March 19-25th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: well the arrival of mild temps means things
are looking good for an early spring
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:
There will be joint services on March 20th at 11 a.m. at St.
John’s, no ss on Mar 27th
Anyone wishing to purchase an Easter Lilly sign up at ea.
church or contact the parish office
Maundy Thur. supper at 6 p.m. services at 7 p.m. at St. John’s;
Good Fri.: Pancake supper at 6 p.m.; services at 7 p.m. at Kongsvinger
Good shepherd news: Maundy Thursday and Good Fri services at
7 p.m. at the church.
For details on Holy week services
at area churches see the ad in the Mar 19th edition of the paper
Other church news: St Pat’s day dinner at Assumption-Morris March
20th from 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m. at the church tickets available at the
The "This and That sale" will be held at the
Federated Church in Morris today (Sat.) from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Emmanuel h.s/college choir from Eau Claire Wis. will be in
concert at 1 pm at Bethel Lutheran –Morris free will offering
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main
Street in Donnelly on March 28th from 3:45-4 p.m.
Deer hunter banquet today (Sat) at the Amory –Morris starter
event at 5 p.m. banquet at 7 p.m. contact Doug cardwell 287-1386 Doug wilts
760-1627 for tickets.
Donnelly co-op annual meeting on Mar 31st at
community hall starting with a noon meal meeting to follow
The 4th Annual Sgt. Kurt Kruize Foundation Dinner will be
held on Saturday, April 2nd from 3:00 to 7:00p.m. at the Hancock Community
Center in Hancock. Free will donations
Death notices: Melvin Brunkow of Herman, formerly of the
Donnelly area passed away Mar 10th; survivors include his sister Virene
Olson of Morris.
Grace Ernst of Morris, passed away on Mar 14th she
was preceded in death by her sisters Lydia Cin and Edna kling
Celebrations: Becca Holland will be one of the participants
in the Tim Orth memorial foundation “jam the gym” at BOLD H.S. today (Sat.)
Joan Kopacek, Helen Kill and Janet Malo were among those
taking the VFW District 5 Legislative bus to the Capital on Wednesday 16th for
“Veterans on the Hill Day”. While there they met with Jeff Backer and admired
the outside of the capital restoration.
New address Lillian Heinrich C% Scott and Beth Heinrich 506
e 9th st Morris mn 56267
Note due to the painting going on at the CC Mall my news
container at McCollar Jewelry will be temporarily unavailable you can leave
news on his counter if you wish
The Donnelly community club had their annual meeting on Mar
15th at the town hall. We had one of the most successful years in a
long time. All directors were reelected, this year’s show is on August 27th
and 28th and will feature John Deere. Next community club mtg is
Apr. 12th at 7 p.m., note change of date
The st co rep party had their county convention on Mar 12th
at the legion in Morris. We heard from Rep. Jeff Backer and Amanda Hinson
candidate for 7th dist. Congressional republican endorsement
Today I had an fb message from my best friend when I was
growing up Roger Johnsen, his dad used to be manager of the GTA elevator In
Donnelly. He lives in Perham now, both his folks are deceased.
Past week Lenten services gslc, open house at heartland motors,
elca glacial ridge conference at our redeemers -Hancock
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