Sunday, October 9, 2011

Next edition: Oct 8th -14th Welcome to an abbreviated version of the Donnelly news. Due to preparations for my moving sale and the actual move I have not had time to write much this week hopefully next week I can catch up. A reminder that my moving sale is today (sat) if you missed my ad in last week’s paper I have some flyers up in Donnelly, Morris and Herman. As of this writing some of my trs and other things have already been sold. Weather news; Indian summer weather has continued for the past week enabling most farmers in the area to get most of their beans harvested and some have started pickinng corn . STJ/KONG PARISH News: St J will have their annual fall festival today (sat) from 10:30 am – 1 pm. There will be rummage, bake sale, raffle, lunch etc. There will be a special meeting for ST J members on Oct 9th following the 11 am service The Oct newsletter is now out extra copies are available in the narthex of each church GSLC news: Oct 16th is new member Sun. In addition to St J; Zion (Morris) and Our Savior’s (Chokio) are also having “fall festivals” today (sat) our newsletter, area papers; community and church bulletin boards list many other churches in the area are having some dinners, suppers, lunches and other events in the upcoming weeks too many to list here. The good Sam home auxiliary in Hoffman will have a bake and craft sale on Oct 20th from 2-4 pm. At 4 pm will be amazing Mark vaudeville and magic show The preacher and the teacher comedy duo will be preforming at faith in Morris on Oct 9th at 6:30 pm. The event is sponsored by the st co chapter of Thrivent for Lutherans and will also an update on Thrivent choice dollars. There is no charge for this event. On Oct 10th @ 7 pm, the fireman will meet at the fire hall and the Donnelly com club will meet at the town hall. HD & CO will be open until 4 pm on Sat through the hunting season Nadine Heck oic at the Donnelly po announces the following changes at the po: Mary Schultz has been hired to replace Peggy Wilke as Postmaster replacement. Mary has agreed to come down to the po and lock it at 7 pm at night which means the lobby will be open later again. Rose Athey has replaced Bud Anderson who retired as rural mail carrier. A good crowd was on hand for the Irene Strand auction on Oct 1st. she has moved to the Heritage apts in Morris and her granddaughter Nikki and family have moved out to the farm My new contact info will be Allen Anderson 11 e 9th st Morris MN 56267 ph. 585-6435 e-mail address . Since things are still in a state of flux I am unsure when these changes will take place so if you do need to reach me call my cell at 288-8692. I will still keep my current e-mail ad and phone # for some time and have my mail forwarded until I can get everybody notified of the changes Jerry and Joan Kopacek and Algene Larson were amongst those who enjoyed the fall colors while attending Luther Crest Bible Camp’s annual meeting Saturday the 1st of October. Joan reports that Sunday the 2nd was peak color at the Kopacek farm it was the best in years.

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