Thursday, March 27, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition:  March 29nd-apr 4th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: although temperatures have not been too bad in the past week there has been a very strong  wind almost every day making it feel very cold out there, however much of the snow is gone.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Lenten services will again alternate between St John’s and Kongsvinger with coffee fellowship to follow. The complete schedule which also includes Holy week schedule is included in the March newsletter and is also posted on the doors of the churches.
The St John’s spring fling is April 12th items are wanted for the raffle and white elephant sale.  Contact Joan Kopacek at 246-3381 for a list of items you can bring them to the church starting on April 3rd.
Joint services at 11 a.m. at St John’s on March 30th note the change from what was announced earlier
Good Shepherd news:  Lenten services will be held every Wed @ 7 p.m. until Holy week. Confirmation services will be on April 13th
Community news: Lighthouse productions presents “Christy” at Central Square in Glenwood tonight (Saturday) at 7 p.m. and March 30th at 2 p.m. several members of the Andy Aanerud family are members of the cast
The 2nd Annual Sgt. Kurt Kruize Foundation Dinner (free will donation) will be held on April 5th from 3 – 7 P.M. at the Hancock Community Center. 
Someplace safe –Stevens County is having all you can eat Belgian waffle brunch on April 6th at Old # 1 Southside Morris from 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Donnelly rod and gun club annual meeting April 1st at west Pomme lodge registration begins at 5 p.m.
Jeanne Ennen announces that there will be upcoming meetings on the community mentoring program throughout Stevens County starting next month contact her for more info at 246-3316 or visit her Facebook page at
Red hatters meet April 7th @ 9 a.m. at the Herman bar and grill, the bookmobile will be in town at 3:30 p.m. @ HD & co, the rendsville 4-h, and the Donnelly city council will meet at 7 p.m. at the fire and community hall
There will be an open house bridal shower honoring Brandi Sperr, bride to be of Justin Johnston, Saturday, April 5, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Federated Church in Morris.
The Stevens county genealogical society will meet on April 3rd at 1:30 p.m.   at the west wind Village (room 108)
The 7th district republican endorsing convention will be held today (Saturday) at the holiday inn in Willmar
Muriel cardwell announces that after 25 years her business mc cutters will be closing on April 17th due to issues with carpal tunnel syndrome
Former Donnelly resident Karenna Johnson won an award for her science fair project “in other words- does learning a second language increase your mental flexibility?” ; at the Springfield MN elementary school and she will be going  to the regional competition next month.

Among the Winter Athletes of the Week recognized at the Tiger sports banquet were gymnasts Kourtney Giese, Savannah Aanerud, girls' basketball players Beth and Becca Holland, Rebekah Aanerud, boys’ basketball player Bryce Jergenson, and wrestling Jacob Speer
Beth Holland and Bryce Jergenson were selected to play in tomf “jam the gym” event today (Saturday) in Bird Island, doors open at 4 p.m.
Little Miss Donnelly Princess Jessalyn Marshall received 3rd place in her 5th grade class, at the Herman School Science Fair, for her exhibit on how the use of pulleys in Threshing  machines made threshing faster and easier than the use of Hand Flails
Thanks to Bob Burner the co-op manager for this: The Donnelly co-op held their annual meeting at the community center on March 20th starting with a noon meal served by the st John’s ladies. Pres. Mark Lampert called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m. Carol Boehland of Hennen & Associates presented the audit report Highlights were an increase of sales of $650,000 to 9.2 million and earnings of 7.777% which resulted in net savings of $717,270, a 35% cash distribution of $235,000 paid out with a $65,000 equity revolvement paid in Dec. 13 for a total of $300,000 to patrons, total sale increases over the past 3 yrs. have been over $3, 0000,000.  Other highlights include a presentation by Dave Whitmore agronomy manager about the purchase of a new 2014 rogator, a new bobcat, and a new 65 ft. anhydrous applicator, Mitch Daly was introduced as the new agronomist, his dad Paul Daly was thanked for his 12 years of service to the board. Chris Smith was reelected to the board and David Larson was elected to replace Paul Daly. At the board reorganization meeting Kirby Hufford was elected as Chairman, Chris as a vice chair, and Jerry Werk as Secretary. A good crowd was on hand for the event, thank you to the co-op for the nice cooler on wheels I won from them
in the past week Andy Brevig and I attended the district 12 republican endorsing convention in elbow lake (Jeff Backer won on the first ballot) Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended Lenten services and Bible study at good shepherd ,I spent some time at the KMRS/KKOK    spring expo, (thanks to the Stevens  county  pheasants forever chapter for the nice thermos I won from them out there) ,attended the lions pancake breakfast at the Lee Center, the visitation for Sam Logan at St Mary’s church in Chokio, the visitation for Charlie Berg  at the funeral home, and his memorial service at our Saviors Lutheran church in Chokio , played several games of bunko at good shepherd ,attended the white bear lake insurance company annual meeting at the Minnewaska house by starbuck (thanks to them for the nice little cooler I won) enroute to it I stopped to visit Rev and Mrs. Norm Olsen of rural Starbuck, enroute home I stopped to visit Darlene Christoferson at her home in Starbuck.



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