Friday, March 15, 2013

donnelly news

Next edition March 16th-22nd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news this edition is dedicated to the memory of my Mom who passed away on Mar 14th 1994
Weather news: even us hardy Minnesotans are getting tired of the weather especially after the awful weekend we had. It started raining Saturday a.m., turned to snow in the afternoon, then by evening everything froze, making everything a big icy mess. Most church services and other events in the area were cancelled on Sunday due to the extremely icy roads, and no travel was advised in Stevens County. The sun came out Monday and melted some ice and that plus the hard work of area road crews meant that by late afternoon/ early evening roads in the area were much better than I expected.
ST John’s/Kongsvinger News: Lenten services will conclude with services at St John’s on March 20th at 7 p.m. There will be coffee and fellowship afterwards  
St. John’s in Donnelly is serving a “St. Patrick’s Day Pancake Breakfast” 10 A.M. -1 P.M., March 17th
The postponed St. John’s welcome for Mary Schultz and daughters Olivia and Sofia is rescheduled for the 17th after 8:30 service.
Holy week schedule: March 24th joint services at Kong at 11 a.m. with Holy Communion and the Sunday school kids will be singing; March 28th   , supper at 6 p.m. at Kongsvinger followed by an informal communion service at 7 p.m., first communion students will be recognized. March 29th, pancake supper at 6 p.m.; followed by Good Friday services at 7 p.m. at St John’s; March 31st services at 8:30 a.m. at ST John’s, and at 11 a.m. at Kongsvinger, no Sunday school.
There will be an Easter lily garden at both churches again this year contact the parish office at 246-3211 for more infom followed by good fri aviable in the placed third in a skills fest competion
Good Shepherd news: Lenten services will conclude on March 20th with a pot luck supper at 6 p.m. followed by services at 7 p.m.
Holy week schedule: March 24th Palm Sunday services at 9 a.m.; March 28th and 29th Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services at 7 p.m.; March 31st, Easter Sunday services at 9 a.m. with the choir singing, followed by an Easter brunch.

Good Shepherd will be ordering flowers (lilies, tulips, bulb garden, and mums) to place in front of the sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Contact Clarice Dieter for more info there will also be forms on the back table of the church.
Other church news: A true women conference will be held at the Morris Evangelical Free Church on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
Assumption Catholic Church of Morris is hosting a ST Patrick’s Day dinner on March 17th from 11 a.m. until gone
First and Faith Lutheran, and the Federated churches will have joint services on Good Friday March 29 at 7 p.m. at Faith Lutheran in Morris
There will be a sing a long at the Eden reformed church in Herman on Mar 17th at 6 p.m.
Bishop Jon Anderson will give a forum at First Lutheran in Morris on March 17 at 9:30 a.m. 
This and that sale at federated church on Mar 23rd form 9-12:30 pm
Community news: Donnelly fire department will have their annual fish fry at the Donnelly hall on March 22nd from 4:30-7:30
The bookmobile will be in town on March 18th at 3:30 p.m.
The Donnelly co-op will have their annual meeting on March 21st at the Donnelly hall beginning with a noon meal
Kurt Kruize memorial scholarship dinner at Hancock community center on March 23 from 3-7 p.m. free will donations
I have been informed that former Donnelly area resident Vivian (Mrs. Ed) Strand passed away on March 7 in Toddville, Iowa. I have posted a copy of her obit on my blog.
Mike Flugel of Alex passed away on Mar 10th survivors include a cousin David Flugel
Kody Armstrong was named to the B honor roll at West Central Area H.S.
On March 12th Joan Kopacek, Helen Kill, Janet Malo and Lynn Schulz traveled to the Capital to hear Governor Mark Dayton and others talk about Veteran affairs. Afterwards they met with Rep. Jay McNamar and Sen. Tory Westrom. On the way home they stopped for lunch in Monticello where they were joined by Joan’s cousin Cindy Dumpprope, granddaughter of former Donnelly area resident Leonard Aanerud.
The Stevens county Genealogical Society had their first meeting of the year on March 7th at the library the next meeting is April 4th
About a dozen of us from the Good Shepherd family braved the icy roads to attend the northwestern college orchestra and choir concert at the Alexandria Covent church on March 7th
Scott and Beth Heinrich and I were among those who attended the 90th birthday open house for John Delong at the LaFave House in Morris on March 10th
Mark Koepke and I attended the Donnelly Community club’s annual meeting on Mar 11th at the hall.  We had a very good year thanks in part to the best threshing bee in recent years.  The current board members whose terms expired were reelected to it. The next meeting is April 8th at the hall. A reminder that this year’s bee is August 24 and 25th and the feature will be gas engines .If you were unable to attend but would like to become a member or renew your membership you can send your dues to the Donnelly community club Donnelly MN .  Suggestions and ideas for the bee and/or other events are always welcome the club’s e-mail address is ; the next meeting is on April 8th.

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