Thursday, August 22, 2019

donnelly news

Aug 24th-sept 6th
In ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: The parish will be leading the services under the big top tent on August 25th at 9 a.m. with Tom & Pearl Horning leading the music and Dick Cady as lector There will be no services at either church that day; the regular schedule resumes on September 1st
GSLC news: On August 28th at 7 p.m. the summer service series will conclude with Pr AJ Kluver as guest preacher. On August 25th, after the 9 a.m. services and a potluck dinner, Gladys Mungo from Haiti's children will give a presentation about her work in Haiti, She will also be collecting supplies for the children. Connie Lee in concert for the eagle's news September 14th at 7 p.m. a special congregational meeting will be held on September 7th to consider changes to the constitution
The 54th annual Donnelly threshing bee starts today (Sat) and concludes tomorrow (Sun) lots of activities both days. The theme this year is 54 years of hometown fun. Next year's dates are August 29th and 30th the feature is Ford and Massy Ferguson. The fireman's water fights being held today (Sat) at 1 p.m. in front of the fire hall on Main, not on the poster. If you need info during the show stop into the depot and talk whoever is behind the desk the # is 320-246-3272. I do plan to have my cart on the grounds for anybody that needs a ride. Also, RTA is providing free Wi-Fi service on the grounds again this yr. The Rendsville 4-h club will be the grand marshals this year
There will also be non-bee events during the weekend at the The place to be in Donnelly. I know of at least one rummage sale in town too.

Work night on the bee grounds August 27th (takedown, put away, etc.) at 6:30 p.m. any help during or after the bee is much appreciated.
Kathy Eystad informs me she is looking for pictures of farmsteads' for display in the schoolhouse this year. If you have one, please get in touch with her at 246-3262 or bring them to the schoolhouse during the weekend
On August 26th the bookmobile is in town from 3:45-- 4:00 p.m. on Main St.
Hannah McNally and Jeremy Michaelson were married, on July 25th at Pomme De Park in Morris. Her mother is Audrey Larson, grandparents Don
and Algene, and great-grandmother Bertha Larson.
On August 3rd Britany Cardwell and Philip Messner were married at the Erdahl barn near Donnelly her parents are Doug and Muriel (Mau), Cardwell
On August 17th Justin Stallman and Jenna Niemann were married at Kongsvinger; his parents are Jeff and Marylyn (Mau) Stallman of Donnelly
Former Donnelly area resident Capt. Gerald Loher lll has returned home from overseas duty.
Herman Red Hats Meet Monday, September 9th at 11 a.m. at Broken Paddle in Herman

The st co gen soc. will meet on September 5th at the Morris library
Past wk. activities at the swift co fair Appleton, rata show Rosholt, cornfest activities Ortonville, bible study and wed eve services at Gs, Willie's SV parking lot party at Eastside Park, work night on the threshing bee grounds, BBB at the met lounge

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