Thursday, September 29, 2016

donnelly news

October 1-7th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news

Weather news: shortened days and cooler nights are a vivid reminder that fall is here.  Bean harvest is in full swing have not seen any corn picked yet

St. John’s Kongsvinger news: The regular schedule with services at 8:30 a.m. (St. John’s); 11 a.m. (Kongsvinger) joint Sunday school at Kongsvinger at 9:45 a.m. and coffee fellowship at St. John’s following services will continue until further notice

ST. JOHN’S FALL FEST will be held on Saturday, October 15; from 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Workday is Friday, October 14, beginning at 9:00 a.m. There will be lunch served, along with a raffle (featuring a homemade denim quilt and other items), a bake sale, crafts, white elephant, and greeting cards. Everyone is welcome.

St. John’s Kongsvinger youth group meets on October 19th from 4-6 p.m. at ST. John’s

Good Shepherd news:  New member Sunday will be October 30th, if interested in joining the church talk to Pr Mike Hanson

Other church news: tip night at the pizza ranch for Trinity Lutheran-Alberta on October. 3rd from 5-8 p.m. raising money for improvements to the church

These events take place on October 8th: FALL BAZAAR, Zion Lutheran Church, 315 S Columbia Ave, Morris from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Coffee and homemade baked goods at 9 a.m. Soup and BBQ's at noon. There will be a Bake sale, produce, plants, white elephants and miscellaneous. FALL BAKE SALE at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Chokio. Silent auction and raffle from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Coffee and Goodies served all morning. Lunch will be soup and sandwiches.

The Glacial Ridge Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church fall gathering will be held at Trinity-Clinton October 10th beginning with registration at 4:30 p.m. and meal at 5 p.m. program by Louise Fery and Pr. Jennifer Thul.  Tickets available at the door

Fall family dinner at United Methodist-Herman October 16th 11a.m. 1 p.m.

Death notice: Ione Lange of Morris passed away on September 22nd. Survivors include her sons Kedon of Morris and Kermit of Alberta; they are part of our threshing bee “family”

Pauline Hobron of sparks Nevada passed away on September 21 survivors include her nephew Dick (Linda) Wente of Donnelly and niece Diane (Wally) Kill of Morris and their families

Former Donnelly resident Alan Bouressa of Rice MN passed away on September 23rd survivors include his nephew Darin (Amy) Bouressa of Donnelly and other family members in the Donnelly area

RUSC Kinship fall festival is on October 7th at Eastside Park –Morris from 4-6 p.m., they are still looking for groups and/or individuals willing to help out with the event

Options for Women’s annual Italian dinner will be held at the Evangelical Free Church in Morris on October 2nd with dinner and program at 5:30 p.m. ;free will donation

The city council and Rendsville 4-H will meet on October 3rd at 7 p.m. at the community hall and St. John’s in Donnelly.

The Stevens County Genealogical society will meet on October 6th at 1:30p.m.; at the Morris Public Library

On October 10th the bookmobile will be in town on Main St. from 3:45- 4 p.m., and at 7 p.m. the firemen will meet at the fire hall and The Donnelly community club will meet at the community hall, this will probably be our last meeting of the year

October 17th the Morris area school board will meet at 7 p.m. in the Donnelly hall

Pancake breakfast to benefit Someplace Safe on October 2nd from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Old # 1 Southside Morris tickets available at the door

Rockin C horse farm pumpkin days October 15 (10-5) and October. 16th (noon to 5 p.m.) at the ranch 7 miles west of Donnelly on 150th st

Celebrations: Tiger cross country: Little Croix meet; boys (8th) JV Micah Aanerud (59th); girls; JV Savanah Aanerud (first) Auddy Sperr (20th) JH Isabel Fynboh (15th) Milaca Mega meet girls (10th) Savanah Aanerud (45th )JV Auddy Sperr (205th) boys (20th) 10th grade Micah Aanerud (280th )  Kallen Erdahl (352th) Ortonville invite boys and girls( 1s)t Savanah Aanerud (3rd) Auddy Speer (14th) Jv Isabel Fynboh (1st) boys: Micah Aanerud (21st )Kellen Erdahl ( 43rd)

Wyatt Vara was crowned Morris Area H.S. homecoming king on September 26th

Brooke Gillespie was part of the Tiger Volleyball team that took 7th place at the class AA showcase in Burnsville on September 23rd and 24th, her mother Judy is an assistant coach for the team
September 19th Jerry and Joan Kopacek along with Helen Kill were part of the Honor Guard at Osakis that greeted National VFW President Colette Bishop, who was touring MN.

Past week crazy cousins sale, bbb at met co rep. executive cmte mtg at library, Lange visitation at Pedersen funeral home

Thursday, September 22, 2016

donnelly news

September 24th-30th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: I was out of town most of last week so I do not really know much about the weather around here, in Albany they had some heavy rains on Thursday and Friday, bean harvest is full force in the area
St. John’s Kongsvinger news: The regular schedule starts on September 25th with services at 8:30 a.m. (St. John’s); 11 a.m. (Kongsvinger) and joint Sunday school at Kongsvinger at 9:45 a.m. coffee fellowship at St. John’s following services
 On September 25th please bring fresh garden produce or non-perishable food items for the food shelf as part of MN food share’s “Pack the Pews” Sunday

Good Shepherd news:  New member Sunday will be October 30th, if interested in joining the church talk to Pr Mike Hanson
Other church news: none
Death notice: Lori Boehmlehner of Wheaton passed away on September 6th survivors include her uncle and aunt, Ed and Lou Kopel and their family and many other cousins in the Donnelly area
Janice Kroc of Barrett passed away on September.15th survivors include her daughter Angie (Merlyn) Schwartz of Donnelly,
RUSC Kinship fall festival is on October 7th at Eastside Park –Morris from 4-6 p.m., they are still looking for groups and/or individuals willing to help out with the event
Options for Women’s annual Italian dinner will be held at the Evangelical Free Church in Morris on October 2nd with dinner and program at 5:30 p.m. ;free will donation
The city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet on October 3rd at 7 p.m. at the community hall and St. John’s in Donnelly.
The Stevens county Genealogical society will meet on October 6th at 1:30p.m. at the Morris public library
Pancake breakfast to benefit Someplace Safe on October 2nd from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Old # 1 Southside Morris tickets available at the door
Celebrations: Sue Nelson of Donnelly (Pr. Mike’s Nelson wife) is the new music teacher in Hancock
Desmond Scott Burrow was born on September 19, at Stevens Community Medical Center in Morris to James and Jenalenae Burrow of Morris. Grandparents are Scott and Beth Heinrich from Morris and Daniel and Jean Burrow of Rochester, Minnesota. Great-grandmother is Lillian Heinrich from Morris.
Savanah Aanerud recently participated in the state 4-h horse show in the cities. She placed in the top 5 in all the classes she participated in down there; she also won purple for her home environment exhibit at the fair itself
Jonna Moser had the grand champion 4-h Limousin Heifer at the MN state fair  Justus Moser had the Reserve Champion Market Beef Showperson Intermediate Division
The threshing bee royalty were part of the Applefest parade in Appleton on September 18th
 A good crowd was on hand at Kongsvinger on September. 18th for the 140th anniversary celebration of Kongsvinger; my confirmation pastor; Rev Jim Hecker was among those that attended the event. In conjunction with the event, coffee mugs, cookbooks, Kongsvinger Quartet CD’s and history books were for sale. If you missed the event but would like to purchase any of these items call the parish office at 246-3211
Past week Big Iron Farm show West Fargo ND; Stearns county pioneer show Albany; Inga Mae Urke birthday party in starbuck; sons of Norway organ concert at first Lutheran –Morris, BBB at met lounge

Monday, September 19, 2016

donnelly news

September 17th-23rd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news

Weather news: some cooler nights are a reminder that fall is not far away. See some beans being picked and corn cut for silage

St. John’s Kongsvinger news: There will be 140th anniversary celebration for Kongsvinger on September 18th  beginning with dedication of the remodeled church basement at 9:30 a.m. followed by coffee hour, services with Holy Communion at 11 a.m. followed by a potluck dinner followed by cupcakes and ice cream. RSVP to parish office a.s.a.p. 246-3211

The youth club will meet on September.21st from 4-6 pm

Good Shepherd news:  none

Other church news: Septemberfest will be held at Assumption –Morris on September 18th starting with mass at 10 a.m. and continuing with a dinner, children’s carnival, auction etc.

St Charles –Herman will have their fall festival dinner on September 18th at the Herman community center starting at 11 a.m.

Cry out one evening one heart one cry (A nationwide prayer event for women) will be held on September. 23rd via simulcast at the Morris e free church from 6-9 pm

Community new: Sons of Norway Norskfødt Lodge will sponsor an organ concert by Patricia Lundeen on September 19, at 7 p.m. at First Lutheran Church-Morris. Refreshments will be served following the concert.

rocking c horse ranch will be open today Saturday located west of Donnelly on 150th st

Death notice: former Donnelly area resident Marie Ellen Sperr Cosh of Alexandria passed away on September. 7th

Gordon V. Aanerud, Carlton, passed away September 1st, preceded in death by his parents Victor and Millie (Miller) Aanerud from the Donnelly/Chokio area. The Kopacek family was among those who traveled to Battle Lake on September. 11th for his committal service

Paul Bruns of Morris passed away on September 13th survivors include his daughter Shelia (Keith) Kaehler of Morris, son Jerry (Kathy) Bruns) of Donnelly

Lori Boehmlehner of Wheaton passed away on September 6th she was preceded in death by her mother (Rita (Kopel) Shultz a former Donnelly area resident

RUSC kinship is looking for individuals and/or groups to help with its fall festival on Oct. 7th contact the office for details.

Celebrations: Andrew Hennessey won the prize for the largest walleye in the KMRS/Minnewaska bait & tackle summer fishing contest

Tiger cc Holidford invite girl’s 3rd Savannah Aanerud (12th) Long Prairie/Grey Eagle invite girl’s first Savannah (5th) Auddy Sperr 28th JH Isabel Fynboh (21st) boys 3rd Jv Micah Aanerud (12th)

Sue Nelson (Pr. Mike Nelson’s wife) is the new music teacher in Hancock

The community club had their post bee mtg on September. 12th glad to report we had another successful bee next mtg is Oct 10th at 7 pm. Reminder next yrs. bee is Aug. 26-27th and the feature will be Allis Chalmers

The threshing bee royalty were part of the threshing show parade in Dalton on September. 10th some were also part of the machinery parade later in the day

September 9-11 Joan and Jerry Kopacek were in attendance at the VFW Fall conference in Mahnomen.

Past week Marvin brown funeral at Zion, lrta show in Dalton, rally sun at gslc Niemackl park day in Herman, Donnelly rod & gun club trap shoot in Donnelly never forget event at umm, com club mtg visit with my aunt Pearl a. Anderson in her apt. Big iron in west Fargo

Saturday, September 10, 2016

donnelly news

September 10th-16th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: it was a nice weekend again we got some rain late Monday afternoon and again on Wednesday
St. John’s Kongsvinger news: God’s work our hands will be held on September 11th    starting with a sendoff service at 8:30 a.m. at St. John’s   Part of the day will be spent cleaning up Kongsvinger for the celebration; if you want to help, or you need some assistance or know somebody that does (i.e. yard raking, washing windows etc.) contact the parish office to sign up or for more info at 246-3211 there will be a noon meal at Kongsvinger afterwards
There will be 140th anniversary celebration for Kongsvinger on September 18th  beginning with dedication of the remodeled church basement at 9:30 a.m. followed by coffee hour, services with Holy Communion at 11 a.m. followed by a potluck dinner followed by cupcakes and ice cream. RSVP to parish office a.s.a.p.
Good Shepherd news:  Rally Sunday will be held on September 11th with a potluck dinner following Adult Ed
Other church news: Church without walls will be held at First and Faith Lutheran on September 11th
Kids for truth at First Baptist-Morris on September 14th at 6 p.m. they also have new service times Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. and services at 10:30 a.m.
Septemberfest will be held at Assumption –Morris on September 18th starting with mass at 10 a.m. and continuing with a dinner, children’s carnival, auction etc.
St Charles –Herman will have their fall festival dinner on September 18th at the Herman community center starting at 11 a.m.
Bethel Lutheran –Herman is sponsoring a grilled pork chop dinner with all the fixings featuring a baked potato bar at the Herman community center from 4-7 today (Saturday)
Community new: Sons of Norway Norskfødt Lodge will sponsor an organ concert by Patricia Lundeen on September 19, at 7 p.m. at First Lutheran Church. Refreshments will be served following the concert.
Open house bridal shower for Alissa Melberg, (daughter of Penny Melberg and Jay Melberg) bride-to-be of Kirby Sayles, will be held at the Kongsvinger Parish Hall today (Saturday), 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. The shower is being hosted by her family. Everyone (including men) is welcome to attend!
Donnelly Rod and Gun club annual trap shoot will be held at Harstad slough (North east corner of Donnelly) on September 11th 1 to 4 p.m.
Neimackl park day will be held on September 11th; starting with dinner at 10:30 am. Please note this event has been moved to the Herman community center in Herman! 
Celebrations: Tiger cross country Lac qui Parle Valley / Dawson-Boyd invite: girls Tigers (2nd) Savanah Aanerud (13th) Junior Varsity; Auddy Speer (7th) boys: (Junior varsity) (3rd) Micah Aanerud (15th) Kellen Erdahl (24th)
Heidi (Kopel) Asmus will be the new Speech Therapist at the Hancock schools this year
While in Rollag on Monday I met up with former Donnelly resident Roger Johnsen, we were best of friends for many years until he and his family moved away and it has been nearly 50 years since I have seen him. He lives in Perham now where he has his own repair shop

Past week Steve Larson visitation and funeral; weekend at wmstr –Rollag; helped with NAPS, attended BBB at met lounge; attended Marvin Brown visitation at funeral home

Thursday, September 1, 2016

donnelly news

Sept. 3rd- 9th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: it was a fantastic weekend for the Donnelly Threshing Bee, some early morning rains on Saturday and Sunday helped settle the dust, the rest of weekend was sunny and mild
St. John’s Kongsvinger news:
There will be 140th anniversary celebration for Kongsvinger on Sept. 18th  beginning with dedication of the remodeled church basement at 9:30 a.m. followed by coffee hour., services with Holy Communion at 11 a.m. followed by a potluck dinner followed by cupcakes and ice cream. RSVP to parish office by September 3rd
God’s work our hands will be held on Sept. 11th    starting with a sendoff service at 8:30 a.m. at St. john’s   Part of the day will be spent cleaning up Kongsvinger for the celebration if you want to help, or you need some assistance or know somebody that does (i.e. yard raking, washing windows etc.) contact the parish office to sign up or for more info at 246-3211
Good shepherd:  rally Sunday will be held on Sept. 11 with a potluck dinner following adult ed
Other church news FMSC update: With the help of 658 volunteers, including several groups of volunteers, this event packed 900 boxes of food for a grand total of 194,000 meals. That is enough food to feed 532 children for one year!!! Mark Koepke and I were among those who helped out at the event
Church without walls will be held at First and Faith Lutheran on Sept 11th
Kids for truth at first Baptist-Morris on Sept. 14th @ 6 pm they also have new service times Sunday school at 9:30 am and services at 10:30 am

Septemberfest will be held at Assumption –Morris on Sept. 18th starting with mass at 10 am and continuing with a dinner, children’s carnival, auction etc.
Community news I will have more info about RUSC Kinship fall festival on Oct. 7th in future columns
Sons of Norway Norskfødt Lodge will sponsor an organ concert by Patricia Lundeen on September 19, 2016, 7 pm at First Lutheran Church. Refreshments will be served following the concert.
Death notice Steve Larson of Donnelly passed away on Aug. 28th his funeral is today (sat.) at Kongsvinger.  Local Survivors include his wife Audrey; step daughters Ashley, Hannah (Jeremy Michaelson) parents Don and Algene Larson; Grandmother Bertha Larson and other family in the Donnelly area
Former Donnelly resident Conrad Johnsen passed away on Aug. 19th, his dad was the late Lynn Johnsen who worked at the elevator in Donnelly for many years

New Threshing Bee royalty;  queen Logan Mau princess Ryanne Bisgard little miss Donnelly Cassie Fults little miss princess Addison Cihak congrats to all! I know they will do a great job representing Donnelly during the next year. 
Traveling parade trophy went to Kongsvinger will have more results in later columns
Well another successful Bee is in the books thanks to everyone who came out and helped and attended.  Reminder the 2017 Bee will be held on Aug. 26 and 27th and feature will be Allis Chalmers if you have any ideas suggestions etc. for future bees and/or other events you can bring them to the next community club meeting on Sept 12th at 7 pm in the community hall. Thanks to everyone who came out to work night on Aug. 30th to take things down and put stuff away.
OPEN HOUSE BRIDAL SHOWER for Alissa Melberg, (daughter of Penny Melberg and Jay Melberg) bride-to-be of Kirby Sayles, will be held at the Kongsvinger Parish Hall on Saturday, September 10, 2016, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. The shower is being hosted by her family. Everyone (including men) is welcome to attend!
Donnelly Rod and Gun club annual trap shoot will be held at Harstad slough on Sept 11th noon to 4 pm
Well the’16-’17 high school sports season is underway.  Tiger cross country (tiger invitational) girls (6th) Savanah Aanerud (17th) JV Auddy Speer (23rd) boys (7th) Micah Aanerud (83rd)
Lilly Joy Johnson was born on July 3, 2016 at Sanford Medical Center in Fargo to Jeremiah and Erica Johnson. Grandparents are Dawn Johnson of Wheaton, Randy and Gayle Johnson of Fargo, and Jerry and Wanda Cin of Morris.

St co fair results club rendsville won reserve champion in  community pride  and club secretary; grand championship in club banner, county fair promo ,club project , club reporter stampede received grand championship for club secretary  for individual results see the supplement to the Aug. 28th edition of the Morris sun tribune.  I will have state fair results in future columns