Friday, April 29, 2011


Next edition Apr 30th-May 6th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: A nice Easter weekend has been bookended by cloudy, cool and damp weather. There is still some snow left and as far as I know no field work in the area yet.

STJ/KONG PARISH News There will be a May Day luncheon at St J on May 1st at 12:30 pm. There will also be a raffle associated with it. For tickets to the luncheon or to purchase a raffle ticket, contact Sandy Dunn at 246-3292.

Congratulations to Samantha Greiner and Garret Eystad who received first communion at Kong on Apr. 21st. Samantha parents are Greg and Donna, grandparents are Rollie and Jan. Garret’s parents are Marty and Mindy; grandmother is Bonnie Haynes great grandmother is Irene Strand.

GSLC news: a quick reminder that services are now being held at the church site on 480th ave.

GS and Kong both looked very festive on Easter Sunday thanks to everyone who furnished flowers for them. Special thanks also to those who provided the special music in both churches.

Dean Mthethwa from the SW MN companion synod in South Africa will be the speaker at Faith Lutheran in Morris on May 4th at 7 pm

The Morris e free church will open from 6 am -9 pm on May 5th for those who wish to participate in ndp activities I was told there will be no observance at the library this yr.

Tickets are now on sale for the new wine show at first Lutheran in May for more info call 589-3242.

The following events are taking place today (Sat):

Zion Lutheran in Morris will have their ABC sale from 8-11 am

There will be an open house baby shower for Kelly and Randy Frank (expecting a baby girl) from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Morris Senior Center. Everyone is welcome. Kelly is the daughter of Virgil and Theresa Fults and Randy is the son of Kenny Frank

There will be a Donnelly girls get together at 1 pm at the culvers restaurant in Rogers MN. Any ladies who have lived in Donnelly area are welcome. For more info call Doddie (Overson) Williams at 763-477-5360

The 2nd annual Mitch Kleindl memorial archery shoot will be held at Niemakel Lake Park today (8-5) and tomorrow (May 1st)(8-3). For more info call 808-0447 or 808-4562

There will be an open house at the Christus House in Morris beginning at 5:30 pm. Several people who participated in the spring break mission trip to Calif. will give a presentation about it.

The St Co Humane soc will have their annual meeting at 7 pm at the common cup.

On May 2nd the red hatters will meet at the place to be on at 1 pm. (Please bring a $3 May basket.) The bookmobile will be in town, the city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet at 7pm in the city and fire hall.

The spring meeting of the Tri county Horseshoe league will be held at the Place to be on May3rd at 7:30 pm. For more info call 246-3475

Citywide garage sales will be held in Donnelly on May 5th and 6th.

St co gen soc mtg May 5th 1:30 pm Morris public library

The following events will be held on May 7th :

Wam will meet at Trinity in Benson coffee at 9:30 am program at 10 am .the speaker will be Anne Gran from Alex about her recent trips to Ethiopia

There will be an open house wedding shower for Gerald and Erica Loher III, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Kongsvinger Parish Hall, rural Donnelly. All are welcome. His parents are Jerry Jr. and Jody Loher grandparents are Gerald Loher Sr. and Bertha Larson.

There will be an open house for Mitchell Heinrich in honor of his graduation from the “School of Tomorrow” (home school) from 2- 5 pm at the Morris Sr. Center. His parents are Scott and Beth, grandmother is Lillian

The Don Com club will meet on May 9th at 7 pm.

Tom Cross of Isile, Minn passed away on Mar 12th; survivors include his wife Yvonne (Waller) and her family. Her parents were the late Orval (Shorty) and Mamie Waller

Many from the Donnelly area attended the benefit for Sharon Anderson at the Legion on Apr. 23.

Andy Brevig and I attended the st co rep mtg at Detoy’s on Apr 25th.

Jim Eystad is now home after spending 5 days in the Morris hospital. On Apr 27th we attended the rummage sale at Faith in Morris.

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