkey shoot 9/14 at 1P.M. at Harstad slough on the NW corner of Donnelly.
Theodore Scott Schmidt was born on Aug 5th to Scott and Mindy Schmidt grandparents are Mark and Karen Janachovsky great grandfather is Milford Kaehler
Ava Grace Strittmatter was born on Sept 3rd to Steve and Kristel (Engelby) Strittmatter of Hawley MN; grandparents are Steve and the late Cathy (Boener) Engelby
Tiger cc Holidford meet girls 5th Savanah Aanerud finished 9th Becca Holland finished 41st JV Auddy Speer 13th boys 7th Dalton Lupke 60th
St. Fair 4-h results from Grant county Micah, Savanah and Rebeca Aanerud all received blue in their projects.

G. Irene Larson of Alexandria passed away on Sept 3rd her funeral is today (Saturday) at Trinity Lutheran church in Wendell. She was preceded in death by her son in law former Donnelly area resident David Heinrich
Our threshing bee royalty were part of two parades in Dalton on Sept 6th first was the regular parade though Dalton, then in the “parade of giants” on the grounds of the threshing show in the aft.  I spent most of the day at the show.

Don and Marsha Hendrickson from Sequim, Washington were Sunday guests at the Kopacek home. Don is Jerry’s 1st cousin, and this is the first time he has been here since 1977. They have not seen each other since 1979.
The Donnelly community club had a lengthy meeting on Sept. 8th to discuss the past threshing bee and next years.  We sold about 1200 buttons this year had 71 hooks at the tr. pull. Overall we did ok. It was decided that we would feature IH tractors and machinery next year in addition to anything made in 1965   

During the past week I attended an informal meeting the Stevens County Genealogical Society at the West Wing Village, metal to money sale by Hoffman, a forum with Jeff Johnson for Gov. and Jeff Backer for representative at the city council chambers in Morris; Rally Sunday services at Good Shepherd, and at St. John’s followed by dinner there, the open house at the

Parsonage in the aft, open house at the library; and spent some time at Big Iron in Fargo, en route home from Fargo I stopped into visitation for Marvin Andersen at the United Methodist church in Herman and the forum with Bp. Anderson at St John’s.

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