Next edition March 9th-15th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news:
hopes for an early spring have been dashed by the return of winter. Several
inches of snow, plus blowing and drifting meant a lot of schools were closed
and other activities cancelled in the area on the 5th.
ST John’s/Kongsvinger News: Lenten services will conclude
with services at Kongsvinger (March 13th) St John’s (March 20th)
@ 7 pm. There will be coffee and fellowship afterwards
St. John’s in Donnelly is serving a “St. Patrick’s
Day Pancake Breakfast” 10 A.M. -1 P.M. Sunday March 17th, they will
have their annual St Pats day party on the 15th at the west wing
village at 2 pm
The March parish newsletter is now out extra copies
are available in the narthex of both churches.
Shepherd news: Lenten services will continue every Wednesday @ 7 pm until March
20th with a pot luck supper that eve. The supper on the 20th
will be potluck.
first sun of every month will be food shelf Sunday with a collection box set up
in hall.
March newsletter is now out; extra copies are available in the church hallway
Other church news: A true women conference will be
held at the Morris Evangelical Free Church on the 2nd & 4th
Tuesday of the month beginning at 6:30 pm staring on March 12th
A Heart’s desire conference will be held at Hosanna
worship center on 3/12 @ 7 pm
Assumption Catholic Church of Morris is
hosting a St Patrick's Day dinner on Sunday, March 17, 11am until gone
Community news: An open house 90th
birthday party for John DeLong will be held at the LaFave house (305 college
ave.) in Morris from 2-5 pm on March 10th
The Donnelly community club will have their annual
meeting on Mar 11 at the hall beginning with a meal @ 6:30 pm meeting to follow.
The threshing bee is Aug. 24 & 25th and our feature this year will be gas
engines for more info call 795-2437 or 246-3337 or e-mail
Donnelly fire department news they will have their
monthly meeting on March 11 @ 7 pm at
the fire hall; their annual fish fry will be held at the Donnelly hall on March
22nd from 4:30-7:30 and they will benefit from proceeds of Bar bingo at “the
place to be” in Donnelly on Apr 12th
The rendsville 4-h club meeting that was scheduled
for March 4th has been rescheduled for March 11th @ 7 pm.
Townships in Minnesota will have their annual
meeting and elections on March 12th check with your local town clerk or the
county auditor for times and locations
The bookmobile will be in town on March 18th @ 3:30
The Donnelly co-op will have their annual meeting on
March 21st at the Donnelly hall beginning with a noon meal
Kurt Kruize memorial scholarship dinner @ Hancock
community center on March 23 from 3-7 pm free will donations
The new Runestone telephone directories are now out
extra copies can be obtained at HD & co in Donnelly
Chandler Erickson was named snow king the
Chokio-Alberta H.S. He and another student were part of a skills fest team that
placed third in a skills fest completion in
Willmar recently
Willmar recently
Karenna Johnson (PR. Mark and Sarah) was named grand
champion at the Springfield MN elementary science fair
Travis Fults (Randy & Joan) won second place in
the bears division of Morris cubs pack 467 Pinewood Derby at Heartland motors
recently; he also won an award for best decorated car
The tiger youth wrestlers finished in third place in
a torment at new London-Spicer, Austin Raths and Maddix Erickson were members
of that team
The following were members of various business
professional of America teams at Morris area H.S. that that won awards at the
region 7 conference at Alexandria Technical school (* advanced to the state
competition) John * and Justine * Huebner, James Burke*, Sam Heinrichs ,Dalton
Lupke, Bo*and Carly Gullickson, Brady Jergenson, Kourtney Giese*. Kourtney, Bo,
Carly, and Justine were named torch bearers.
Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended services the west
wing village on February 28th
with PR Mike Hanson officiating; afterwards we had lunch together at the
common cup coffee house
I attended the open house at someplace safe on March
Ellen, Carrie, and Kellie Wilts and I were among those
of us who attended the Good Shepherd family ice skating party at the Lee center
on March 3rd
Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended Lenten supper /services
at Good Shepherd on 3/6
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