Thursday, August 29, 2019

donnelly news

August 30th –September 6th
Welcome to another edition of Donnelly news. Please note that due to Labor Day holiday most of the business in Donnelly will be closed and there will be no mail delivery.
Weather news after a sunny, mild week it has been rainy and chilly this week

In ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: Joint services at 9:30 am on the 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays of the month at Kongsvinger, 2nd, 4th Sunday at ST. John's followed by coffee fellowship holy communion 1st and 4th Sundays of the month
GSLC news: Connie Lee in concert for the eagle's news September 14th at 7 pm a special congregational meeting will be held on September 7th to consider changes to the constitution
Despite the rain, on Sunday we managed to get all the day's events in at the Bee. Thanks, everyone for coming and participating. Next year's dates are August 29th and 30th the feature is Ford and Massy. Tousen Takk to the community club for the toy steam engine I won at the Bee.

Herman Red Hats Meet Monday, September 9th at 11 am at Broken Paddle in Herman
 New royalty: queen: Callista Kill, princess, Destiny Pollard; little Miss Donnelly: Chloe Winther; Little Miss Princess Ellery Spohr
The st co gen soc. will meet on September 5th at the Morris library at 1:30 pm
The bookmobile will be in town on main st from 3:45–4 pm the Donnelly fire dept. and community club meet on September 9th at 7 pm the fire and community hall
Jeffery Ehlen of Alberta passed away on August 21st; survivors include his brother Joe Ehlen of Donnelly
Former Donnelly area resident Colleen Anderson Oachs passed away on August 22nd. Survivors include her mother former Donnelly area, resident Shirley Anderson Holman, of Morris

Past wk. John Rinkenberger funeral –Chokio, events at the Donnelly threshing bee, picnic of hope and healing-Pomme De Terre Park, Fmsc packing event, work night at the Bee, worship services at Gs BBB met lounge

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