Friday, April 29, 2011


Next edition Apr 30th-May 6th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: A nice Easter weekend has been bookended by cloudy, cool and damp weather. There is still some snow left and as far as I know no field work in the area yet.

STJ/KONG PARISH News There will be a May Day luncheon at St J on May 1st at 12:30 pm. There will also be a raffle associated with it. For tickets to the luncheon or to purchase a raffle ticket, contact Sandy Dunn at 246-3292.

Congratulations to Samantha Greiner and Garret Eystad who received first communion at Kong on Apr. 21st. Samantha parents are Greg and Donna, grandparents are Rollie and Jan. Garret’s parents are Marty and Mindy; grandmother is Bonnie Haynes great grandmother is Irene Strand.

GSLC news: a quick reminder that services are now being held at the church site on 480th ave.

GS and Kong both looked very festive on Easter Sunday thanks to everyone who furnished flowers for them. Special thanks also to those who provided the special music in both churches.

Dean Mthethwa from the SW MN companion synod in South Africa will be the speaker at Faith Lutheran in Morris on May 4th at 7 pm

The Morris e free church will open from 6 am -9 pm on May 5th for those who wish to participate in ndp activities I was told there will be no observance at the library this yr.

Tickets are now on sale for the new wine show at first Lutheran in May for more info call 589-3242.

The following events are taking place today (Sat):

Zion Lutheran in Morris will have their ABC sale from 8-11 am

There will be an open house baby shower for Kelly and Randy Frank (expecting a baby girl) from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Morris Senior Center. Everyone is welcome. Kelly is the daughter of Virgil and Theresa Fults and Randy is the son of Kenny Frank

There will be a Donnelly girls get together at 1 pm at the culvers restaurant in Rogers MN. Any ladies who have lived in Donnelly area are welcome. For more info call Doddie (Overson) Williams at 763-477-5360

The 2nd annual Mitch Kleindl memorial archery shoot will be held at Niemakel Lake Park today (8-5) and tomorrow (May 1st)(8-3). For more info call 808-0447 or 808-4562

There will be an open house at the Christus House in Morris beginning at 5:30 pm. Several people who participated in the spring break mission trip to Calif. will give a presentation about it.

The St Co Humane soc will have their annual meeting at 7 pm at the common cup.

On May 2nd the red hatters will meet at the place to be on at 1 pm. (Please bring a $3 May basket.) The bookmobile will be in town, the city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet at 7pm in the city and fire hall.

The spring meeting of the Tri county Horseshoe league will be held at the Place to be on May3rd at 7:30 pm. For more info call 246-3475

Citywide garage sales will be held in Donnelly on May 5th and 6th.

St co gen soc mtg May 5th 1:30 pm Morris public library

The following events will be held on May 7th :

Wam will meet at Trinity in Benson coffee at 9:30 am program at 10 am .the speaker will be Anne Gran from Alex about her recent trips to Ethiopia

There will be an open house wedding shower for Gerald and Erica Loher III, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Kongsvinger Parish Hall, rural Donnelly. All are welcome. His parents are Jerry Jr. and Jody Loher grandparents are Gerald Loher Sr. and Bertha Larson.

There will be an open house for Mitchell Heinrich in honor of his graduation from the “School of Tomorrow” (home school) from 2- 5 pm at the Morris Sr. Center. His parents are Scott and Beth, grandmother is Lillian

The Don Com club will meet on May 9th at 7 pm.

Tom Cross of Isile, Minn passed away on Mar 12th; survivors include his wife Yvonne (Waller) and her family. Her parents were the late Orval (Shorty) and Mamie Waller

Many from the Donnelly area attended the benefit for Sharon Anderson at the Legion on Apr. 23.

Andy Brevig and I attended the st co rep mtg at Detoy’s on Apr 25th.

Jim Eystad is now home after spending 5 days in the Morris hospital. On Apr 27th we attended the rummage sale at Faith in Morris.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Next edition Apr 23rd -29th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: There is a saying in MN, that if you do not like the weather, just wait 10 min; it will change. That was the case last week where we went from a high of 75 on Tue. to waking up to snow on the ground on Sat am. Temps have remained cool there is still some snow around here and fields are still very wet.

STJ/KONG PARISH News: Services on Easter Sun will be at 8:30 am (st J) and 11 am (Kong) no s.s. Services will be broadcast on Kmrs at 11 am Apr 24th in memory of Ervin and Leana Smith by Gary and Pat Smith and family

If you have a grad in your family this year please let the parish office know so it can be included in the May newsletter

There will be a May Day luncheon at St J on May 1st at 12:30 pm. There will also be a raffle associated with it. For tickets to the luncheon or to purchase a raffle ticket contact Sandy Dunn at 246-3292 or the parish office

GSLC news: There will be services on Easter sun at 9 am (no SS) at the new church site, with an egg bake afterwards

The glacial ridge conference for the women of the elca spring gathering will be held on Apr 25th at Fron Lutheran church in Starbuck beginning with registration at 4:30 pm for more info or to share rides contact the parish office or call 677-2784

Faith Lutheran in Morris will have a rummage sale on Apr 27th 4-7 pm

The Morris e free church will open from 6 am -9pm on May 5th for those who wish to participate in ndp activities I was told there will be no observance at the library this yr.

The federated church is having a “crane Project” to help the people of Japan today (sat) at the church beginning at 10 am

The st co rep party will meet on Apr 25th at Detoy’s at 6:15 pm

The st co humane soc will have their annual meeting on Apr. 30th at the common cup in Morris beginning at 7 pm

Tickets are now on sale for the new wine show at first Lutheran in May for more info call 589-3242.

Dean Mthethwa from the SW MN companion synod in South Africa will be the speaker at Faith Lutheran in Morris on May 4th at 7 pm

There will be an open house baby shower for Kelly and Randy Frank (expecting a baby girl) on April 30, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Morris Senior Center. Everyone is welcome. Kelly is the daughter of Virgil and Theresa Fults and Randy is the son of Kenny Frank

The 2nd annual Mitch Kleindl memorial archery shoot will be held at Niemakel Lake Park on Apr. 30th and May 1st. For more info call 808-0447 or 808-4562

There will be a benefit for former Donnelly area resident Sharon Anderson today (Sat) at the Legion in Morris from 5-8 pm. She has had a brain aneurysm and a kidney transplant. Her parents are Shirley Holman and the late Richard Anderson.

There will be a Donnelly girls get together Apr 30th at 1 pm at the culvers restaurant in Rogers MN. Any ladies who have lived in Donnelly area are welcome. For more info call Doddie Williams at 763-477-5360

Citywide garage sales will be held in Donnelly on May 5th and 6th.

St co gen soc mtg May 5th 1:30 pm Morris public library

Correction: in the recent youth wrestling tournaments held in NL-S and in Rochester, Keaton Long competed as a member of the West Central area Little Knights wrestling team and Austin Raths competed as a member of the Morris Area Elem wrestling team.

Fayette Jipson of Chokio passed away on Apr 15th. Family members that survive him include a sister Myrtie Diehl and her family and a sister in law Shirley Henrichs.

Apr 16th I attended the fun expo at the Herman h.s, visited Selma Bruse and took in some of the arts festival at MHS

Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the spring fling at St J on Apr. 16th, Palm Sun services at gslc on Apr. 17th, and the community meal at sr. center in Morris on the 18th.

According to the census figures in the last ten years the population of Donnelly declined from 254 to 241.

There is now a public computer and internet connection at HD & co in Donnelly
Congratulations to the w/h-n Jr. Olympic 16 vb team that took gold at the minnewaska tournament Samantha Larson is a member of that team her parents are Jon and Bev grandmother is Bertha.

Rev Michael Hanson of Glenwood has accepted the call to be the pastor of GSLC. He will be installed on May 22nd. He is currently Chaplain at the Glenwood retirement village (grv) and the minnewaska Lutheran home, starbuck.
He is married to Martha (nee Spohr) who is also a pastor. They have two children, Charlie and Arne. Her parents are Chuck and Liz Spohr of Morris. She is currently on leave from call although she has preached at Good Shepard and other churches in the area in recent months.

Congratulations to Tara flaten who was named to the honor role at Hancock H.S.

Congratulations to the stampede 4-h club which won the snickers award at the share the fun event held at Hancock on Apr 2nd several Donnelly area 4-h'ers are members of that club

Congratulations to mahs boys track team that won their own invitational on Apr 19th and the Marv Meyer invitational on Apr 12th Tyler Rouske is a member of that team and he won the 200 dash at the Myer invitational
Congratulations to John Huebner who took 2nd place e in the NCAA pick em contest at mahs His parents are Mark and Mary.
Congratulations to Dylan Recker who won the local contest for the young American creative patriotic arts award scholarship contest. His parents are Roger; Deann Recker grandmother is Marcella Recker
Congratulations to Katie Geise who was one of the winners in the Americanism contest and the speech contest at St. Mary’s school. Her parents are Brain and Holly grandparents are Howard and Ditto

Friday, April 15, 2011

h-h-t news

since my news for last week did not get published I did a good bye one this week

Welcome to the final edition of the Donnelly news in this paper. Nick tells me that there was not enough interest in this column to continue it. I want to thank him for giving me the opportunity to try it, and to those of you who have told me how much you enjoyed it. I do plan to continue to write it for the Morris Sun Tribune, for those of you who do not get the paper, you can read my column on –line, at their web site:, click on the columns tab, on my blog: ,or you can join my e-mail list. Just send me an e-mail at and let me know you want to be included. I did write a column last week but for some reason the paper did not get it.

I do have a correction to make from an earlier column: Katelyn Wulf was born on Mar 12th to Byron and Amy Wulf of Hancock, grandparents are Charles and Deb Hacker of Hancock and Doug and Joyce Wulf of Morris great grandmother is Wanda LeSage of AZ and VI Wulf of Morris

The schedule for Holy Week in the St J/Kong parish is as follows: Joint services at Kong on Palm Sun, Apr 17th, at 11 am, with the Sunday school kids singing. On Apr. 21st (Maundy Thursday), there will be supper at 6 pm at Kong, followed by an informal communion service, at 7 pm, Apr 22nd, (Good Fri), Luther League pancake supper at St J, at 6 pm followed by services at 7 pm. Services on Easter Sun will be at 8:30 am (ST J) and 11 am (Kong) no Sunday school.

The annual spring fling will be held on Apr 16th from 10:30 am to 1 pm at St John’s in Donnelly.

The Donnelly Fire Department’s annual fish fry is Apr 15th beginning at 4:30 pm

Mary Jipson of Chokio passed away on Apr 8th among the family members that survive her is a sister Shirley Henrichs and her family.

Herb Kill of Morris formerly of the Donnelly area passed away on Apr. 2nd 888 537 9912

Eugene Carlin of Nevada passed away on Dec. 25. Survivors include his sisters Darlene (Henning) Awsumb of Donnelly and JoAnn (Tom) Jacobson of Morton

Emil Haack of Hoffman passed away on Apr 6th, among the family members that survive him is a sister Arlene Gulbrandson and her family.


Next edition Apr. 16th -22nd

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: The advent of sunny warm temps during the past few days means that most of the snow is gone and the grass is starting to green up and spring is finally here a relief after our long winter. It is still very wet and it will be a while before field work can start.

STJ/KONG PARISH News: The schedule for Holy week is as follows: Joint services at Kong on Palm Sun Apr 17th at 11 am with the ss kids singing, On Apr. 21st (Maundy Thursday) supper at 6 pm at Kong followed by an informal communion service at 7 pm, Apr 22nd, (Good Fri) Luther league pancake supper at St J at 6 pm followed by services at 7 pm. Services on Easter Sun will be at 8:30 am (st J) and 11 am (Kong) no s.s.

St J spring fling is today (sat) from 10:30 am –1 pm

There will again be an Easter Lilly garden in the parish again this year there are sign-up sheets in the narthex of ea. church or you may contact the parish office to order one. You may also purchase one yourself and if you wish you can designate your Lilly to be donated to a nursing home or women’s shelter

Baccalaureate Sun. will be May 22nd if you have a grad in your family this year please let the parish office know so it can be included in the May newsletter

GSLC news: There will be an Easter memorial garden at Good Shepherd on Easter Sun at the church if you would like to buy a flower for it please call 392-5548

The Holy week schedule for Gslc is at follows Palm Sun Apr. 17th first services at the church site at 9 am Maundy Thursday and good Friday services at 7 pm and Easter sun at 9 am (no SS).

The federated church will have their” this and that sale” today (sat) beginning at 9 am

The glacial ridge conference for the women of the elca spring gathering will be held on Apr 25th at Fron Lutheran church in Starbuck beginning with registration at 4:30 pm for more info or to share rides contact the parish office or call 677-2784

Faith Lutheran in Morris will have a rummage sale on Apr 27th

The st co rep party will meet on Apr 25th at Detoy’s at 6:15 pm

Mary Jipson of Chokio passed away on Apr 8th among the family members that survive her is a sister Shirley Henrichs and her family.

Emil Haack of Hoffman passed away on Apr 6th, among the family members that survive her are a sister Arlene Gulbrandson and her family.

Roy Johnson of Keng passed away on Apr. 5th, among the family that survives her is a great granddaughter Kayla (Aaron) Erdahl of Donnelly

Correction: Eugene Carlin of Nevada passed away on Dec 25th.

Congratulations to Keaton Long who as a member of the wca little knights wrestling team finished 2nd at the regional competition held at NL-S. Tristan raths (Scott and Jackie) also competed in that tournament placing 2nd. They both competed at the state tournament in Rochester where Tristan placed 6th and Keaton won once and lost twice

Congratulations to the w-h-n “16s” JO vb team that took first place at the UMM tournament on Apr. 2nd. Samantha Larson is a member of that team. She was also one of the members of the h-n fccla chapter that earned medals at the region 6 star event at Barnesville qualifying her for a trip to the state convention

Congratulations to Danny Ennen who won a motorcycle at grant co choppers open house in Herman on Apr.

The Morris FFA had their annual awards night on Apr. 4th. Sami Searle, Brady Jergenson, Kendra Speer and Natalie Johnston were among those recognized for their work during the past year. Kaitlin Van Horn was elected as sec for the 2011-12 yr.

The st co gen soc had their monthly meeting on Apr 7th the next meeting is on May 5th
Wally McCollar and I attended the funeral or Walt Hokanson at First Lutheran on Apr. 9th. After the funeral I travel out to the site of the gslc to see the progress being made out there. Later in the aft I attended the birthday party for Ron Carlson. In the eve Jim and Lorraine Aanerud and I attended the concert by the two by four family band at the Maes music hall.

Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended services at gslc on Apr. 10th. Afterwards the council served cake made by Irene Strand of Donnelly in honor of the church’s first birthday. That eve several friends and family helped Lou celebrate her birthday.

One of the signs of spring is the return of the “snowbirds”. Welcome Home!

Friday, April 8, 2011

h-h-t news

due to lack of interest this is my last column for the h-h-t

Next edition Apr 7th -13th

Hello everybody and welcome to another trial edition the Donnelly news. Please remember to let Nick know if you are enjoying this column and want to see it continue.

St J/Kong parish news: Lenten services conclude on the 13th at St J followed by lunch.

The schedule for Holy week is as follows: Joint services at Kong on Palm Sun Apr 17th at 11 am with the ss kids singing, On Apr. 21st (Maundy Thursday) there will be supper at 6 pm at Kong followed by an informal communion service at 7 pm. On Apr 22nd (Good Fri) the Luther league will be having their annual pancake supper at St J at 6 pm followed by services at 7 pm. Services on Easter Sun will be at 8:30 am (st J) and 11 am (Kong) no s.s.

There will again be an Easter Lilly garden in the parish again this year there are sign-up sheets in the narthex of ea. church or you may contact the parish office to order one. You may also purchase one yourself and if you wish you can designate your Lilly to be donated to a nursing home or women’s shelter

The Apr newsletter is now out extra copies are available in the narthex of both churches

St J spring fling is on Apr 16th from 10:30 am- 1 pm

There will be a meatball supper at peace in Barret on Apr. 3rd from 4-7 pm

There will be a spring salad luncheon on Apr 9th at grace free church in Elbow Lake @9:30 a.m. with special guest speaker Kathy Austovld

The Hoffman Good Samaritan soc will hold a Palm sun brunch on Apr. 17th from 10am -1 pm at Messiah Lutheran church in Hoffman.

The Donnelly council meetings are broadcast on Ch. 6 on the runestone cable system as well as on the web. Go to ris main menu Ch. 6 videos-misc.

The Stevens county genealogical soc will meet today (Thursday) at 1:30 pm at the library in Morris.

The dfd annual fish fry is Apr 15th at the town hall beginning at 4:00 pm

Correction: Katelyn Wulf was born on Mar 12th to Byron and Amy Wulf of Hancock, grandparents are Charles and Deb Hacker of Hancock and Doug and Joyce Wulf of Morris great grandmother is Wanda LeSage of AZ and VI Wulf of Morris

Eugene Carlin of Nevada passed away on Dec 25th. Survivors include his sisters Darlene (Henning) Awsumb of Donnelly and JoAnn (Tom) Jacobson of Morton

Congratulations to Keaton Long who as a member of the wca little knights wrestling team finished 2nd at the regional competition held at NL-S.

Andy Brevig and I were among the good crowd that attended the benefit for the Burton Strand family at Kong on Apr 3rd.

Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the west central area wam mtg in Starbuck on Apr. 2nd. A rep from the Keng LCMC church was among those who talked about the history of their church and their future plans



Next edition Apr. 9th -15th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. This marks the start of my 4th year of writing this column and I want to say Mange Takk to all my loyal readers who have made it such a success.

Weather news: some welcome sunshine and warmer temperatures means that the snow is slowly melting and spring is finally on the way
Correction: Katelyn Wulf was born on Mar 12th to Byron and Amy Wulf of Hancock, grandparents are Charles and Deb Hacker of Hancock and Doug and Joyce Wulf of Morris great grandmothers are Wanda LeSage of Az. and VI Wulf of Morris

STJ/KONG PARISH News: Lenten services conclude on Apr. 13th at Kong with lunch to follow

The schedule for Holy week is as follows: Joint services at Kong on Palm Sun Apr 17th at 11 am with the ss kids singing, On Apr. 21st (Maundy Thursday) supper at 6 pm at Kong followed by an informal communion service at 7 pm, Apr 22nd, (Good Fri) Luther league pancake supper at St J at 6 pm followed by services at 7 pm. Services on Easter Sun will be at 8:30 am (st J) and 11 am (Kong) no s.s.
St J spring fling is Apr 16th from 10:30 am –1 pm they are looking for “white elephant” items and donations for the raffle. Items can be left at the church about a week beforehand for more info contact the church office
There will again be an Easter Lilly garden in the parish again this year there are sign-up sheets in the narthex of ea. church or you may contact the parish office to order one. You may also purchase one yourself and if you wish you can designate your Lilly to be donated to a nursing home or women’s shelter
The Apr newsletter is now out extra copies are available in the narthex of both churches

GSLC news: There will be an Easter memorial garden at Good Shepherd on Easter Sun at the church if you would like to buy a flower for it please call 392-5548
The Holy week schedule for Gslc is at follows Palm Sun Apr. 17th first services at the church site at 9 am Maundy Thursday and good Friday services at 7 pm and Easter sun at 9 am.

The federated church will have their” this and that sale” on Apr 16th beginning at 9 am

The Two by Four Family Band will be in concert at the Maes concert hall today (Sat)
at 7 pm, free will offering.

The dfd fish fry will be held on Apr 15th at the town hall beginning at 4:30 pm
There is a surprise 70th birthday party for a Donnelly resident today (Sat) at 4 pm at the Legion in Morris.

Congratulations to the Morris footnote h.s dance team that received a judge’s choice award for showmanship in the hall of fame dance challenge on Mar 20th. Sydney Beyer and Beth Holland are members of that team.

Congratulations to Kallin Wilts (Doug and Ellen) whose essay on “think green” was one of those drawn for a Harlem globe trotters family pack for their game in Morris on Apr 7th. Brady Cardwell was selected as a ball boy for the game

Congratulations to Landon Strand who earned a signaling badge at the troop 467 honor court and was also awarded the gold and bronze palm leaf. His brother Levin also earned his signaling merit badge and was promoted to 2nd class.

Congratulations to Morris elem. wrestlers who recently won first place at the Fergus tournament. Kellen Erdahl is a member of that team he finished 4th at 55 his parents are Brian and Ann.

Learning Unlimited presents a talk by Norman Gronwold on "The Problem with our Money" on April 13, at 6 p.m. at the Morris Public Library. Gronwold is a lifelong farmer from the Herman-Norcross area who has studied economics for over 40 years, coming to believe that the only solution is to return to a constitutional monetary system. This will be Learning Unlimited's final program.

Eugene Carlin of Nevada passed away on Dec 25th. Survivors include his sisters Darlene (Henning) Awsumb and JoAnn (Tom) Jacobson of Morton
Former Donnelly area resident Herb Kill of Morris passed away on Apr 2nd.
Claire Sophia Loge was born March 3, 2011, at St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Brainerd, to Kirk and Taunya Loge of Breezy Point. Grandparents are Craig and Cork Loge of Morris and Stan and Eileen Bayer of Morris. Great grandma is Deane Schmidt of Herman and great-grandpa is Leo Gruber of Willmar.
Wally McCollar attended the visitation and funeral for his aunt Haroldine Walker on apr 1st and 2nd

Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the wam mtg in starbuck on Apr 2nd. The next meeting will be on May 7th. After the meeting it was back to Kong to help with the set up for the strand benefit then it was off to Morris for the open house for two employees at the schs

Pearl A. Anderson and I were among the many who attended the benefit for the Burton Strand at Kong on Apr 3rd.

The Donnelly community club met on Apr 4th as we started the process of making plans for the bee. Anyone with ideas or suggestions for it or any other event is encouraged to contact one of the officers. A reminder that this year’s bee is on Aug 27 and 28th and we will be featuring John Deere. The next meeting will be on May 9th
Jack, Jon and Joan Kopacek and I attended the Pedersen funeral home’s spring seminar at the Old # 1 south side on Apr. 5th, in the aft Jim and Lou Eystad and I were among the many friends who stopped into the Christus house for the farewell open house for “PK” and wish her well in her new call in Northfield. In the eve a good crowd was on hand for the Donnelly rod and gun club’s annual meeting.

Friday, April 1, 2011


h-h-t news

Hello everybody and welcome to another trial edition the Donnelly news. Please remember to let Nick and/or Randy know if you are enjoying this column and want to see it continue.

St J/Kong parish news: Lenten services continue on wed eve at 7 pm alternating between Kong (Apr 6th) and St J (13th) followed by lunch.

There will be joint services at St J on Apr 3rd at 8:30 am, ss will also be held there

West central area word alone ministries will meet on Apr. 2nd at the Minnewaska Lutheran home in Starbuck at 10 am. For more info call 795-2427

There will be a benefit noon meal for family of Burton Strand of Donnelly, on April 3, from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Kongsvinger Parish Hall; free will donation. All are welcome!

The Donnelly community club will meet on Apr. 4th at 7 pm at the town hall in Donnelly. .

Also on the 4th the red hatters will meet at “the place to be in Donnelly” at 1:30 pm, the bookmobile will be in town at 3:30, the city council will meet in the council chambers at city hall and the Rendsville 4-h will meet at the fire hall at 7 pm.

The Donnelly council meetings are broadcast on Ch. 6 on the runestone cable system as well as on the web. Go to ris main menu Ch. 6 videos-misc..

A farewell open house for Rev Kristine Braaten- Lee will be held at the Chirtus house in Morris on Apr. 5th from 3-6 pm.

The Stevens county genealogical soc will meet on Apr 7th at 1:30 pm at the library in Morris.

Pederson funeral home will have their spring seminar on Apr 6th at the Old # 1 Southside in Morris at 10 am

The DFD annual fish fry is Apr 15th at the town hall

NHAS is still collecting money to fight hunger you can make a donation at any of their locations.

Richard (Dick) Haupert of Herman passed away on mar 23rd. among the family that survives him is a sister Lois (John (Bud) Anderson of Donnelly. I attended his visitation on the 25th; his sister in law Franchetta was Dad’s home care nurse for several years.

Haroldine Walker passed away on Mar 24th; a nephew Wally McCollar of Morris formerly of Donnelly is among the family members that survive her.

Katelyn Wulf was born on Mar 12th to Byron and Amy Wulf of Hancock, grandparents are Charles and Deb Hacker of Hancock and Doug and Joyce Wulf of Morris great grandmother is Wanda LeSage of Phoenix AZ and VI Wulf of Morris

Congratulations to Landon Strand who finished 5th in discussion at the H-N speech meet at West Central. He also earned a signaling badge at the troop 467 honor court and was also awarded the gold and bronze palm leaf. His brother Levin also earned his signaling merit badge and was promoted to 2nd class.

Thanks to North Star Mutual for the nice tool kit I won at the Delaware annual meeting on Mar 22nd.


Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news in order to keep up with the times I have created a Donnelly news page on Facebook. Just search Facebook for Donnelly news
Weather news: since mar came in like a lion it is supposed to go out like a lamb but it sort of a timid lamb. Although it appears that winter has finally left, however spring is slow to arrive with cool temps for much of the last week so there is still a lot of snow and ice around.
STJ/KONG PARISH News: Lenten services continue each week alternating between Kong (Apr 6th) and ST J (13th) at 7 pm with a lunch to follow. The offering will be used for the cups of compassion; the lunch money will be used for the elca Malaria inactive. The Lenten quarter offering will divided between the SA and Red Cross for flood relief

There will be joint services at St J on Apr 3rd at 8:30 am. SS will also be at St J at 9:45 am
There will be a benefit noon meal for family of Burton Strand of Donnelly, on April 3, from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Kongsvinger Parish Hall, Free will donation. All are welcome. Donations may also be left at the UFMSB through April 15. Anyone who can help before, during, or after the benefit please call 677-2784

St J spring fling is Apr 16th they are looking for “white elephant” items and donations for the raffle. Items can be left at the church about a week beforehand for more info contact the church office
GSLC news: There will be an Easter memorial garden at Good Shepherd on Easter Sun at the church if you would like to buy a flower for it please call 392-5548
I have stopped out to the church site several times in recent weeks they have been painting the ceiling of the church and varnishing the floor. They are still planning on having their first service there on Apr 17th.
The Good Shepherd call committee has asked for a special meeting of the congregation on Apr 3rd following the 10 am coffee for the purpose of presenting a candidate for pastor of gslc. All voting members are encouraged to attend
Other church news: WAM will meet today (Sat) at the Minnewaska Lutheran Home in starbuck. The program will be a report on the 5 new mission start churches in the area. Coffee at 9:30 am program at 10 am
There will be a farewell open house for Rev Kristine Braaten- Lee at the Christus house in Morris on Apr. 5th from 3-6 pm.
The Donnelly community club will have their first meeting of the year on Apr. 4th at 7 pm at the town hall in Donnelly. We will be starting to make plans for this threshing bee as always ideas or suggestions for it or any other events are always welcome.
Also on the 4th the red hatters will meet at the place to be at 1 pm (please wear an Easter bonnet); the bookmobile will be in town @ 3:30 pm, the city council will meet in the council chambers, and the Rendsville 4-h club will meet at the fire hall at 7 pm
The st co gen soc will meet on Apr. 7th @ 1:30 pm at the library in Morris.
NHAS is raising money to fight hunger you can leave donations at the elev. in Donnelly.
Pederson funeral home is sponsoring a spring seminar on Apr. 5th at the old #1 Southside at 10 am
The Two by Four Family Band will be in concert at the Maes concert hall on Apr 9th at 7 pm, free will offering. I have heard them several times and they are very good
The dfd fish fry will be held on Apr 15th at the town hall.
The Donnelly rod and gun club will have their annual meeting on Apr 5th at the Donnelly hall at 6:30 pm
There is a 50th birthday party for a former Donnelly resident today (Sat) at 7 pm and a 70th for a current resident on the 9th at 4 pm both at the Legion in Morris. Since both parties are supposed to be a surprise I will not put the names in here.
Richard (Dick) Haupert of Herman passed away on mar 23rd. among the family members that survive him is a sister Lois (John (Bud) Anderson of Donnelly.
Haroldine Walker passed away on mar 24th, a nephew Wally McCollar is among the family members that survive her.
Katelyn Wulf was born on Mar 12th to Byron and Amy Wulf of Hancock, grandparents are Charles and Deb Hacker of Hancock and Doug and Joyce Wulf of Morris, great grandmother is Wanda LeSage of Phoenix AZ Vi Wulf of Morris.
Buyers from all over the USA and Canada attended the Wulf Limousin sale at the Wulf farms of Hancock on Mar 15th. The top bull sold for $66,000 total sales were about $1.6 million. After the sale I attended the visitation for Dick Haupert at the funeral home, his sister in law Franchetta was Dad’s home care nurse for several years.
Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the benefit for Aaron Luthi at faith Lutheran on Mar 25th services at good shepherd the 26th and the community meal at the sr. center the 27th.Enroute home from the benefit I visited my aunt Pearl A. Anderson at her home . After the meal on the 27th I attended the st co rep party mtg at Detoy’s and enroute home visited with Sam and Dorothy Johrdheim at their home in Donnelly. The next rep party mtg is scheduled for Apr 25th
Tuesday, 29th, Joan Kopacek caught the VFW bus at Alexandria and traveled to the Capital for VFW Legislative Day. After updates on Veteran’s affairs she met Senator Ingebrigtsen, and Representative Westrom to discuss some current concerns. Later the bus stopped at the White Bear Lake VFW for Lunch and to meet the Mayor.