Next edition Aug. 9th-15th
Welcome another edition of the Donnelly news;
Weather news: the weather for the past week has been hot
and dry, we need rain. Irrigation and sprinkler systems are in full use around
here. The garden produce displayed at the Glenwood fair looked nice.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: There will be joint
services at Kongsvinger on Aug. 10th and at St John’s on Aug.17th
and 31st at 9 am.
The parish will be leading services under the big top
tent on the threshing bee grounds on Aug. 24th.
Story time at St John’s Aug. 13th, 20th, 27th at 6:30 pm
Joint council on Aug. 17th at St John’s at 10
am note change of date
Good shepherd news: New address; Rev and Mrs. Mike Hanson
248 South Columbia Ave Morris MN 56267. I was among the members of the church
who helped them get moved in on Aug 1st. The house is right across the
St. from the school parking lot.
Other church events Two upcoming events at the main
shelter at Pomme de park; the Thrivent picnic is on Aug. 20 at 3:30 pm and Hope
and Healing picnic sponsored by Pedersen funeral home on Aug.18th at 5:30 pm
Faith Lutheran congregational picnic will be held at
Wells Park on Aug. 17th at 4 pm.
Feed my starving children packing event is Aug. 26th-27th
at Morris area elementary school cafeteria.
Community news: A baby shower for Erin Ersted and her
baby boy to be born in October will be held on Saturday, Aug. 9 from 10:30 a.m.
to 1 p.m. at the home of Paul and Renee Ersted, 10301 Pocket Lake Road SW,
Lowry, MN 56349.
Primary Election Day is Aug. 12th most voters in the
Donnelly area will vote at the Donnelly hall.
Celebrations: 10u baseball team took second at the state
tournament in Rosemont recently; Jackson Loge and Brandon Jergenson were
members of that team Rob Jergenson was one of the coaches. They also took second in a tournament in Raymond
and won their home tournament in late June.
Yvonne Evenson was part of the PDT lady’s scramble team
that finished second, Penny Melberg was part of a team that finished third.
The threshing bee royalty candidates will be introduced
on Aug. 11th at 7:30 pm prior to the community club meeting at 8:30 pm
The Donnelly fire department “old guys” took 2nd
at the crazy day water fights in Morris
The threshing bee is Aug. 23rd and 24th the feature this
year is Ford next year it will be anything made in 1965.advance sale buttons
are now on sale at various business in Donnelly we are getting posters up
around the area, I do have a few at McCollar jewelry, if you want one let me
know I will make sure you get one. The web page is
there is also a Facebook page. I do plan to have my golf cart on the grounds
again this year for use by handicapped individuals.
Sunday activities start off with an open air church
services under the big top tent and continue with the classic car show, a
parade through downtown, the pony and horse pull and ends with a drawing for
various prizes. There will be food stands on the grounds as well as displays in
the depot and school house and on the grounds and demonstrations such as wood
sawing both days. Anyone is welcome to bring a display, do some demonstrating
music etc. More info 795-2437 e-mail
other contact info is on the website
There will be workdays on the grounds on Aug 19th
and 26th at 6:30 pm. Any help
before, during and after the bee is greatly appreciated.
The threshing bee royalty were part of the Flekkefest
parade in Elbow Lake on Aug 2nd. I also spent some time taking in
other Flekkefest activities over the weekend as well attending some events at
the Pope county fair in Glenwood. En-route home from the fair I stopped at
Samuelson’s drug in Starbuck to visit with our former postmistress Mary Shultz
for a few minutes. She said I was supposed to say “hi” to everyone in Donnelly
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