Thursday, July 10, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition July 12th-18th
Welcome another edition of the Donnelly news;
Weather news: lots of sunshine mild temps and some breeze made it a very pleasant weekend to be out and about, more rain this week means that crops especially the corn continue to look very good.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: There will be joint services at Kongsvinger on July 13th at and at St John ’s on July 27th at 9 am there will be coffee hour and Bible study after services at the host church unless otherwise announced.
Bp. Jon Anderson will be the guest speaker during joint services at St John’s on July 20th at 9 am, No bible study that day
The KLCW and St John’s WELCA will have a joint bible study at Kong on July 15th at 7:30 pm
The joint and individual council meetings will be held on July 16th at 7 pm at St John’s note change of date
Good Shepherd news: the July tithe will be split between reclaim resources and feed my starving children; coffee money goes to Sola publishing.
There will be no bible study on July 22nd.
 The July newsletter for both churches is now out extra copies are available in the back of all three churches.
Bethel Lutheran Morris will have VBS at their church on July 14-18th; First and Faith Lutheran churches-Morris will have VBS from July 28th August 1st at Faith
July 12th will be Pr. Martha Hanson’s last Sunday at St John’s Starbuck. She has decided that for now she will be a full –time stay at home mother. Brunch and program to follow services
Community news: July 14th the Community club will meet at the town hall and the fireman at fire hall both at 7 pm.
The Orpheum family of Grand Rapids MN will be playing and singing during the annual block party coordinated by the St. John’s Kongsvinger parish at the Threshing bee grounds on July 26th
The David Day memorial fishing tournament will be held on July 20th on Lake Minnewaska, the HQ is “the water’s edge” south of starbuck
Bev Nelson of New London passed away on July 5th ,her funeral is today (Saturday),in New London, she and her husband ,Rev Philip Nelson served the Morris Lutheran parish which included Kongsvinger from 1962-1967
Tiger track awards: Beth Holland most valuable sprinter, Savannah Aanerud most valuable distance, Beth and Kourtney Geise were named all-conference and Beth was a west central conference performer of the week
Tiger girls’ bb camp award winners included Becca Holland: free throw and 1 on 1
Elizabeth Holland and Rebekah Aanerud of Donnelly were both recipients of a $500 scholarship from Dacotah Bank. Both girls will be attending NDSU this fall.
The Donnelly Threshing Bee Royalty Committee is accepting nominations for our 2014 Royalty candidates. Nominations will be taken till July 15 and names can be entered in our drop boxes at these Donnelly Businesses: The Coop, Post Office and HD & Co. Questions can be directed to the Royalty Committee
The threshing bee royalty were part of the 4th of July parade in Hancock and the Heritage Days parade in Starbuck
Past week I helped with naps, attended the 4th of July celebration at Kongsvinger, and community celebrations in Hancock, Villard and Starbuck ,the open house at big stone therapies in Morris and the RTA meeting in Barrett

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