Thursday, June 8, 2017

donnelly news

June 10th-16th

Welcome to part 2 of the graduation edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: the past week has felt very summer like with highs in the upper ‘80’s. Most fields are planted and crops are up. Some low spots being planted ,and some haying is taking place
St. John’s Kongsvinger news: The summer schedule will continue until early September, Sunday services are at 10 A.M.; Wednesday evenings are at 7 P.M. Upcoming services are :June 11th ,at ST. John’s; June 14th.and 18th ,at Kongsvinger . A complete schedule can be found in the June newsletter, copies are available at both churches, or from the parish office.
Vacation bible school will be held on June 12-15th 3-6:30 pm at St. John’s. Walk in’s welcome ,contact the parish office for more details

GSLC news: Wednesday evening services at 7 p.m.
VBS will be held on June 26-29th at GS in conjunction with Zion-Morris again this year

Community news: Donnelly community club will meet on June 12th about 8:30 P.M. at the community hall
The bookmobile will be in town on June 19th on Main Street from 3:45-4 P.M.
The firemen will meet at fire hall at 7 P.M. on June 12th and 19th at the fire hall

Committal services for former Donnelly area resident Marilyn Hagen of California, will be held on June 13th at 11 a.m. at the Kongsvinger Lutheran cemetery of rural Donnelly

The threshing bee royalty started their summer parade season with the Cyrus day’s parade in Cyrus, on June 3rd
Brooke Gillespie has been named an honorable mention to the West Central Tribune’s All-Area Team in softball.
Past wk. visit to my aunt Pearl Anderson at her apt., Cyrus day activities, Grad reception for Jessaline Backer in Graceville, watched  little league games at Wells Park
Higher Ed grads

Chandler Erickson (Dean and Jeri)  (UMM )
Mark Dunn (Lowell and Sandra )(Lake Area Tech institute) (Watertown)
Hannah Lee Casselton (Cindy and late Rusty) (Concordia St. Paul,)
Jana Loher (Jerry, Jody Loher) (Dickinson state )(ND )

As far as I know except for a few track athletes all tiger athletes are done for the year.

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