Next edition Apr. 9th -15th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. This marks the start of my 4th year of writing this column and I want to say Mange Takk to all my loyal readers who have made it such a success.
Weather news: some welcome sunshine and warmer temperatures means that the snow is slowly melting and spring is finally on the way
Correction: Katelyn Wulf was born on Mar 12th to Byron and Amy Wulf of Hancock, grandparents are Charles and Deb Hacker of Hancock and Doug and Joyce Wulf of Morris great grandmothers are Wanda LeSage of Az. and VI Wulf of Morris
STJ/KONG PARISH News: Lenten services conclude on Apr. 13th at Kong with lunch to follow
The schedule for Holy week is as follows: Joint services at Kong on Palm Sun Apr 17th at 11 am with the ss kids singing, On Apr. 21st (Maundy Thursday) supper at 6 pm at Kong followed by an informal communion service at 7 pm, Apr 22nd, (Good Fri) Luther league pancake supper at St J at 6 pm followed by services at 7 pm. Services on Easter Sun will be at 8:30 am (st J) and 11 am (Kong) no s.s.
St J spring fling is Apr 16th from 10:30 am –1 pm they are looking for “white elephant” items and donations for the raffle. Items can be left at the church about a week beforehand for more info contact the church office
There will again be an Easter Lilly garden in the parish again this year there are sign-up sheets in the narthex of ea. church or you may contact the parish office to order one. You may also purchase one yourself and if you wish you can designate your Lilly to be donated to a nursing home or women’s shelter
The Apr newsletter is now out extra copies are available in the narthex of both churches
GSLC news: There will be an Easter memorial garden at Good Shepherd on Easter Sun at the church if you would like to buy a flower for it please call 392-5548
The Holy week schedule for Gslc is at follows Palm Sun Apr. 17th first services at the church site at 9 am Maundy Thursday and good Friday services at 7 pm and Easter sun at 9 am.
The federated church will have their” this and that sale” on Apr 16th beginning at 9 am
The Two by Four Family Band will be in concert at the Maes concert hall today (Sat)
at 7 pm, free will offering.
The dfd fish fry will be held on Apr 15th at the town hall beginning at 4:30 pm
There is a surprise 70th birthday party for a Donnelly resident today (Sat) at 4 pm at the Legion in Morris.
Congratulations to the Morris footnote h.s dance team that received a judge’s choice award for showmanship in the hall of fame dance challenge on Mar 20th. Sydney Beyer and Beth Holland are members of that team.
Congratulations to Kallin Wilts (Doug and Ellen) whose essay on “think green” was one of those drawn for a Harlem globe trotters family pack for their game in Morris on Apr 7th. Brady Cardwell was selected as a ball boy for the game
Congratulations to Landon Strand who earned a signaling badge at the troop 467 honor court and was also awarded the gold and bronze palm leaf. His brother Levin also earned his signaling merit badge and was promoted to 2nd class.
Congratulations to Morris elem. wrestlers who recently won first place at the Fergus tournament. Kellen Erdahl is a member of that team he finished 4th at 55 his parents are Brian and Ann.
Learning Unlimited presents a talk by Norman Gronwold on "The Problem with our Money" on April 13, at 6 p.m. at the Morris Public Library. Gronwold is a lifelong farmer from the Herman-Norcross area who has studied economics for over 40 years, coming to believe that the only solution is to return to a constitutional monetary system. This will be Learning Unlimited's final program.
Eugene Carlin of Nevada passed away on Dec 25th. Survivors include his sisters Darlene (Henning) Awsumb and JoAnn (Tom) Jacobson of Morton
Former Donnelly area resident Herb Kill of Morris passed away on Apr 2nd.
Claire Sophia Loge was born March 3, 2011, at St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Brainerd, to Kirk and Taunya Loge of Breezy Point. Grandparents are Craig and Cork Loge of Morris and Stan and Eileen Bayer of Morris. Great grandma is Deane Schmidt of Herman and great-grandpa is Leo Gruber of Willmar.
Wally McCollar attended the visitation and funeral for his aunt Haroldine Walker on apr 1st and 2nd
Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the wam mtg in starbuck on Apr 2nd. The next meeting will be on May 7th. After the meeting it was back to Kong to help with the set up for the strand benefit then it was off to Morris for the open house for two employees at the schs
Pearl A. Anderson and I were among the many who attended the benefit for the Burton Strand at Kong on Apr 3rd.
The Donnelly community club met on Apr 4th as we started the process of making plans for the bee. Anyone with ideas or suggestions for it or any other event is encouraged to contact one of the officers. A reminder that this year’s bee is on Aug 27 and 28th and we will be featuring John Deere. The next meeting will be on May 9th
Jack, Jon and Joan Kopacek and I attended the Pedersen funeral home’s spring seminar at the Old # 1 south side on Apr. 5th, in the aft Jim and Lou Eystad and I were among the many friends who stopped into the Christus house for the farewell open house for “PK” and wish her well in her new call in Northfield. In the eve a good crowd was on hand for the Donnelly rod and gun club’s annual meeting.
Friday, April 8, 2011
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