Thursday, July 12, 2018

donnelly news

July 14th-20th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: temperatures have been sweltering for the past week, that plus some timely rains means that everything is looking green and luscious
St. John's/ Kongsvinger news: the summer schedule with joint services at 9:30 a.m., at Kongsvinger on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays; St. John’s on the 2 and 4th Sundays of each month is now in effect until further notice.  You can find the schedule in the July newsletter; copies are available in the narthex of both churches or from the parish office.

Registration is now open for VBS this summer which will take place at Faith-Morris July 30th- August 2nd together with Faith, First and Trinity Cyrus, contact the church office for more information. There will be a VBS kickoff dinner at Faith on July 29th at 11 A.M. The kids will have a program on August 2nd at Faith.
The annual block party will be held on July 31st starting at 5 p.m. on the west side of ST. John’s church everyone welcome
From July 16th-22nd, The Parish 0ffice will be closed 

GSLC NEWS There will be no worship services on July 18th.

New website

Other church news: Mallory hope in concert today (Saturday.) at Eastside Park from 8-10 p.m. sponsored by first Lutheran and assumption and Morris tourism
There will be Lawn chair worship on July 29th (vbs Kick off) and August 19th (Hancock bluegrass group) at 9 a.m. at faith Morris

The Donnelly fire department meets on July 16th at 7 P.M. at the fire hall.

Herman Red Hats will meet at the Grant County Fair for Lunch on Friday, July 20 at 11 a.m. Dutch treat and will also meet August. 6th at 9 a.m. at aj‘s Herman

Threshing bee news: The Donnelly community club is looking for volunteers to be in charge of and/or be a helper for the white elephant sale, the car show, and the kiddie parade at the threshing bee. If interested contact Corrine Kruize at 246-3337
RUSC kinship will again have a meal option at the superior rib fest at Eastside park today (Saturday.) starting at 3 p.m.

There will be no community club mtg in July the next mtg is August.6th at 7 p.m. at city hall.

Starting in August the city of Donnelly will be using mail-in ballots for elections.
Lee (Duke) Eystad of Donnelly passed away on July 9th his funeral is today (Saturday) at ST. John’s –Donnelly.
Emmet Harstad of Barret formerly of the Donnelly/Herman area passed away on July 7th survivors include his brother George (Eliane) Harstad of Herman/Donnelly and their family and brother in law Clearance Geise of Morris formerly of Donnelly and his family
Rudy Raths of Alex formerly of the Donnelly area passed away on July 2nd survivors include his niece Mary (Jerry) Werk of Herman/ Donnelly area
Former Donnelly area resident Art Reynolds passed away on July 8th he was preceded in death by his brother Harvey of the Donnelly area.
John (Chuck) Whittemore, of Glenwood, passed away on July 10th; survivors include his daughter in law Julie of Donnelly and her family
Islande Speer is a candidate for Miss Morris

On July 7th the threshing bee royalty was in the Heritage Days parade, the queen’s tea and the Miss Minnewaska pageant in Starbuck
Past week A visit to my aunt Pearl in her room at the courage cottage, Heritage Days activities Starbuck, the Clinton 135th anniversary celebration. LL games at Wells Park, dinner with Mark Koepke at old #1 followed by a visit to my aunt Pearl in her room at the courage Cottage, Emmet Harstad funeral –Kongsvinger, customer appreciation supper -Morris dental clinic, bible study, and services at GS (w/Eystad’s) 

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