Friday, September 10, 2010

donnelly news

Next edition Sept 11th – 17th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. Please note that if you are planning on attending an event I have listed here it is always a good idea to double check the info before doing so as I occasionally do get the time or date wrong.

Weather news: the cool nights and days we have had in the past week reminds us that summer is ending and fall will be here soon. It started to rain about mid aft Mon and kept on most of the aft and into the eve. I drove home in rain all the way from rollag. The crops looked as good up there as they do down here.

STJ/KONG PARISH NEWS: Sept 12th is rally sun with SS at 9 am and joint services at St J at 10:15 am followed by a potluck dinner. The fall schedule will resume on Sept 19th with services at Kong at 8:30 am ss at 9:45 am and services at St J at 11 am
The Sept newsletter is now out extra copies are available in the narthex of each church
The mission start good Shepherd Lutheran church (MSGLC) in Morris is will celebrate rally sun on Sept 12th with the installation of teachers and presentation of bibles to the third graders.
Many other churches in the area will also have Rally sun services and special activities on Sept 12th.
With fall here it is also time for church suppers/dinner st Charles in Herman (Sept 12th) and the Herman UM (Oct 17th) are just some of the area churches who will have one in the near future.
There will be a gospel sing a long at the Eden reformed church in Herman on Sept 12th at 6 pm and Immanuel of rural Barrett on Sept 15th at 7pm
The play “Godly Women out of History will be presented at Trinity Lutheran church in Cyrus on Sept 12th at 3 pm. It will also be presented at Kong during KCLW guest night on Sept 26th.

WAM will meet today (Sat) AT St J of rural Starbuck. Coffee will be at 9:30 am, the program at 10 am. A delegate who attended the recent North American Lutheran Church constituting convention for the new church will bring a report. For more info call 795-2477
The musical group “go fish” will be in concert at the Lake Geneva Christian center (605 Birch Ave) in Alex on Sept 19th at 4:30 pm. No reserve seating and no tickets required. This sponsored by the local Thrivent agents in the area you can call the Morris office at 589-1731 or your local Thrivent agent for more info.
The parish is collecting Items for LWR and/or Marie Sandvick center. A list of acceptable items is included in the Sept newsletter, or you can obtain it from the parish office. They should be brought to either church by Sept 19th.
St J fall festival will be held on Oct 9th. They are looking for craft and other items to sell (no clothes) so if you are doing some fall cleaning keep them in mind. I will have more info later.
There are two events happening today (Sat)
An open house baby shower for Ellery Rose Spohr, daughter of Crystal Henrichs and Matt Spohr, will be held from 2-5 pm at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Morris. Everyone is welcome including men

There will be a reunion of the Alberta High School class of 195l. It will be held at 5 PM at the Ranch House Inn in Morris. Friends welcome to drop in. This was the last class that included the Donnelly Bunch---Mary (Olsen) Dripps, Suzy (Olsen) Ziemmer, Richard Goldenstein and Duane Ruff (deceased).

An open house diaper shower (diapers and bathroom supplies) for Brynnlee Mae Siegel, daughter of Darrik and Misty Siegel, will be held on Saturday, Sept. 18, 10 a.m. to noon at the home of Janet and Steve Sauter, 17411 US Hwy 59, Morris

The Donnelly com club will meet at the town hall on Sept 13th at 7 pm. As always we welcome any comments, ideas, or suggestions about the past and/or future bee or other events. A quick reminder: next year’s feature will be John Deere.

Pictures of the bee can be found in the Sept 4th edition of the Morris s-t and on their website.

Learning unlimited will meet on Sept 15th at 1:00 pm at the Morris public library community room; author David keeny will give a presentation based on his book "MN goes to war”

There will be a Vietnam War era veterans appreciation day at the Old #1 Southside on Sept 12at 2 pm

Congratulations to Steve Engelby who was part of the winning team in the Hoffman fishing league.

Congratulations to following 4-h er’s, who won awards the MN State fair livestock encampment: Jacob and Jenna Moser; Natalie Johnston; Shauna Kill; Mackenzie smith, Kendra Sperr. Natalie and Jake were members of the general livestock judging team that finished 5th overall, second in beef and 5th in sheep. Jenna also received purple ribbon auction scholarship. A complete list of awards can be found in the Sept 4th edition of the M s-t.

Congratulations to Laura Thielke who received the Mary Martelle Memorial award at UMM in Apr. Her parents are Delano and Linda Meyer

Steve Fults and I were among the large crowd that attended the metal to money sale near Hoffman on Sept 3rd. Later I stopped into the good Sam home to visit with Thelma Leegard.

A 12 horse hitch on a plow, a ride on the merry go round were along with many interesting displays , exhibits and events that were part of the 56th annual WMSTR that Dennis Kruize and I attended in rollag over the Labor Day weekend. At the Hawley Lutheran church food booth I ran into my classmate Joe Grotjohn who I had not seen since graduation

Jerry and Joan Kopacek recently returned home after a tour bus trip to Holden Village, Washington, in the Northern Cascade Mountains. While there they had an enjoyable time relaxing and hiking. On the way out they took in the Medora ND musical. On their way back they stopped in Yellowstone National Park and were witness to the extremely rare event of Old Faithful and Beehive geysers erupting simultaneously. But the biggest highlight for them was getting to meet for the first time, Jerry's cousin Arlene and husband Ray Poche' from Ravensdale WA, who drove over 2 hours to Wenattchee so they could have supper together.

Sam and Dorothy Johrdheim traveled to Avon on Sept 3rd to visit Jeff and Gayle Gibson and family, en route home they stopped in Alex to visit Odell and Joann Christenson

Pearl A. Anderson spent some time On Sept 5th in Norcross visiting Lauren Lennox and family.

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