Thursday, December 19, 2019

donnelly news

Dec 24th-31st
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. Merry Christmas to all my loyal readers out there

If you have news for me, the next couple of weeks try and get it to me A.SA.P. As I have some early deadlines.
Most Donnelly business will close early Christmas Eve and be closed all day on Christmas Day
Weather News: it was a bitterly cold weekend with -0 temp and strong winds. I was surprised to find an unpicked cornfield in my travels the last wk.
Donnelly church news: There will be joint services of carol and readings at 9:30 a.m. on December 29th (Kongsvinger) followed by coffee hr. No regular S.S. in December. The regular weekly schedule will resume in January.
Christmas Eve services on December 24th at 8 P.m. (St. John's) Christmas day 10 a.m. (Kongsvinger)
There will again be a poinsettia garden at both churches this year contact the parish office for more details
Due to the weather the December 1st  KCLW brunch was canceled, in its place, on December 29th, a mini brunch will be held in the church basement; there will be coffee and goodies served (no potluck )after services at 9:30 a.m.
Good Shepherd Lutheran church news: There will be Christmas Eve services at 5:00 p.m., Christmas day at 10:00 the church
Christmas leftover pot luck on December 29th
The church is looking for a new secretary if interested contact the church at 585-6868
No more Tuesday A.M. bible studies or Sunday adult Ed until next year
On December 24th, at Faith Morris, the living nativity will be presented at 3 and 5 P.m.

There will be a Christmas community dinner at first Lutheran–Morris on December 25th, starting at noon. Free will offering
St Paul’s Lutheran Morris has New Year’s Eve services at 7 p.m.
BBB resumes on January 8th at the fireside in Morris
Bookmobile in town on Main St., December 30th from 2:45-3 p.m. note new time

Sadie Jo Livengood was born on December 9th to Kody and Allishia Livengood of Morris. Grandparents are Russ Roske of Donnelly and John and H0lly Riley of Morris

Shirley Frank passed away on December 13th. The Frank family owned and ran the Gambles store in Donnelly for many years.

Santa stopped in Donnelly on December 14th, too cold for the reindeer, so the fire dept. gave him a ride into town. Thank you to the threshing bee Royalty for serving the delicious dinner prepared by community club members, and their families and later assisting Santa with his visit. The hall looked very festive thanks to their hard work and that of their families.

Past week: visited Lou Eystad in her apartment in Legacy living, flekkefrost activities in Elbow Lake visited Helen Peterson in the Barrett home, ss programs at Gs and Kong.; Dac open house, advent services Gs


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