Wednesday, July 2, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition July 5th-11th
Welcome another edition of the Donnelly news;
Weather news: more heavy down pours last week meant more standing water in the area and the roof of St Mary’s school here in Morris collapsed causing a lot of damage in the school. In between showers farmers are busy spraying and putting up hay, so far most crops look good despite all the rain.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: there will be joint services at Kongsvinger on July 6th and 13th. There will be coffee hour and Bible study after services at the host church unless otherwise announced.
Bp. Jon Anderson will be the guest speaker during services at St John’s on July 20th.
The KLCW and st John’s WELCA will have a joint bible study at Kong on July 15th at 7:30 pm
The joint and individual council meetings will be held on July 16th at 7 pm at St John’s note change of date
Good Shepherd news: the July tithe will be split between reclaim resources and feed my starving children; coffee money goes to Sola publishing.
There will be no bible study on July 8th or the 22nd.
 The July newsletter for both churches is now out extra copies are available in the back of all three churches.
Trinity Lutheran Church- Cyrus is sponsoring a gospel message every Wed evening through Aug 27th with speakers from “Minn. Youth Alive” at the Venture Arts Center in Cyrus at 6:45 p.m.
Bethel Lutheran Morris will have VBS at their church on July 14-18th; First and Faith Lutheran churches-Morris will have VBS from July 28th August 1st at Faith
Community news: On July 7th the red hatters will meet at the Herman bar and grill at 9 am, the bookmobile will be in town at 3:30pm, the city council and rendsville 4-h will meet at 7 pm in the fire and town hall.
July 14th the Community club will meet at the town hall and the fireman at fire hall both at 7 pm
The Orpheum family of Grand Rapids MN will be playing and singing during the annual block party at the Threshing bee grounds on July 26th
Several employees at the West Central Research and Outreach Center in Morris have reached notable years of service: Gary Gulbrandson (30 years) and Keith Graff (25 years)

Mark Smith of Donnelly was one two employees at the West Central Research and Outreach Center, who received the Research Initiative Award in honor of their outstanding service and collaboration with University of Minnesota research projects. This award is granted by U of MN Research and Outreach Centers, with eight locations throughout the state of Minnesota.
Liz Aschman was recently installed as Chaplin of the American Legion Auxiliary
  Jerry and Joan Kopacek spent an enjoyable week at Luther Crest Bible Camp.  They also attended a concert at Mt Carmel by the touring Swedish Trio “Tio Con Brio Stockholm”.

When I got home from the funeral on Saturday I had a message from a Mr. Agoste (Donna’s Wolking’s son), stating that he and his aunt Dot were in the area, and asked me to call him back. Unfortunately by the time we connected he had left town, he said his aunt might return for St Mary’ school’s centennial celebration in Sept.  She was in the last class to graduate from there. The Wolking’s owned and operated the gas station in Donnelly where the Donnelly co-op is now
In the past week I attended the open house at Moore calves near Hancock, the Kiwanis talent contest at eastside park, the Fitzgerald auction in Morris, open house at prairie ridge medical center in Elbow Lake, Selma Bruse funeral in Herman, the ice cream social at St John’s Starbuck, the Viking land band festival in Alexandria, the new wine homecoming concert at First Lutheran Morris; visited with a friend in the Bethany home- Alexandria, Margret Kearns in Alberta, and Bill Telkamp in Morris
Most business in Donnelly will be closed on July 4th some will probably be closed on the 5th too
The Donnelly Threshing Bee Royalty Committee is accepting nominations for our 2014 Royalty candidates.
Eligibility age as of Aug 23, 2014 is as follows:
Little Miss Donnelly/Princess ages 8-10. 
Threshing Bee Queen/Princess ages 14-18.
Nominations will be taken till July 15 and names can be entered in our drop boxes at these Donnelly Businesses.  Donnelly Coop, Donnelly Post Office and HD & Co. 
Each girl nominated, will be contacted for verification.
Questions can be directed to the Royalty Committee - Sandra Dunn, Joan Fults, and Mary Werk.

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