Thursday, March 31, 2016

donnelly news

Apr. 2nd -8th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news:well the weather remains cool although I have not personally seen any farmers in the field I have heard there are a few out scratching around.
St John’s/Kongsvinger news cradle row Sun. is Apr. 3rd at Kongsvinger
Services will be broadcast on Apr. 10th at 11`a.m. on Kmrs in memory of Ervin and Leana Smith by Gary and Pat smith and family
Kongsvinger Krusaders is recruiting team members for the Stevens county relay for life; they will have an organizing meeting after church on April 17th. Also if you purchase tickets for the April 30th twins game a portion of the proceeds will go to the Krusaders. Contact the parish office for more info about either event
St John’s spring fling is April 16th at the church if you have items for it (no clothes) you can bring it to the church after April 10th more info call 246-3278 or the church office at 246-3211
Gslc news on April 3rd there will be a special meeting following services to discuss options for the parking lot; following the meeting, during adult Ed at about 10:45 a.m. Kay Curfman from options for women will make a presentation about “Alexandria’s miracle mission"
Other church news: Lutheran campus ministry donor appreciation supper April 5th   at faith Morris hors d’oeuvrers served at 5:30 p.m. dinner at 6 p.m. black tie optional more info 589-4554
Real ministries will have their monthly event at the Morris community church on April 9th starting with snacks at 6:30 p.m. and music starting at 7 p.m.
Glacial Ridge Women’s Spring Conference (ELCA) on April 11th at Fron Lutheran Church in Starbuck. Registration begins at 4:30p.m.
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on April 11th from 3:45-4 p.m.
The 4th Annual Sgt. Kurt Kruize Foundation Dinner will be held today (Sat.) from 3:00 to 7:00p.m. at the Hancock Community Center in Hancock.  Free will donations
Donnelly city council and rendsville 4-h will meet on April 4th at 7 p.m. at city hall and St. John’s Lutheran church, prior to the council meeting there will be a board of equalization mtg at 6:30 pm
Stevens County Genealogical society will meet on April 7th at 1:30 p.m. at the library in Morris
Donnelly community club first meeting of the yr. will be held on Apr. 12th at 7 pm at the town hall. Note change of date.
The Donnelly fire dept. will meet on Apr.11 and 18th at 7 pm at the fire hall bar bingo at a place to be on Apr 1st at 7 pm last one until fall
Someplace safe annual Belgian waffle fundraiser April 10th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. old # 1 Southside Morris tickets available at the door
Morris Non- profit expo on Apr. 11th at Morris area elementary school from 5:30-7 pm
Board of equalization for Donnelly twp. will meet on Apr. 4th at 9 a.m. at the don Larson home (53904 120th st) Donnelly, rendsville twp. will meet at 1:30 pm at the st co courthouse more info call the st co assessor’s office
Donnelly Rod and Gun Club annual meeting will be held on April 5th at the Donnelly city hall. Activities start with Social hour and registration at 6:00 p.m. with dinner served at 7:00 pm with meeting and prizes to follow
Lee and Judy Johnston of Morris announce the engagement of their daughter, Natalie, to Dustin Compart, son of Chris and Rochelle Compart of Nicollet.
Morris Area High School will be sending one Knowledge Bowl team to the state tournament on April 12 and 14. Adam uphoff is a member of that team
Tiger wrestling Brady cardwell was named one of the outstanding wrestlers for the past season
Taylor Nohl was part of the mycoen seed team that won the Morris area community Ed men’s bb league tournament, brody bahr was a member of the radio shack team that won the consolation championship
Congratulations to former Donnelly area resident Pearl (Larson) Amundson who recently celebrated her 90th birthday

The republican senate district 12 endorsing convention will be held on Apr. 9th starting at 9:30 a.m. at the starbuck community center
Former Donnelly area resident Donnie Smith will have his 29th annual bike and car show on April 2nd and 3rd at the river center in St Paul ,today (sat) 9 a.m.-7p.m. and on Apr. 3rd 10 a.m. -5 p.m.
Rev Mike Nelson was recently elected to the board of Lutheran campus ministry in Morris
2015 trap season winner was Alberta wild Jim Neal was a member of that team, shoot off winner were moose island raiders all members are or were from Donnelly, Ryan smith was given a 50 straight patch for his shooting
Twp. election results Donnelly twp. Chester Larson chair Richard Olsen supervisor rollie Speer supervisor, don Larson clerk, Craig awsumb tres.  Eldorado rob Kopel chair, mark lambert, sup, Lowell Simpson sup, Duane wilts clerk, Gary Brunkow tres pep Paul Daly chair, les Kopel sup, mike kill sup. Judy Johnston clerk, Greg Fynboh tres rendsville harry Kruize chair dick wente sup mark Erickson sup Philip Kloos clerk Lowell searl tres.
Death notices none
Mar 26th Mark Koepke and I attended the open house at the grant co choppers in Herman
    Past wk. Maundy Thurs. and good Fri. services at Gs, visited my aunt Pearl at her apt. to wish her a happy Easter, open house at heartland Mtrs.  And Wbl annual mtg Minnewaska house followed by visits to some friends in the area.

Friday, March 25, 2016

donnelly news

March 26th-apr 1st
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: although spring has officially arrived it has been a cool start to it temps have been mild but wind has made it seem colder than it is. Some areas of the state got some snow this week.
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:  no ss on March 27th
Kongsvinger Krusaders is recruiting team members for the Stevens county relay for life; they will have an organizing meeting after church on April 17th. Also if you purchase tickets for the April 30th twins game a portion of the proceeds will go to the Krusaders. Contact the parish office for more info about either event
St John’s spring fling is April 16th at the church if you have items for it(no clothes) you can bring it to the church after April13th more info call 246-3278
Gslc news there will be a special meeting following services on April3rd to discuss options for the parking lot
Other church news: there will be an Easter sunrise service at St John’s starbuck on March 27th at 7:30 a.m.
Lutheran campus ministry donor appreciation supper April 5th   at faith Morris hors d’oeuvrers served at 5:30 p.m. dinner at 6 p.m. black tie optional more info 589-4554
Real ministries will have their monthly event at the Morris community church on April 9th starting with snacks at 6:30 p.m. and music starting at 7 p.m.
Burgers blessing and beverages will return on wed evenings starting March 30th at old # 1 Southside starting at 7 p.m.
Glacial Ridge Women’s Spring Conference (ELCA) on April 11th at Fron Lutheran Church in Starbuck. Registration begins at 4:30p.m.
UMM students are invited to a delicious and free Easter brunch in the church basement on Sunday, March 27th from 11:30 a.m. –12:30 at assumption Morris

Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on April4th from 3:45-4 p.m.
Donnelly co-op annual meeting on March 31st at community hall starting with a noon meal meeting to follow
The 4th Annual Sgt. Kurt Kruize Foundation Dinner will be held April 2nd from 3:00 to 7:00p.m. at the Hancock Community Center in Hancock.  Free will donations
The st co dfl party will meet April 2nd at 7 p.m. at the legion Morris
Donnelly city council and rendsville 4-h will meet on April 4th at 7 p.m. at city hall and St. John’s Lutheran church
Stevens County Genealogical society will meet on April 7th at 1:30 p.m. at the library in Morris
Former Donnelly area resident Donnie Smith will have his 29th annual bike and car show on April 2 and 3rd at the river center in St Paul on April 2 9a.m.-7p.m. and 3rd 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
Habit for humanity annual pork chop supper at the legion-Morris on April1 starting at 4:30 p.m. free will offering
 A baby shower in honor of Matt and Mary (Lonergan) Cullum's soon-to-arrive baby boy will be held at Hotel 200 in the Cougar Room from 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturday March 26. Mary is the daughter of Dave and Elsie Lonergan,
Someplace safe annual Belgian waffle fundraiser April 10th 9a.m.-12:30 p.m. old # 1 Southside Morris tickets available at the door
Rev Mike Nelson was recently elected to the board of Lutheran campus ministry in Morris
4-h news Jonna Moser was a member of the sr. white project bowl team that advanced to state competition. Lee Johnston was the coach Justin Moser was a member of the Jr. White team that also advanced to the state competition
Becca Holland of the tiger bb team earned academic all- state honors
Tiger gymnastics Savahnnah Aanerud was named to west central conference all-conference team
Death notices former Donnelly area resident Joann Graff passed away on March 19th.survious include her husband arven daughter Kathy (Wayne) Werk and son and Keith (Brenda) and their families
Grace Earnst passed away on March 14th survivors include her nephew Les (Lyla) Cin and niece Irene Strand and their families, both are former Donnelly area residents

Note due to the painting going on at the CC Mall my news container at McCollar Jewelry will be temporarily unavailable you can leave news on his counter if you wish
Past wk. Lenten services Gs, kmrs spring expo, st j st pat’s day party at WWV visited some residents afterwards, open house at Barrett care center visiting some residents afterwards, funeral for Georgia Libbon at Zion and visitation for Joann Graff at the Pedersen funeral home and the funeral at Kong.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

donnelly news

March 19-25th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: well the arrival of mild temps means things are looking good for an early spring
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:  There will be joint services on March 20th at 11 a.m. at St. John’s, no ss on Mar 27th
Anyone wishing to purchase an Easter Lilly sign up at ea. church or contact the parish office
Maundy Thur. supper at 6 p.m. services at 7 p.m. at St. John’s; Good Fri.: Pancake supper at 6 p.m.; services at 7 p.m. at Kongsvinger
Good shepherd news: Maundy Thursday and Good Fri services at 7 p.m. at the church.
For details on Holy week services at area churches see the ad in the Mar 19th edition of the paper
Other church news: St Pat’s day dinner at Assumption-Morris March 20th from 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m. at the church tickets available at the door
The "This and That sale" will be held at the Federated Church in Morris today (Sat.) from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Emmanuel h.s/college choir from Eau Claire Wis. will be in concert at 1 pm at Bethel Lutheran –Morris free will offering 
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on March 28th from 3:45-4 p.m.
Deer hunter banquet today (Sat) at the Amory –Morris starter event at 5 p.m. banquet at 7 p.m. contact Doug cardwell 287-1386 Doug wilts 760-1627 for tickets.
Donnelly co-op annual meeting on Mar 31st at community hall starting with a noon meal meeting to follow
The 4th Annual Sgt. Kurt Kruize Foundation Dinner will be held on Saturday, April 2nd from 3:00 to 7:00p.m. at the Hancock Community Center in Hancock.  Free will donations

Death notices: Melvin Brunkow of Herman, formerly of the Donnelly area passed away Mar 10th; survivors include his sister Virene Olson of Morris.
Grace Ernst of Morris, passed away on Mar 14th she was preceded in death by her sisters Lydia Cin and Edna kling
Celebrations: Becca Holland will be one of the participants in the Tim Orth memorial foundation “jam the gym” at BOLD H.S. today (Sat.)
Joan Kopacek, Helen Kill and Janet Malo were among those taking the VFW District 5 Legislative bus to the Capital on Wednesday 16th for “Veterans on the Hill Day”. While there they met with Jeff Backer and admired the outside of the capital restoration. 

New address Lillian Heinrich C% Scott and Beth Heinrich 506 e 9th st Morris mn 56267
Note due to the painting going on at the CC Mall my news container at McCollar Jewelry will be temporarily unavailable you can leave news on his counter if you wish
The Donnelly community club had their annual meeting on Mar 15th at the town hall. We had one of the most successful years in a long time. All directors were reelected, this year’s show is on August 27th and 28th and will feature John Deere. Next community club mtg is Apr. 12th at 7 p.m., note change of date
The st co rep party had their county convention on Mar 12th at the legion in Morris. We heard from Rep. Jeff Backer and Amanda Hinson candidate for 7th dist. Congressional republican endorsement
Today I had an fb message from my best friend when I was growing up Roger Johnsen, his dad used to be manager of the GTA elevator In Donnelly. He lives in Perham now, both his folks are deceased.
Past week Lenten services gslc, open house at heartland motors, elca glacial ridge conference at our redeemers -Hancock

Thursday, March 10, 2016

donnelly news

March 12-18th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news: this issue is dedicated to the memory of mom June Ekholm Anderson who passed away on March 14th 2004
Weather news: well this week we have gone from summer to fall to winter in the matter of a few days as temps have gone from very mild to very cool with some light snow on Mar 9th
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:  Lenten services will conclude at Kongsvinger March 16th at 7 p.m. with coffee hr. to follow
There will be joint services on March 20th at 11 a.m. at St. John’s
Youth club will meet on March 16th from 4-6 p.m. at St John’s.
St. John’s WELCA will be having their annual St. Pats day party at the WWV on March 17th at 2 p.m.
Anyone wishing to purchase an Easter Lilly sign up at ea. church or contact the parish office
Good shepherd news. Lenten services continue ever Wed at 7 p.m. until Holy week.
For details on Holly week services at area churches see the ad in the Mar 19th edition of the paper
Other church news: Glacial Ridge Conference Assembly (ELCA) will be held on March 13th at Our Redeemers, Hancock beginning with registration at 1:30p.m.
Paul and Penny Rhoda will present a testimony of faith they title: “Experiencing God’s Mercy on the Road to Emmaus and Beyond.” Today (sat.) at 2 p.m. at assumption catholic church

St Pat’s day dinner at assumption-Morris March 20th from 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m. at the church tickets available at the door
The "This and That sale" will be held at the Federated Church in Morris on March 19th from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on March 14th from 3:45-4 p.m.
Deer hunter banquet on March 19th at the Amory –Morris starter event at 5 p.m. banquet at 7 p.m. contact Doug cardwell 287-1386 Doug wilts 760-1627 for tickets.

The Stevens county Republican Party will have their county convention today (sat) at 7 p.m. at the Legion.
Donnelly community club will have their annual meeting on Mar. 15th, with supper at 6:30 pm meeting to follow. Dues can be paid at the door
Death notices: none
Celebrations: Randy Wayne Erdahl was born to Aaron and Kayla Erdahl of Donnelly March 7 2016 grandparents Steve and Sue Erdahl Nelson of Donnelly, Kevin and Sherry Wohlers of MorrisGreat-grandparents are Denny and Linda Dahl, Connie Wohlers, Bernice Erdahl, and Dorothy Kiser.
Christina Kaylene Olson was born Feb. 20, 2016 at Ridgeview Medical Center to David and Ashley Olson of Waconia. Grandparents are Loren and Kaylene Mecklenburg of Morris and Keith and Sheila Olson of Victoria. Great-grandparents are David Mecklenburg and Marge Kleinhans of Morris, Don and Judy Landmark of Golden Valley, and Roland and Donna Olson of Victoria. A baby shower for Christina Kaylene Olson, will be held today (Sat.) from 1 to 3 p.m. at First Baptist Church, Morris
Youth wrestling: Zavier and Kylen Running Hawk and Tristian Raths qualified for the regionals at a meet in Benson last week.
Keaton Long was a member of the knight wrestling team that was named academic all state at the state wrestling tournament
New address Lillian Heinrich C% Scott and Beth Heinrich 506 e 9th st Morris mn 56267
Note due to the painting going on at the CC Mall my news container at McCollar Jewelry will be temporarily unavailable you can leave it on his counter if you wish
Mark Koepke and I attended the 100th birthday party at sunrise apartments on Mar 5th for Ruth Strand afterwards we visited my aunt Pearl. We also attended the visitation for Sid Wilcox Sun at the Pedersen funeral home.
 I also attended his funeral on Mon at faith Lutheran-Morris and ,on Tuesday the funeral for Kenneth Hauggorde at the funeral home; mafccla waffle fundraiser at the school and nhas annual meeting at the hotel 200,evangelism cmte mtg and Lenten services @GSLC

Thursday, March 3, 2016

donnelly news

Mar 5th-11th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news:
Weather news: well Mar has come in somewhat like a lion although temps have not been too bad the wind has been very cold.  Except for snow piles and sheltered area most of the snow is gone.
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:  Lenten services will again alternate between St John’s Mar 9th and Kongsvinger Mar 16th and at 7 p.m. with coffee hr. to follow
KONGSVINGER EASTER LILY MEMORIAL GARDEN – The signup sheet to order Easter lilies is up in the narthex at Kongsvinger. Please indicate the number of lilies you wish to purchase and the memorial/honoree information. The cost of the lilies will be $12.50 each – payable to KLCW. If you have questions, please contact Deb Erickson or Cork Loge. There is also a signup sheet for St. John’s at the church too (same price) contact the church office for more info
St. John’s WELCA will be having their annual St. Pats day party at the WWV on Mar 17th at 2 pm
Good shepherd news. Lenten continue ever Wed at 7 p.m. until Holy week.
New member sun is Mar. 6th
Other church news: Glacial Ridge Conference Assembly (ELCA) will be held on March 13th at Our Redeemers, Hancock beginning with registration at 1:30p.m.
Mn all state Lutheran choir, will be having additions throughout the St. of mn until Mar 7th call 651-707-0727 for more info.
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on Mar 14th from 3:45-4 p.m.
Former Donnelly area resident Ruth Strand will be celebrating her 100th birthday today (Sat.) at the sunrise apartments (6 Thomas Street) in Morris from 2-5 p.m. everyone welcome no gifts please
Christina aylene Olson was born on Feb 20 to David and Ashley (Mecklenburg) Olson of Norwood Young America mn, grandparents are Kaylene and Loren Mecklenburg of Morris, Keith and Sheila Olson of Victoria mn great grandmother is Marge Kleinhans of Morris.  A baby shower for Christina Kaylene Olson, will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016 from 1 to 3 p.m. at First Baptist Church, Morris.
The 2016 RTA phone directories are now out extra copies are available HD and co Donnelly.
Township annual meeting and elections will he held on Mar 8th at various locations. Most voting is from 5-8 p.m. with meetings at 4 p.m. check with your local county auditor office for specific meeting places and times 
The Donnelly city council and rendsville 4—h will meet in Donnelly at the city hall and St. John’s Lutheran church on Mar 7th at 7 p.m.
New horizons Ag services annual meeting Mar 7 @ hotel 200 Morris starting with lunch at noon meeting to follow
Death notices:
Elsie Iverson, of Alexandria ON Feb 25th survivors include her brother former Donnelly area resident John Delong
Phyllis M. (Knutson) Erickson of Glenwood passed away on Feb 25th, survivors include her sister former Donnelly area resident marge Kleinhans of Morris and her family
Former Donnelly resident Sid Wilcox passed away on Feb 29th his services are on Mar 7th at 10:30 am at faith Morris
Celebrations: Audrey Marie Gerber was born on January 22, 2016 to Jake and Krista Gerber of Elbow Lake, Mico Ayala was born to   Erik and Becca Ayala of St. Paul on Feb. 25th. Grandparents are Rev. and Mrs. Mike Nelson of Donnelly
FFA officers include Becca Holland Jonna Moser, Savannah Aanerud ,Savannah also received region 3 secretary award other awards she won include: being part of the ag communications team that placed 2nd at the state convention and first in the regional cde in extemporaneous speaking and will compete at the state level; Beth Holland earned an American decree at nationals her sister Becca ,Savannah  and Jonna  competed in proficiency areas at completed applications and then interviewed at the regional level   they placed first and will advance to the state, Becca and Jonna will receive state degrees this year

St co 4-h share the fun awards included Scarlet Bergstrom-McKee and Alayna Perkins of the Rendsville 4-H Club receiving the Best Costume Award.
Keaton Long was a member of the Knights wrestling team that placed 6th in the state tournament
Past week concert at Morris community church, pancake breakfast at Zion Morris, visiting friends at the Barrett care center, community meal at faith-Morris westrom/backer town hall meeting precinct caucuses at hotel 200