Thursday, June 3, 2021

donnelly news

June 8th -15th

Welcome to the graduation issue edition of the Donnelly news. I have listed the grads that I know have a Donnelly connection along with their parents, grandparents, and on some occasions, great grandparents

Weather News: I guess summer is finally here as we have been having some lovely days even had some rain last week. Crops look nice

St, John's/Kongsvinger news: If you require pastoral care or need info about service times or any other event in the parish, please call the parish office 320-246-3211, e-mail

The parish will be participating in VBS at Faith Morris this yr. 7\26-7/31 contact either church office for more details or to register

Gslc news: if you need info about anything going on in the church, call 585-6868 or e-mail

  Wed eve services have started with Pr Martha Hanson preaching

BBB is at 6:30 p.m. at the fireside in Morris.

Community organization meetings: The Rendsville 4-h meets on the first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at St John's Donnelly. The City council meets on the 1st Sat of the month at 4 p.m. at city hall.  The community club meetings are on the 2nd Mon of the month at the community hall at 7 p.m. & the Donnelly Fire Department meets on the 2nd and 3rd Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the fire hall. The Stevens county genealogical society will resume meeting in Sept.

 The bookmobile has resumed its regular schedule with stops in Donnelly on the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month on Main Street from 2:45–3:00 p.m.; for more info, call 218.739.5286 or visit Also, the VLS is offering a summer reading program:

Rusc Kinship garden gala June 23rd, 5–7 p.m. Pomme de Park

There will be no ice cream social in June this yr.

Plans continue to have a threshing bee this year, hopefully. Anyone with ideas of activities/events we could add should contact an officer with the community club. 

From Sandy Dunn: As of now, the planning has started for the scheduling of the Bee as usual. 

Starting June 1st -20th, we will be looking for candidates interested in running for our 2021/2022 Threshing Bee Royalty.

Eligibility for Little Miss candidates are ages 8-10, and Queen/Princess candidates are ages 14-18.

Keep a watch for more info soon to follow as we move forward in the planning stages.

Please note the "official" fb page is Donnelly Minnesota threshing bee

While putting up decorations in Grant co Saturday, I stopped at the Barret, care center to visit Helen Peterson.

The past week: open house for Bob Burner at the co-op in Donnelly .grad open house for Brady Loge at the Pomme De Terre golf clubhouse. Memorial Day services at MAES regular services and adult Ed at Gs.

During coffee hr. at Gs, I had an opportunity to say goodbye to Jack Fuchs. He and his wife are moving to TX permanently.

At Brady's open house, I had an opportunity to say "hi" to my former neighbors Gary & Steve Loge.

Donnelly rod & gun Club Walleye fishing contest on Pomme De Terre Lake (Perkins Lake) June 20th starting with registration at 9 am more info call 320-287-3901 or 219-6927

I want to wish my dad (June 7th) and my mom (June 16th) happy birthdays in heaven

Rocking c horse farm located west of Donnelly is currently open for the summer  320-246-3455

GRADS:  Isaac Nienhaus (Barry & Patty) HHS

Bryce Hacker Chris & Becky (Charles & Deb) HHS

Brooke Gillespie (Curt & Judy) Vivian Bjorlin NDSU

All other Grads are from MAHS

Hannah Flogstad (Matt & Susan)

Derek Giese (Brian & Holly) grand Howard & Ditto

Hailey Jackson (Deb Smith, Darwin Jackson) Cal & Jan Bumgardner

Callista Kill (Joe & Julie) Dick Cady

Courtney Lehman (Nick & Laura) (Paul & Nancy Thompson) great Grandparents Glen & Gertie Werk

Brady Backman (Jon & Jackie) Liz Aschman

Brady Loge (Ryan & Jill) Steve & Liz

Ryan Miller (Jason & Julie) Gene & Sharon

Tristian Raths; (Scott & Jackie) Bill & Deb Kill great the grandmother is Esther Uhden.

Justus Moser (Jon & Lori) Harry & Corinne Kruize; Nancy & Glenn Knopp

Destiny Pollard, (Brent, Chrissy) Craig, and Bonnie Moses

Kylen Running Hawk, Laurie Lessier, Charles Lasley Sr., & Percy Lesser

Cade Wente Chad & Jackie (Dick & Linda)

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