Thursday, July 2, 2020

donnelly news

July 7th-14th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
In the next few weeks, there will be several organizations with scheduled meetings (i.e., fire department, community club, etc. ); I have no idea if anything will go on as scheduled due to the COVID19, so please check before planning to attend anything.
Weather News after a hot weekend, we had some welcome rain early Mon a.m. Early wed brought some strong winds that did some damage in the Donnelly area. Crops continue to look good corn is knee-high plus
Church news, some churches in the area are beginning to open up. GSLC -Morris has limited services inside Sundays at 9 a.m. and Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the church. On Sundays morning until July 12th at 10:15 a.m., there will be a worship service outdoors; after that, they will switch to Wed. a.m. All three services will be the same. At 7 p.m. on Wednesdays, there is outdoor worship at Faith- Morris and on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at first -Morris.
Please check with your local church for what their plans are. A reminder that you will find virtual services, devotions, etc. on fb, YouTube, local access channels church websites and the radio for many area churches
ST. John' s/Kongsvinger news: tentative schedule subject to change: JULY 12th "Drive-In for Christ" Service of Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. in St. John's parking lot.
JULY 19th "Drive-In for Christ" Service of Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. in Kongsvinger's parking lot
Rev. Rochelle Anderson of Morris will be providing pastoral care until further notice, if you need care, contact the parish office. You can also watch our "virtue" services on Facebook and YouTube.
The parish office is closed due to the COVID 19 outbreak, call 246-3211, or e-mail ( or send mail (box 97) if you need assistance.
The West Central Word Alone group will have a reunion for former pastor leaders and members on Wednesday, July 29th from l: 00 to 3:00 or later at the Starbuck Lakeshore Park shelter.
In the event of inclement weather, it will be held the following day at the same time and place.
If any questions, you may call 320-239-2535.
Ron Papesh of Glenwood passed away on June 24th. Survivors include his son Mark (Clara), and brother-in-law Wayne of Donnelly, his wife former Donnelly area resident Shaylyn (Jacobson) and their family,
Former Donnelly area resident Darren Henrichs of Kirksville, Missouri, passed away on June 30th.
Former Donnelly area resident Jean "Maggie" Ersted of Alex passed away on June 22nd.
Former Donnelly resident Dorothy (Hilla) Eisel of Wasilla AK
passed away on June 19th
Former Donnelly area resident Duane Solive of Cyrus passed
away on May 26th.
The Rendsville 4-h club is looking for volunteers to weed/maintain/water the rain garden in Donnelly by the fire hall as they are unable to do it themselves due to COVID 19. Thanks to the members, advisors, and parents for all the hard work they have put into making Donnelly look beautiful this year
Thanks to the city of Donnelly for the donation of folding chairs to the bee. The renovations in the hall look very nice from what I saw of them Mon eve.
Past week st co rep mtg old #1, visit chuck Spohr at his place, fireworks in Barrett, metal to money sale Hoffman, Kathy Crandall committal service, Herman drive-in service at Gs and Faith Morris, community club meeting Donnelly (no threshing bee this year)

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