Friday, April 15, 2011

h-h-t news

since my news for last week did not get published I did a good bye one this week

Welcome to the final edition of the Donnelly news in this paper. Nick tells me that there was not enough interest in this column to continue it. I want to thank him for giving me the opportunity to try it, and to those of you who have told me how much you enjoyed it. I do plan to continue to write it for the Morris Sun Tribune, for those of you who do not get the paper, you can read my column on –line, at their web site:, click on the columns tab, on my blog: ,or you can join my e-mail list. Just send me an e-mail at and let me know you want to be included. I did write a column last week but for some reason the paper did not get it.

I do have a correction to make from an earlier column: Katelyn Wulf was born on Mar 12th to Byron and Amy Wulf of Hancock, grandparents are Charles and Deb Hacker of Hancock and Doug and Joyce Wulf of Morris great grandmother is Wanda LeSage of AZ and VI Wulf of Morris

The schedule for Holy Week in the St J/Kong parish is as follows: Joint services at Kong on Palm Sun, Apr 17th, at 11 am, with the Sunday school kids singing. On Apr. 21st (Maundy Thursday), there will be supper at 6 pm at Kong, followed by an informal communion service, at 7 pm, Apr 22nd, (Good Fri), Luther League pancake supper at St J, at 6 pm followed by services at 7 pm. Services on Easter Sun will be at 8:30 am (ST J) and 11 am (Kong) no Sunday school.

The annual spring fling will be held on Apr 16th from 10:30 am to 1 pm at St John’s in Donnelly.

The Donnelly Fire Department’s annual fish fry is Apr 15th beginning at 4:30 pm

Mary Jipson of Chokio passed away on Apr 8th among the family members that survive her is a sister Shirley Henrichs and her family.

Herb Kill of Morris formerly of the Donnelly area passed away on Apr. 2nd 888 537 9912

Eugene Carlin of Nevada passed away on Dec. 25. Survivors include his sisters Darlene (Henning) Awsumb of Donnelly and JoAnn (Tom) Jacobson of Morton

Emil Haack of Hoffman passed away on Apr 6th, among the family members that survive him is a sister Arlene Gulbrandson and her family.

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