Thursday, July 5, 2018

donnelly news

July 7th-13th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: They say a sign of a good crop is knee-high corn by the 4th of July most of the corn around here is that and some   thanks to frequent rain showers and mild temperatures

St. John's/ Kongsvinger news: the summer schedule with joint services at 9:30 a.m., at Kongsvinger on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays; St. John’s on the 2 and 4th Sundays of each month is now in effect until further notice.  You can find the schedule in the June newsletter; copies are available in the narthex of both churches or from the parish office.

Registration is now open for VBS this summer which will take place at Faith-Morris July 30th- Aug 2nd together with Faith, First and Trinity Cyrus, contact the church office for more information. There will be a VBS kickoff dinner at Faith on July 29th at 11 A.M. The kids will have a program on Aug. 2nd at Faith.

GSLC NEWS There will be no worship services on July 18th.

New website

Other church news: none

The city council meets at 4 P.M. today (Saturday) at city hall.

The Donnelly fire department meets on July 9th and 16th at 7 P.M. at the fire hall.

Herman Red Hats will meet at the Grant County Fair for Lunch on Friday, July 20 at 11 a.m. Dutch treat

Threshing bee news: The Donnelly community club is looking for volunteers to be in charge of and/or be a helper for the white elephant sale, the car show, and the kiddie parade at the threshing bee. If interested contact Corrine Kruize at 246-3337

Nominations are now open for threshing bee royalty and run through July 7th   boxes are at the Donnelly po, HD and Co and Donnelly co-op. Ages for Little Miss is 8-10, and for Jr., Queen/Princess is 12-14. You must be within the age group by Saturday, Aug 25. More info call 246-3292 or you can e-mail, text, or private message Sandy Dunn

The date, time, and place of the next community club meeting is TBA, posters, and buttons should be here soon.

Starting in August the city of Donnelly will be using mail-in ballots for elections.

Randy and Sashya Larson happily announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter CaliJo Larson to Brody Bahr, son of Scott and Kathy Bahr of Donnelly.

Hallie Marie Erickson was born on June 27th to Alex, and Nicole Erickson grandparents are Dean and Jerri Erickson of Chokio, Curt and Judy Gillespie of Johnson, great-grandparents are Audrey and Jim Erickson of Chokio and Vivian Bjorlin of Chokio Jerri, Judy and Vivian are all former Donnelly area residents

Former Donnelly area resident Russell Sather of Houston MN passed away on June 29th.He is survived by cousins and other family members in the area.

The threshing bee royalty was part of the 4th of July parade in Hancock

Past week: backer fundraiser Johnson, a visit to my aunt pearl in her room at the courage cottage ,Haining family concert in Elbow Lake ,Dave Holm concert Gs, Tyran Paul memorial playground dedication at Gs, NAPS at sr. center with Eystads,  4th of July celebration at Kongsvinger ,independence day activities in Hancock

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