Thursday, March 10, 2016

donnelly news

March 12-18th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news: this issue is dedicated to the memory of mom June Ekholm Anderson who passed away on March 14th 2004
Weather news: well this week we have gone from summer to fall to winter in the matter of a few days as temps have gone from very mild to very cool with some light snow on Mar 9th
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:  Lenten services will conclude at Kongsvinger March 16th at 7 p.m. with coffee hr. to follow
There will be joint services on March 20th at 11 a.m. at St. John’s
Youth club will meet on March 16th from 4-6 p.m. at St John’s.
St. John’s WELCA will be having their annual St. Pats day party at the WWV on March 17th at 2 p.m.
Anyone wishing to purchase an Easter Lilly sign up at ea. church or contact the parish office
Good shepherd news. Lenten services continue ever Wed at 7 p.m. until Holy week.
For details on Holly week services at area churches see the ad in the Mar 19th edition of the paper
Other church news: Glacial Ridge Conference Assembly (ELCA) will be held on March 13th at Our Redeemers, Hancock beginning with registration at 1:30p.m.
Paul and Penny Rhoda will present a testimony of faith they title: “Experiencing God’s Mercy on the Road to Emmaus and Beyond.” Today (sat.) at 2 p.m. at assumption catholic church

St Pat’s day dinner at assumption-Morris March 20th from 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m. at the church tickets available at the door
The "This and That sale" will be held at the Federated Church in Morris on March 19th from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on March 14th from 3:45-4 p.m.
Deer hunter banquet on March 19th at the Amory –Morris starter event at 5 p.m. banquet at 7 p.m. contact Doug cardwell 287-1386 Doug wilts 760-1627 for tickets.

The Stevens county Republican Party will have their county convention today (sat) at 7 p.m. at the Legion.
Donnelly community club will have their annual meeting on Mar. 15th, with supper at 6:30 pm meeting to follow. Dues can be paid at the door
Death notices: none
Celebrations: Randy Wayne Erdahl was born to Aaron and Kayla Erdahl of Donnelly March 7 2016 grandparents Steve and Sue Erdahl Nelson of Donnelly, Kevin and Sherry Wohlers of MorrisGreat-grandparents are Denny and Linda Dahl, Connie Wohlers, Bernice Erdahl, and Dorothy Kiser.
Christina Kaylene Olson was born Feb. 20, 2016 at Ridgeview Medical Center to David and Ashley Olson of Waconia. Grandparents are Loren and Kaylene Mecklenburg of Morris and Keith and Sheila Olson of Victoria. Great-grandparents are David Mecklenburg and Marge Kleinhans of Morris, Don and Judy Landmark of Golden Valley, and Roland and Donna Olson of Victoria. A baby shower for Christina Kaylene Olson, will be held today (Sat.) from 1 to 3 p.m. at First Baptist Church, Morris
Youth wrestling: Zavier and Kylen Running Hawk and Tristian Raths qualified for the regionals at a meet in Benson last week.
Keaton Long was a member of the knight wrestling team that was named academic all state at the state wrestling tournament
New address Lillian Heinrich C% Scott and Beth Heinrich 506 e 9th st Morris mn 56267
Note due to the painting going on at the CC Mall my news container at McCollar Jewelry will be temporarily unavailable you can leave it on his counter if you wish
Mark Koepke and I attended the 100th birthday party at sunrise apartments on Mar 5th for Ruth Strand afterwards we visited my aunt Pearl. We also attended the visitation for Sid Wilcox Sun at the Pedersen funeral home.
 I also attended his funeral on Mon at faith Lutheran-Morris and ,on Tuesday the funeral for Kenneth Hauggorde at the funeral home; mafccla waffle fundraiser at the school and nhas annual meeting at the hotel 200,evangelism cmte mtg and Lenten services @GSLC

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