Thursday, August 29, 2019

donnelly news

August 30th –September 6th
Welcome to another edition of Donnelly news. Please note that due to Labor Day holiday most of the business in Donnelly will be closed and there will be no mail delivery.
Weather news after a sunny, mild week it has been rainy and chilly this week

In ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: Joint services at 9:30 am on the 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays of the month at Kongsvinger, 2nd, 4th Sunday at ST. John's followed by coffee fellowship holy communion 1st and 4th Sundays of the month
GSLC news: Connie Lee in concert for the eagle's news September 14th at 7 pm a special congregational meeting will be held on September 7th to consider changes to the constitution
Despite the rain, on Sunday we managed to get all the day's events in at the Bee. Thanks, everyone for coming and participating. Next year's dates are August 29th and 30th the feature is Ford and Massy. Tousen Takk to the community club for the toy steam engine I won at the Bee.

Herman Red Hats Meet Monday, September 9th at 11 am at Broken Paddle in Herman
 New royalty: queen: Callista Kill, princess, Destiny Pollard; little Miss Donnelly: Chloe Winther; Little Miss Princess Ellery Spohr
The st co gen soc. will meet on September 5th at the Morris library at 1:30 pm
The bookmobile will be in town on main st from 3:45–4 pm the Donnelly fire dept. and community club meet on September 9th at 7 pm the fire and community hall
Jeffery Ehlen of Alberta passed away on August 21st; survivors include his brother Joe Ehlen of Donnelly
Former Donnelly area resident Colleen Anderson Oachs passed away on August 22nd. Survivors include her mother former Donnelly area, resident Shirley Anderson Holman, of Morris

Past wk. John Rinkenberger funeral –Chokio, events at the Donnelly threshing bee, picnic of hope and healing-Pomme De Terre Park, Fmsc packing event, work night at the Bee, worship services at Gs BBB met lounge

Thursday, August 22, 2019

donnelly news

Aug 24th-sept 6th
In ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: The parish will be leading the services under the big top tent on August 25th at 9 a.m. with Tom & Pearl Horning leading the music and Dick Cady as lector There will be no services at either church that day; the regular schedule resumes on September 1st
GSLC news: On August 28th at 7 p.m. the summer service series will conclude with Pr AJ Kluver as guest preacher. On August 25th, after the 9 a.m. services and a potluck dinner, Gladys Mungo from Haiti's children will give a presentation about her work in Haiti, She will also be collecting supplies for the children. Connie Lee in concert for the eagle's news September 14th at 7 p.m. a special congregational meeting will be held on September 7th to consider changes to the constitution
The 54th annual Donnelly threshing bee starts today (Sat) and concludes tomorrow (Sun) lots of activities both days. The theme this year is 54 years of hometown fun. Next year's dates are August 29th and 30th the feature is Ford and Massy Ferguson. The fireman's water fights being held today (Sat) at 1 p.m. in front of the fire hall on Main, not on the poster. If you need info during the show stop into the depot and talk whoever is behind the desk the # is 320-246-3272. I do plan to have my cart on the grounds for anybody that needs a ride. Also, RTA is providing free Wi-Fi service on the grounds again this yr. The Rendsville 4-h club will be the grand marshals this year
There will also be non-bee events during the weekend at the The place to be in Donnelly. I know of at least one rummage sale in town too.

Work night on the bee grounds August 27th (takedown, put away, etc.) at 6:30 p.m. any help during or after the bee is much appreciated.
Kathy Eystad informs me she is looking for pictures of farmsteads' for display in the schoolhouse this year. If you have one, please get in touch with her at 246-3262 or bring them to the schoolhouse during the weekend
On August 26th the bookmobile is in town from 3:45-- 4:00 p.m. on Main St.
Hannah McNally and Jeremy Michaelson were married, on July 25th at Pomme De Park in Morris. Her mother is Audrey Larson, grandparents Don
and Algene, and great-grandmother Bertha Larson.
On August 3rd Britany Cardwell and Philip Messner were married at the Erdahl barn near Donnelly her parents are Doug and Muriel (Mau), Cardwell
On August 17th Justin Stallman and Jenna Niemann were married at Kongsvinger; his parents are Jeff and Marylyn (Mau) Stallman of Donnelly
Former Donnelly area resident Capt. Gerald Loher lll has returned home from overseas duty.
Herman Red Hats Meet Monday, September 9th at 11 a.m. at Broken Paddle in Herman

The st co gen soc. will meet on September 5th at the Morris library
Past wk. activities at the swift co fair Appleton, rata show Rosholt, cornfest activities Ortonville, bible study and wed eve services at Gs, Willie's SV parking lot party at Eastside Park, work night on the threshing bee grounds, BBB at the met lounge

Thursday, August 15, 2019

donnelly news

Aug 17th-23rd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. My apologies for no column in the paper last wk. my fault I did not get it sent in
Weather News: it has been mostly sunny and mild the past week we had some rain sat eve. Suspect grain harvest will be underway soon.
ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: joint services at 9:30 a.m. on 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays of the month at Kongsvinger, 2nd, 4th Sunday at ST. John's followed by a coffee hour at both churches. Communion service 1st and 4th Sundays. Note our parish will be leading the services under the big top tent on August 25th; no services at either church that day.
GSLC news: Summer services continue to be held every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Pr Mike Hanson will be preaching on August 21st.  Gladys Mungo from Haiti's children will be at Gs August 25th to give a presentation about her work in Haiti after a pot luck dinner. She will also be collecting supplies for the children. Connie Lee in concert for the eagle's news September 14th at 7 p.m. Special congregational meeting on September 7th to consider changes to the constitution
The 54th annual Donnelly threshing bee is August 24th and 25th on the threshing bee grounds in Donnelly. Sat events start with the pancake breakfast and conclude with a dance on the grounds. Sunday events begin with services under the big top tent and finish with the cash drawings after the pony/horse pull. For more info, a complete list of activities, contact info, etc. visit the website at or call 320-795-2437 or 320-246-3337 e-mail The theme this year is 54 years of hometown fun. Next year's dates are August 29th and 30th the feature is Ford and Massy Ferguson. Not on poster fireman's water fights August 24th 1 p.m. in front of the fire hall on Main St.
There will also be non-bee events during the weekend i.e., a dance Sat evening at the Place to be in Donnelly. I assume there will also be some rummage sales around town too

Advance sale buttons will be on sale through August 23rd at various businesses in Donnelly and Dacotah Bank in Morris and Chokio
Work nights on the bee grounds on August 20th (put up fences get ready etc.) and the 27th (takedown, put away, etc.) both at 6:30 p.m.
The Committee assignments have been mailed out. If you would like to help out get in touch with one of the officers or e-mail
Kathy Eystad informs me she is looking for pictures of farmsteads' for display in the schoolhouse this year. If you have one, please get in touch with her at 246-3262
On August 26th the bookmobile is in town from 3:45-- 4:00 p.m. on Main St.
On July 25th at Pomme De Park in Morris Hannah McNally and Jeremy Michaelson were married. Her mother is Audrey Larson, grandparents Don and Algene, and great-grandmother Bertha Larson.
On August 3rd Britany Cardwell and Philip Messner were married at the Erdahl barn near Donnelly her parents are Doug and Muriel Cardwell
Former Donnelly area resident Capt. Gerald Loher lll has returned home from overseas duty.
Lilly Prop of Wheaton passed away in August 3rd survivors include her daughter DeVonne (Ronald) Kloos of Jackson, MN and their family. Ron is a former Donnelly area resident
Ruth Harstad of Red Wing passed away on August 2nd survivors include her brother in law George (Eliane) Harstad and their family of the Herman/Donnelly area
Earl Steuck of Chokio; passed away on August. 5th, his survivors include his niece Diane (Glen) Amundson of Donnelly and their family
Queen candidates: Callista Kill - parents Joe and Julie Grandparent Richard Cady and the late Pat Cady, Kylie Mau - parents Maynard and Lori, Grandparents Lyle, and Marilyn Miller; Destiny Pollard - parents Christy Haynes-Pollard, Brent Pollard, Grandparents Bonnie and Craig Moses, the late David Haynes Great grandparent Irene Strand; Little Miss Candidates Ellery Spohr - parents Crystal and Brad Searle, Matt and Shawna Spohr; Grandparents - Rollie and the late Deb Henrichs; Chloe Winther - parents Rachel Volker, Joshua Winther Grandparents - the late Willis and Roberta Volker
Past Activities at the St. co. fair Morris; Haining family concert Dalton, services at lwlc-Alex, the open house at new 1st Lutheran –Alex, com club mtg., bible study& wed eve services -GSLC, community picnic WWV Morris

Thursday, August 8, 2019

donnelly news

Aug 10th-16th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather News: it has been sunny and mild the past week suspect grain harvest will be underway soon
ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: joint services at 9:30 a.m. on 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays of the month at Kongsvinger, 2nd, 4th Sunday at ST. John's followed by a coffee hour at both churches. Communion service 1st and 4th Sundays
GSLC news: Summer services continue every Wednesday at 7 p.m., Pr Mike Hanson will be preaching on August 14th
The 54th annual Donnelly threshing bee is August 24th and 25th at the threshing bee grounds in Donnelly. Sat events start with the pancake breakfast and conclude with a dance on the grounds. For more info, a complete list of activities, contact info, etc. visit the website at or call 320-795-2437 or 320-246-3337 e-mail The theme this year is 54 years of hometown fun. Next year's dates are August 29th and 30th the feature is Ford and Massy Ferguson. Not on poster fireman's water fights August 24th 1 p.m. in front of the fire hall on Main St.
Advance sale buttons will be on sale through August 23rd at various businesses in the area
Work nights on the bee grounds August 20th (put up fences get ready etc.) and 27th (takedown, put away, etc.) at 6:30 p.m.
Committee assignments will be mailed out soon if you would like to help out get in touch with one of the officers or e-mail
Kathy Eystad informs me she is looking for pictures of farmsteads' for display in the schoolhouse this yr. if you have one, please get in touch with her at 246-3262
On August 12th the bookmobile is in town from 3:45-- 4:00 p.m. on Main St. and The community club and DFD will meet at 7 p.m. in the community and fire halls
On July 25th at Pomme De Park in Morris Hannah McNally and Jeremy Michaelson were married. Her mother is Audrey Larson, grandparents Don and Algene, and great-grandmother Bertha Larson.
On August 3rd Britany Cardwell and Philip Messner were married at the Erdahl barn near Donnelly her parents are Doug and Muriel Cardwell
Former Donnelly area resident Capt. Gerald Loher lll has returned home from overseas duty.
Lilly Prop of Wheaton passed away in August 3rd survivors include her daughter DeVonne (Ronald) Kloos of Jackson, MN and their family. Ron is a former Donnelly area resident
Ruth Harstad of Red Wing passed away on August 2nd survivors include her brother in law George (Eliane) Harstad and their family of the Herman/Donnelly area
Earl Steuck of Chokio; passed away on August. 5th, his survivors include his niece Diane (Glen) Amundson of Donnelly and their family
Queen candidates: Callista Kill - parents Joe and Julie Grandparent Richard Cady and the late Pat Cady, Kylie Mau - parents Maynard and Lori, Grandparents Lyle and Marilyn Miller, Destiny Pollard - parents Christy Haynes-Pollard, Brent Pollard, Grandparents Bonnie and Craig Moses, the late David Haynes Great grandparent Irene Strand Little Miss Candidates Ellery Spohr - parents Crystal and Brad Searle, Matt and Shawna Spohr Grandparents - Rollie and the late Deb Henrichs Chloe Winther - parents Rachel Volker, Joshua Winther Grandparents - the late Willis and Roberta Volker
Past week: gen soc. mtg –library; Flekkefest activities, Elbow Lake, sweet corn feed Alberta, visit with Margret Kearns in her home in Alberta; meet the queen candidates at the Donnelly hall, fair community supper Lee center, helped with naps at sr. center bible study & services at Gs, st co fair activities

Thursday, August 1, 2019

donnelly news

 Aug 3rd-9th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather News:  When I was in the Alex /Glenwood area on Sunday, they had some heavy rains. However, when I got home, it looked like we hardly had had any rain. The crops and gardens in the Donnelly area seem to have recovered somewhat from the hailstorm last week. A friend told me that just about every house in Donnelly would need to have new shingles put on their roof.
ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: joint services at 9:30 a.m. on 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays of the month at Kongsvinger, 2nd, 4th Sunday at ST. John's followed by a coffee hour at both churches. Communion service 1st and 4th Sundays
TURKEY and SWEET CORN SUPPER will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Alberta on August 4th

GSLC news: Summer services continue every Wednesday at 7 p.m., Pr AJ Kluver will be preaching on August 7th
The 54th annual Donnelly threshing bee is August 24th and25th at the threshing bee grounds in Donnelly. Events start Fri. eve with community supper beginning at 5 p.m. grilling by the west-central cattleman. For more info, a complete list of activities, contact info, etc. visit the website at or call 320-795-2437 or 320-246-3337 e-mail The theme this year is 54 years of hometown fun. Next year's dates are August 29th and 30th the feature is Ford and Massy Ferguson. Not on poster fireman's water fights August 24th 1 p.m. in front of the fire hall on Main St.
Advance sale buttons will be on sale through August 23rd at various businesses in the area
Meet the threshing bee royalty candidates on August 5th at 7:30 p.m. at the community hall
Work nights on the bee grounds August 20th (put up fences get ready etc.) and 27th (takedown, put away, etc.) at 6:30 p.m.
Committee assignments will be mailed out soon if you would like to help out get in touch with one of the officers or e-mail
Kathy Eystad informs me she is looking for pictures of farmsteads' for display in the schoolhouse this yr. if you have one, please get in touch with her at 246-3262
Donnelly city council meets today (Saturday) in the council chamber at 4 p.m.
The rendsville 4-h will not meet in August due to the fair
On August 12th the bookmobile is in town from 3:45-- 4:00 p.m. on Main St. and The community club and DFD will meet at 7 p.m. in the community and fire halls
Herman red hatters meet on August 5th at AJ's in Herman at 9 a.m.
Threshing bee royalty was part of the waterma parade in Glenwood on 7/28
On 7/25 at Pomme De Park in Morris Hannah McNally and Jeremy Michaelson were married. Her mother is Audrey Larson, grandparents Don and Algene Larson, and great-great-grandmother Bertha Larson. Former Donnelly area resident Capt. Gerald Loher lll has returned home from overseas duty.
    Past week: VFW salad luncheon old # 1, hort night wcroc, Irondale band performance big cat stadium rose city threshing show activities, Glenwood waterma activities, bible studies and services at Gs, dog park dedication activities, block party Donnelly, crazy days activities-Morris, BBB at the met lounge